What is the difference between a run on sentence and a stringy sentence

2022.01.07 19:39

Sentence 1 : Participants could leave the study at any time. Sentence 2 : They needed to indicate their preference. Example of a comma splice: The results of the study were inconclusive , therefore more research needs to be done on the topic.

Sentence 1 : The results of the study were inconclusive Transitional expression conjunctive adverb : therefore Sentence 2: More research needs to be done on the topic To fix this type of comma splice, use a semicolon before the transitional expression and add a comma after it.

Revision: The results of the study were inconclusive ; therefore , more research needs to be done on the topic. Correcting Run-On Sentences A run-on sentence can be fixed by connecting its parts correctly.

Use a period. The easiest way to fix a run-on is to split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period. This revision works especially well with longer sentences. Check, however, to make sure that this solution does not result in short, choppy sentences. Revision example : I love to write papers.

I would write one every day if I had the time. Use a semicolon. Inserting a semicolon between independent clauses creates a grammatically correct sentence.

Using a semicolon is a stylistic choice that establishes a close relationship between the two sentences. Revision example : I love to write papers ; I would write one every day if I had the time. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Descriptive Paragraphs. Narrative Paragraphs. Comparison and Contrast Paragraphs. Definition Paragraphs.

Classification Paragraphs. Opinion Paragraphs. Argumentative or Persuasive Paragraphs. Process Analysis Paragraphs. Problem and Solution Paragraphs. Introduction: What Is an Essay? The Concluding Paragraph. Body Paragraphs. Characteristics of Good Essay Writing. Introduction to Major Types of Essays. Descriptive Essays. Narrative Essays. Cause and Effect Essays. Definition Essays. Classification Essays. Process Analysis Essays.

Informative Essays. Theme Essays. APA style. Helpful Tools and Resources. Here is such a fragment: Singing on the concert. John is awesome, singing on the concert. OR Singing on the concert, John is awesome. To be honest. Ex: I love apple, I want to buy apple. Comma Splice Ex; I love apple, so I want to buy apple. Nadia Siddiqui. Sayan Chakraborty. Eyob Desta. Vhalerie May. Luis Rosique Martinez. Mustafa Al Qady. Ayu Retno Rahayu. Eva Li. Nino Kemertelidze.

Lainnya Dari Matta Kong. Matta Kong. Populer di Verb. Tatiana Popescu. Dora Lukacevic. George Lubiano Pastor. Mariela Fuentes. Yuri Heah. Guillermo Mendoza. Brenda Aleman. Sammaiah Kodati. Grammar, Punctuation, and Sentences. The following are very common mistakes related to punctuation usage or lack of usage.

Hence, your sentence just runs on and on… Run-On Sentence: I had class early this morning I woke up at noon. See below for five solutions to your run-on sentence dilemma. Join sentences with a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction: I had class early this morning, but I woke up at noon. Join sentences with a semicolon: I had class early this morning; I woke up at noon.

Join sentences with a semicolon followed by a conjunctive adverb: I had class early this morning; however, I woke up at noon.