Ameba Ownd


Where is sanguine in aqw

2022.01.07 19:39

Post : Doxus the OverLord Member. I agree with you. Artix really made a great plot. I was expecting anything other than the Groglurk by being the Scarletta's real form. Anyway, something will be even more cool when they shoot the Scarletta's class from ToD Is ALL the mirrors broken?

And by the meaning of the table What's it evil plans? How the table know that much about mysterious stranger? The next ToD release will be more interesting than our current one. Well maybe the table wasn't always a table and maybe was a being that got cursed or something and got turned into a table. Also why do u think Desolich sacrificed all dracoliches? I think there might be 2 reasons. And the second reason might be is that there is an empty realm now which was previously a dragon plane, but Desolich sacrificed all the inhabitants dragons turned into dracoliches of it in the war.

So maybe a brand new life will appear in this empty realm and start inhabiting it. And maybe Desolich knows that this new race will be powerful and wants to control it for his own reasons. Beshin Adin Member. Some people would disagree with me, but I thought Pax's story was the best in the ToD saga. I love those tournament-based releases 2.

I love Drakel Warlord class. AQ AQW. Evalis Member. Pax's story was fun. It also came with a new PvP map which is nice. I liked Ziri's story the most. He's hysterical! And going in, I'm like, how are we gonna beat a reality warper?

Except he's not. My favoirtes would go in this order: 1. Ziri - It was hilarious! Pax - I like to fight stuff. A Death Pit is right up my alley. Scarletta - She was the fiest villain I legit wanted to stop. Kidnapping is another level of wrong!

Sekt - The imagery was awesome, 4D Pyarmid is an extremely cool map even if it's confusing as all get out. Vaden - The Bone Castle was a fun dungeon raid. And the quest writeups were entertaining. Xeven - I kind of just blitzed through this one. I should play again and give it a fair shake. Veya Member. As far as Throne of Darkness goes, I think Xeight's was my favorite one, I've grown to like Chrono Assassin quite a bit, and it had a lot of variety with time traveling shaninegans, and Xeven was the only one in the table that was not reduced to a joke at the end of her story, in fact, she ended up cooler than she started, and the reveal that she probably is Vath's daughter The one I liked the least was Ziri's The other four Sekt's was confusing to say the least, and I don't think I am a fan of the whole "stable time loop", specially one that involves dying and resurrecting a literally million time.

Pax's made me legitimately facepalm with the "Chain Lightning Resurrection" thing I am still conflicted about how to feel on that one, I want to say it is a great twist, and I am okay with Scarletta turning out to be ugly, I was expecting it in fact, but I was expecting it more like "Oh, she probably just looks older but in a 'aged gracefully' kind of way, and she is severelly overreacting on how ugly she thinks she is because she has a standard of perfection for herself. My ranking looks like this 1.

Pax - See my previous post 2. Sekt - I'll love the Yo Mummy jokes forever 3. Scarletta - Good, but a cliche story for an evil queen 5.

Xeven - Xeven's more angry than villainous. Also, some pretty dull gear 6. Funny, but NOT a villain. Apparently, the table that the previously explored villains were sitting around was actually alive. Who knew? What are everyone else's thoughts? I'm expecting that the biggest plot twist at ToD's saga will come with the Table's release.

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