Phil ivey where is he now

2022.01.07 19:39

He noted that a successful poker career tends to include shutting down emotions and being stingy with your time, which takes a toll on personal relationships off the table. He left listeners wanting more in terms of details, but look for another appearance by Ivey in the near future to roll out a new project aimed at helping others. Ivey weighs in on a wide-range of poker and gambling related topics in the near hour-long interview , including discussion of his early years as a young player in Atlantic City.

One of the topics that came up was the times when he went broke and had to sleep rough. He said those stories were probably overblown a bit, but that he certainly slept under the Boardwalk a few times.

He said most of the times he slept under the boardwalk were because he missed the last free bus from the casino. While talking about some big pots where he was bluffed off winning hands, notably against Tom Dwan and Brad Booth, Ivey gave perhaps his best advice of the whole segment.

Ingram asked him how it felt to lose huge pots, especially in spots where he felt he played them well. It will be the first new High Stakes Poker episodes in nearly a decade, which came about after High Stakes Poker was acquired by Poker Central earlier this year , the parent company of Poker Go.

Earlier this month, his participation was confirmed after a behind-the-scenes video was posted from Tom Dwan, who is making his own triumphant return to poker.

With this new interview and an imminent appearance on High Stakes Poker , it looks like the appetite for more Phil Ivey will begin to be satisfied. Primary Menu. The pair discussed a number of topics including his prop-betting past, playing on TV shows like High Stakes Poker, as well as his plan to return to traveling and playing poker including the World Series of Poker. The poker legend started the interview saying that he's in a really good place in his life, having spent the previous year or so meditating , exercising and practicing yoga , all of which he says has helped with his mental health.

Ingram said him interviewing Ivey was something that many people had always clamored after, and Ivey said that he was honored to have fans and poker players still interested in him. It's nice to have fans. I've been doing this a long time and I'm very appreciative of every fan that I have and everyone who is with me along this journey.

Ivey says that his success in poker led to some "interesting experiences" as well as "a lot of good times. He explained that poker remains his first real addiction and that he used it as an escape from reality.