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When can i change vocation

2022.01.07 19:39

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User Info: Plutalis. Once you reach level 10, you can speak to the innkeeper at Gran Soren, or you can speak to Olra in Bitterblack Isle to change your vocation. Unlocking basic and advanced vocations will cost 1, discipline points; and unlocking hybrid vocations for the arisen will cost 1, discipline points.

Also, any tips on targetting as a mage? Is there something I'm just not getting to click here? Out of the two choices, I would say go Fighter - Strider - Ranger. The Fighter vocation will give you higher hp than the other two and tie for the highest attack of the three, so it would be the best to level as early on.

The drawback though is that Clout is received at rank 9, so that would take a large commitment. In terms of targetting as a mage, I don't think there is any real trick to it. IIRC the system pretty much just autoaims for you, unless you wish to target yourself in which case you can just click LS [the movement stick]. I haven't used magic in forever though, so I could be wrong. Aside from the differing playstyles, are there any mechanical or character-development reasons to switch?

Any character level you gain will grant you increased stats according to your current vocation , which means a lvl20 character that has been playing as a warrior from level one will have significantly different stats than one that was a mage from level While a lot of this difference can be mitigated with proper gear for your current vocation, it does affect the difficulty of combat since enemies stats do not scale with yours.

Secondly, and more importantly, any augments you unlock in a vocation is available to your character permantently, for all vocations.

Some augments from the strider vocation are very useful for a fighter, and some fighter augments are even useful for a mage like increased carrying capacity.

Both of these also apply to your main pawn, although augments are unlocked separately for you and the pawn, it doesn't automatically have access to your augments. Edit: I might add that any non-vocation weapon skills are retained when you switch vocation. This means a strider with all dagger skills unlocked that switches to assassin will still have access to any dagger skills that aren't specifically marked as strider only easily identified from the small class icon in the description.

If you switch back to strider later, you'll regain access to the strider skills i. This goes for the vocations too, if you spend the exp to unlock vocations you can switch between them without any cost afterwards. The vocation system is just the Dragon's Dogma version of a class system - it just changes play style.

As the pawn witnesses the varied techniques of a different vocation, they will vocalize that they learned a new technique. This will also help your pawn get better battle ratings when the pawn is hired. Staying as one vocation such as ranger will not help your pawn learn how to work with a fighter and therefore not be an effective rent for another arisen who is a fighter.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Doomvora View Profile View Posts. Min maxing only matters if youre trying to place in the leaderboards It is true that your strength will be low but that really only matters if youre trying to do leaderboard stuff with the UR-dragon.

Prefer assassin the most because counter moves. Last edited by Doomvora ; 15 Jan, pm. You can change vocation infinitely, the only limit is the 1 time Discipline fee for each of the Vocations. So you can play whatever vocation you want, whenever you want, and the game won't stop you. And yes, levels gained in one vocation apply the stat gains permanently to you, so other vocations get those gains, so 50 levels as Sorcerer will leave you a lot weaker against physical attacks compared to 50 as Fighter.

Last edited by ShinkuTear ; 15 Jan, pm.