How can you test coordination
In cerebellar ataxia, the closure of eyes has no effect at all. A normal person will be able to perform these tasks seamlessly. If there is a problem with coordination, it will result in overshooting. A patient with cerebellar dysfunction is unable to do so and tends to fall towards the diseased side. This helps to differentiate between sensory and cerebellar ataxia.
Ask the patient to stand with their feet close together. A patient with sensory ataxia is steady when eyes are open and becomes unsteady when they close their eyes.
A patient with cerebellar ataxia will be equally unsteady with eyes open or closed. These are rhythmic, involuntary movements resulting in alternating contractions and relaxation of groups of muscles. To check for tremors ask the patient to outstretch their arms and abduct their fingers. If the tremors are still not obvious but are suspected, place a piece of paper on the dorsum of the hand and observe its movements. There are different causes of tremors, and they all present with different types of tremors.
Anxiety: the tremors are fine and become obvious only when the arms are outstretched, and fingers are spread. Hands will be cold and sweaty. Parkinsonian tremors: these are slow and coarse and are pill-rolling movements. They disappear during voluntary work and sleep. Intention tremors: ask the patient to hold an object. The tremors will occur during voluntary work but disappear at rest. These are the features of cerebellar dysfunction. Flapping tremors: ask the patient to outstretch arms and dorsiflex hands at wrists.
Jerky movements of the hands occur due to flexion and extension of the wrists and fingers. Flapping tremors can be caused by the respiratory, renal, hepatic or cardiac failure. These are repetitive and stereotyped movements with the same movement being repeated again and again.
These are semi-purpose movements which look like fragments of normal movements but are repeated in a disorderly manner. These are the sudden shock like contractions that involve one or more muscles or a whole limb. These are usually features of epilepsy. Training with CogniFit's brain games can stimulate specific neural activation patterns.
This repeated activation can help create new synapses and strengthen pre-existing ones. This is what makes it possible to reinforce and stimulate coordination and other cognitive skills. However, not training it can lead to a loss of resources, as the brain will work to send fewer resources to less-used areas, ultimately weakening the connections. This will make us less efficient while carrying out daily activities.
Playing different brain games can help improve cognitive function. When we talk about it, it is important to differentiate between psychomotricity. Psychomotricity is a wider term for coordination, as it includes motor, cognitive, social, and affective aspects. As such, it does not only refer to coordination as movements but the body as a whole, laterality, spatial concepts, etc.
We will talk about the different types of psychomotricity and the different types of coordination more or less independently:. Psychomotricity is usually divided into the different muscle groups used. Each type of motricity will require different types of coordination.
However, coordination will always be essential in both types:. On the other hand, we can talk about the different types depending on the parts of the body used in the action, and the sensory organ that provides the feedback. The main types are the following:. As you get older, you may feel like your coordination isn't as good as it once was. While it is possible to reduce the decline through cognitive training, poor or declining coordination is not considered a disorder or problem in itself as it is a natural result of aging.
The majority of disorders that imply a certain degree of coordination alteration come from brain damage. Some of these symptoms are tremors , ataxia inability to coordinate the different parts of the body used in an action , and cerebellar nystagmus involuntary movement of the eyes when trying to focus on peripheral vision , dysmetria inability to coordinate the movement of the extremities according to the visual information perceives , asynergia inability to coordinate movements, which generally causes strange posture , as well as others.
However, there are alterations that can be caused by damage to non-cerebellar areas, like dysarthria lack of coordination, paralysis, or weakness in the motor parts of speech.
An alteration in it generally comes with an increased reaction time. On the other hand, there are a number of diseases and disorders that can also be accompanied by coordination problems. One of the most common is Parkinson's Disease.
However, dyslexia or dysgraphia, Multiple Sclerosis, coordination developmental disorder, types of ataxia like Friedreich Ataxia, or spinocerebellar ataxia , brain injury, tumors, and stroke may all also symptoms of poor coordination. Measuring coordination can be useful as it plays an important role in academic areas to know if a student will have trouble taking notes or writing essays , in clinical areas to know if a patient can move easily and safely , and work settings to know if an employee can safely move heavy machinery , and in our day-to-day lives.
With the complete cognitive assessment battery , it is possible to easily and efficiently measure coordination and other cognitive skills. CogniFit offers a set of tests that evaluate some of the subprocesses of coordination, like hand-eye coordination and reaction time.
These tests, aside from measuring coordination, evaluate updating, cognitive flexibility, processing speed, divided attention, inhibition, visual perception, naming, visual scanning, focused attention, spatial perception, contextual memory, recognition, and working memory.
Neuroplasticity is the basis behind the rehabilitation of coordination and other cognitive skills. CogniFit has a battery of exercises designed to rehabilitate deficits in this cognitive skills. The brain and its neural connections can get stronger through practice, which means that frequently using coordination can help make the brain connections involved stronger and more efficient. CogniFit was created by a team full of specialized professionals in the study of synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis.
This has made it possible to create the personalized brain training program to meet the needs of each user. This program starts with a precise assessment of coordination and other cognitive skills.
Based on the results of the assessment, the cognitive stimulation program from CogniFit will automatically create a personalized training program to help strengthen coordination and other cognitive functions that the show to need improvement. Usually people have better coordination on one side of the body than the other - not many people can throw and catch equally well with either hand!
As an example of a coordination test, the Wall-Toss Test of hand-eye coordination is described on this site. See the box for other coordination tests too. Share: Facebook Twitter.
We have over fitness tests listed, so it's not easy to choose the best one to use. You should consider the validity, reliability, costs and ease of use for each test. Normally this is possible without difficulty. This is considered a rapidly alternating movement. Dysdiadochokinesis is the clinical term for an inability to perform rapidly alternating movements.
Dysdiadochokinesia is usually caused by multiple sclerosis in adults and cerebellar tumors in children. Note that patients with other movement disorders e. Parkinson's disease may have abnormal rapid alternating movement testing secondary to akinesia or rigidity, thus creating a false impression of dysdiadochokinesia. Point-to-Point Movement Evaluation Next, ask the patient to extend their index finger and touch their nose, and then touch the examiner's outstretched finger with the same finger.
Ask the patient to go back and forth between touching their nose and examiner's finger. Once this is done correctly a few times at a moderate cadence, ask the patient to continue with their eyes closed.
Normally this movement remains accurate when the eyes are closed. Repeat and compare to the other hand.