What is the difference between foi and data protection

2022.01.07 19:39

You can usually get your hospital records by writing to the hospital trust's health records manager or patient services manager. The records that we hold may not be complete.

If you want to know more about your rights of access, please see the Information Commissioner's website at www. How do I make a request? You can ask us for it by emailing us at: informationrights ombudsman. Or write to us at: Freedom of Information and Data Protection Team Citygate Mosley Street Manchester M2 3HQ When making your request, please include the following details: your name and address an email address will do the information or documents you want to look at and how you would like us to send the information to you for example, hard copy or by email.

What happens after I make my request? We will: give you the information you've asked for let you know where you can find the information confirm that we don't hold the information or explain why we cannot give you the information. Will I get the information I'm looking for? Is there a fee? What to do if you are unhappy with our response If you believe that we have made an error in processing your information request, you can request an internal review.

More information If you want to know more about the Freedom of Information Act, go to the Information Commissioner's website at www. However, whether or not your organisation is a public authority, you must deal with the request appropriately.

It is important to consider the requested information under the right legislation. It is important to draw a practical distinction between formal requests for information and routine verbal enquiries and correspondence that you can deal with in the normal course of business. You can respond to an enquiry in the normal course of business if you provide such information routinely, and can respond quickly. However, the SAR process may be appropriate where an individual requests a high volume of information and you need to conduct a time-consuming search of your records in order to comply with the request.

For example, if an individual requests copies of letters which you have sent to them previously, it is unlikely that you need to deal with this as a formal SAR. You should consider these enquiries on a case by case basis. If an employee requests a copy of their most recent payslip and their employment contract, you can deal with the enquiry in your normal course of business.

The employee is entitled to this information under other laws and it is not necessary to deal with the request as a SAR. A customer phones about a query they have about their account. In more detail What is a subject access request SAR? Are there any formal requirements? Should we provide a standard form for individuals to make a request? Can a request be made via social media?

Can a request be made on behalf of someone? Do we have to respond to requests made via a third party online portal? What about requests for information about children or young people? What should we do if a request mentions Freedom of Information? Can we deal with a request in our normal course of business? What is a subject access request SAR? Can individuals make a request via social media? Can an individual make a request on behalf of someone?

Example A building society has an elderly customer who visits a particular branch to make weekly account withdrawals. Where this is applicable, we will respond to your request by explaining how you can access the information. If your request relates to a person or company other than yourself or where disclosure of the information you are requesting could affect the interests of another person, we may need to consult with that third party before responding to your request.

When making your request for information please state how you would like to receive the information. When requesting information be provided in a particular format you should take into account the cost of supplying the information in this format, which may take the cost of the request over the fee threshold. If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request, or wish to request an internal review, you should write to:.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for an independent review. Generally the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by ourselves. There are exemptions provided for in the Acts, this means that there are specific circumstances when the requested information will not be released. If any of these exemptions are used to withhold information, the reasons will be clearly explained to you.

We request you to apply in writing and simply refer to the Data Protection Act No fee applies.