Is it possible to hack a tv station

2022.01.07 19:39

These days, those are usually encrypted to prevent unauthorized people from listening in, so you can't replace the official uplink with your own, even if you can get a powerful enough transmitter into a location that the satellite is listening to. The most common form of "hacking" is pirate television , where someone sets up an unauthorized transmitter and broadcasts, possibly overwhelming the signal from an authorized user of the channel.

That said, other forms of hacking do occasionally occur. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Is it even possible to hack a television channel? Ask Question. Asked 7 years ago. Active 5 years, 7 months ago.

Viewed 16k times. Improve this question. Ulkoma Ulkoma 8, 16 16 gold badges 63 63 silver badges 93 93 bronze badges. Your best bet would be to target the personal workstations of the editors, subtly modify their work and hope nobody catches it before it goes on-air. I would've thought this would be a better clip to pick : — Polynomial. I'm pretty sure they did it on Mission Impossible once.

EllieKesselman It's from the movie "Hackers", which everyone should definitely see. Cheesy as hell, soundtrack by The Prodigy, stars Angelina Jolie from when she was practically a kid.

If you're from Chicago and over forty, you should remember this hilariously weird incident: en. Show 4 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Mark Mark What about re-broadcasters and people running HFC networks offering N-in-1 services, where one of the services is television? Such systems are in fact often either connected to Internet or are a part of same infrastructure used to provide Internet access — AndrejaKo. But, this is going to be the first time when someone will give a Live demonstration on Hacking the cable television networks.

From last eight to nine months, Rahul is working with a local cable TV network provider, where he discovered insecure implementations and weak architecture of the Cable TV networks, that could be abused by any potential hacker to carry out large scale attacks.

Unlike Internet, Television is one way medium, and if someone hijack any cable TV network service provider and display an emergency alert or a stream in a Video stating that a riot has started in your nearby city. Which in real is only a hoax, perpetrated by as-yet unknown hackers, but can cause enough panic among the people. The technicals details will be revealed in the HITB conference next week. Philip R. Some other interesting technical presentations which will also be part of the conference are listed below:.

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