Ameba Ownd


Where is atrea dragonfable

2022.01.07 19:39

But Thorn just has to make sure. He slams himself into his brother, pulling Fox against him in a hug. Fox himself tears up a little and snuggles into his younger brother as much as he can.

After a few minutes Thorn pulls away and looks at Fox. Thorn smiles, patting Fox's chest before standing up and grabbing his helmet, he's glad that his Ori'vod has come all the way back to his senses. As he begins to walk away, he notices that Fox hasn't moved, staying right where he is. It's only slightly deeper, but it's more gruff and has a sort of growl to it. I-I couldn't control it. He picks at the food on his tray, only taking maybe a tiny bit every few minutes. See ya later Little Bird.

CT looks back at his food and then to CT's tray, frowning when he sees that he hasn't eaten a lot of his food. CT walks through the halls of Kamino back to his bunk, alongside his batchmates, after his training is finished. He's feeling exhausted, not eating enough beforehand has made him tired and energy deprived. He stifles a yawn, but fails, letting the others know how tired he is.

They all smirk when one of them sticks his foot out. CT gasps as he trips over, falling to the floor and groans from the stinging feeling of the cold floor hitting his skin. And the way you eat it too, it's so weird.

The rest of his batchmates continue to bring him down. CT wishes that he never told the others about his dreams, where he wants to be, what he believes his purpose is in the war. He's always wanted to bring justice and order, patrolling the streets and helping others.

He's never really been keen about being on the frontlines, being surrounded by death, watching his brothers fall. No, he'd much rather do his part for the Republic on the streets of Coruscant. I have to just work hard and I'll be just fine! They all laugh at him. They all see CT coming towards them, a look of anger in his eyes.

He's such a thorn in our side. He then turns back to the batchmates. No one knows the future. He will never be strong enough to be a Coruscant guard. Once the both of them walk to a quieter corridor, the sound of sniffling echoes around, making CT turn his head to see CT with tears that had welled up in his eyes earlier, rolling down his face as he sobs. You will be a Coruscant guard. I promise. You are not weak. Don't let them get to your head, if you weren't doing well, then you wouldn't be here training to become a Clone Commander.

Now, I'm not letting you stay another night with those bullies, so until the Longnecks can transfer you to my group and get you a bunk of your own here, you can come and sleep in my bunk if you'd like? Let's go to Nala Se and then we'll get some shuteye. Thorn snaps out of his memories, triggered by the nickname, to see his Ori'Vod shaking a little, making him worry. It's alright, everything is going to okay. He's not sad about the fact that he could have been killed by his Ori'Vod, but the way that Fox thinks that it's his fault.

No no, what happened wasn't your fault at all. It was that thing, not you. You'd never hurt me. In fact, you made me stronger. Always picked me up and made me feel better when I couldn't.

Fox continues to back away, making Thorn stop. You knew me for about ten minutes when you swooped in and saved me. A weakling that should have been put on janitorial duty. Don't call yourself that!! You are the most protective brother I know, you would protect me with your life, even if I'd rather you not. Fox looks up at Thorn, his ears are still pressed back. I was so close to…" Fox doesn't even want to say what could have happened again, he hates it.

Thorn sighs sadly, but he looks at Fox with determination. I trust you. Please don't leave me, okay? I can't lose you, Foxy. Fox slowly walks up and Thorn kneels down, Fox places his forehead against Thorn's. You're my Little Bird, I love you. Once they're back at the barracks, heading in through the back entrance as not to be seen, they walk to Fox's room.

His door is still wide open from earlier, so Fox pads his way in first while Thorn keeps a lookout. After making sure the coast is clear, he hears a small whine from inside the bedroom. Everything alright? I don't want to be alone. I'll stay here for the night if you'd like? Thorn brings the chair over from Fox's desk and sits down in it. It's very comfortable because Fox will stay up for most of the night working at his desk, so Thorn got him it as a present for being the best Vod ever.

If it makes you uncomfortable, I completely understand if you don't want to. I just didn't think that you would be comfortable with it.

I'd love to, Foxy. Thorn climbs in next to him, lying close to his Ori'Vod, quite liking the soft feeling of his fur. I love you. The both of them look confused, until realisation dawns upon Fox's face. As long as you are happy, that's all that matters. I love you too, Foxy. Sleep well. Fox blinks his eyes open slowly, letting out a groan as he stretches. He shivers a little, feeling cold.

He opens his eyes and looks down at himself, his eyes widen as he realizes that he's human again! And completely naked. He can't believe this. Fox shivers again as he looks for the covers to cover himself, Thorn wakes from the movement. Thanks for getting me some clothes, Little Bird. He slips everything on, then grabs his armor and starts clipping it on.

The both of them walk into the break room, Fox slumps down on the sofa, pinching in between his eyebrows and shutting his eyes, as Thorn grabs them both a cup of caf. Oh, thanks. I can cover your shift for you. I've felt worse.

That's Commander Thorn and Commander Fox to the main office. He thought that his day would be easier than he thought, but he thought wrong. Fox, once again, refuses and starts heading to the main office, Thorn close behind him. We need you to bring in a group of criminals who are causing trouble a few blocks away. You are to stun them only if they refuse to come in, so take them with force if that is the necessary action to take.

Let's see This apartment building doesn't have many other places where they can escape, other than the front entrance and the back one. Their room is a few floors up too, so the window isn't an option for sure. The two of them head on in, blasters set to stun. They take the elevator up to the third floor, wanting to get there as quickly as possible to prevent any chance of the criminals escaping.

The door is a few doors down, so both Fox and Thorn run there, stopping just outside the door, nodding at each other and kicking down the door. There's a dark green Twi'lek, two orange and yellow Togruta, who look like twins, and then a shady looking human.

All of which just stand there. One of the two Togruta quickly grabs a gun and shoots Fox right in the shoulder, sending a jolt of pain down his spine. Just when he's about to stun the one who just shot him, Fox suddenly feels an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, causing him to collapse to the ground on his hands and knees, taking off his helmet, throwing it to the ground.

Thorn knows exactly what's happening when he sees orange fur sprouting on the back of Fox's neck. No no no, Fox. Though he quickly realises that it's no use and Fox's armour is getting tighter as he grows, bones rearranging and fur sprouting out as his blacks rip at the seams. His face elongating and hands turning into paws with claws at the end. As quickly as he can, he starts to take Fox's armour off, starting with the arms, already seeing it getting tighter and tighter around him.

The four criminals watch in fear. They've never seen anything like this in their entire lives. As Fox's armour gets too tight, it pops right off, leaving him crouching and whining, fully transformed.

He doesn't feel like he's in as much pain as before that's for sure. He shakes himself off, feeling a hand on his back, looking to his left to see Thorn, knowing that he's probably looking worried out of his mind. Looking back towards the criminals, they look horrified.

Thorn feels angry at them when Fox presses his ears back in fear. Thorn activates his comm device. We are sending troops to your location now. What the kriff!!! What creature!? Stone looks at Fox with wide eyes. Back to base. Thorn looks down at Fox as they walk. He only nods, making Thorn chuckle.

But you may have to wait until Stone has all the information about this he wants. It makes Thorn stop as well. And neither will Stone. None of us will let anyone hurt you, I promise.

As he cowers back, he sees Thorn and Stone brush past him, stepping in front of him. It's Fox. All of his other brothers' stare wide eyed at him. Forum Login Message. Niki Legendary AdventureGuide! We are not letting anyone near our asylum Zon'lzz Zon'lzz: Welcome, stranger. We are still in the process of rebuilding our home on this new world, but you are free to explore the Civil District.

Zon'lzz: Were you one of those that helped to save our people during the Rift War? From the armies of Wargoth? If you wish to visit the Spire, we can transport you there.

The Spire - teleports you to The Spire. Alz'ein Alz'ein: Hmmpf. Move along. If you've collected any paraginium, I have items to trade for it. Yolande Yolande: Greetings, Hero. I've heard great stories of your exploits on this world. Will you help us further in establishing our new home?

Talk Yolande: Atrea was our greatest city on Somorah. When the ancient danger arose again on our old world, we pooled all our energy to move it. Yolande: While we can no longer make our own dimensional portals, we were able to expand upon one that The Professor showed us.