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What is the difference between algonquin and algonquian

2022.01.07 19:40

Many Algonquin communities remain active in fighting for Indigenous rights with ongoing treaty negotiation between the Algonquin people in Ontario and the Governments of Ontario and Canada. The negotiations represent an acknowledgement that Algonquin people never signed a treaty with the Crown , and therefore are entitled to lay claim to land never surrendered.

In October , the Algonquins of Ontario signed a land claim agreement-in-principle i. As part of the deal, , acres Algonquin peoples in Quebec and other Indigenous nations, such as the Haudenosaunee, have criticized the agreement-in-principle, arguing that the land claim overlaps their territory.

There is also a dispute over who qualifies as Algonquin under the agreement. Search The Canadian Encyclopedia. Remember me. I forgot my password. Why sign up? Create Account. Suggest an Edit.

Enter your suggested edit s to this article in the form field below. Accessed 12 November In The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Article published September 30, ; Last Edited October 09, The Canadian Encyclopedia , s. Thank you for your submission Our team will be reviewing your submission and get back to you with any further questions.

Thanks for contributing to The Canadian Encyclopedia. Lawrence valleys. However, the Iroquois remained a constant threat, and in winning the trade and friendship of the Algonquins, the French had made a dangerous enemy for themselves. It did not take long for the focus of the fur trade to move farther west, because the French had already learned about the trapping areas to the west controlled by the Hurons, who were Algonquin allies against the Iroquois.

The quantity and quality of the fur available from the Hurons could not be ignored, and in the French and Hurons signed a formal treaty of trade and alliance at Quebec.

The following year, Champlain made his second journey up the Ottawa River to the Huron villages south of Georgian Bay. While there, he participated in a Huron-Algonquin attack on the Oneida and Onondaga villages these tribes were part of the Iroquois Nation Confederacy , confirming in the minds of the Iroquois in case they still had doubts that the French were their enemies.

The Iroquois, who had been displaced from the St. Lawrence Valley by the Algonquins, Montagnais and Hurons before the French had come to North America, had never accepted their loss of this territory as permanent. The Iroquois by this time had exhausted the beaver in their traditional homeland and needed additional hunting territory to maintain their position with the Dutch, who at that time were transporting their purchases through modern day New York.

Their inability to satisfy the demand for beaver was the very reason the Dutch had tried in to open trade with the Algonquins and Montagnais. For the Iroquois, the obvious direction for expansion was north, but the alliance of the Hurons and Algonquins with the French made this impossible. The Iroquois at first attempted diplomacy to gain permission, but the Hurons and Algonquins refused, and with no other solution available, the Iroquois resorted to force.

By both the Algonquins and Montagnais needed French help to fight the invader, but this was not available. Germaine en Laye. These three years were a disaster for the French allies. Since their own trade with the Dutch was not affected, the Iroquois were able to reverse their losses of territory in the St.

Lawrence Valley. They drove the Algonquins and Montagnais from the upper St. When they returned to Quebec in , the French attempted to restore the previous balance of power along the St. Lawrence by providing firearms to their Algonquin and Montagnais allies. However, the initial sales were restricted to Christian converts which did not confer any real advantage to the Algonquin. The Dutch had reacted to the French arming their native allies with large sales of firearms to the Mohawks, who passed these weapons along to the other Iroquois, and the fur trade degenerated into an arms race.

After seven years of increasing violence, a peace was arranged in Weakened by the departure of Christian converts to Trois Rivieres and Sillery, the Algonquins could not stop the onslaught that followed. Iroquois offensives, during and , drove the Algonquins farther north into the upper Ottawa Valley and forced the Montagnais east towards Quebec. Only a smallpox epidemic, which began in New England during and then spread to New York and the St.

Lawrence Valley, slowed the fighting. A real escalation in hostilities occurred in when British traders on the Connecticut River in western Massachusetts attempted to lure the Mohawks from the Dutch with offers of guns. The Dutch responded to this by providing the Mohawks and thus the Iroquois with as many of the latest, high-quality firearms as they wanted. Some Algonquin tribesmen such as the Weskarini along the lower Ottawa River were forced to abandon their villages and move north and east.

By the spring of , the Mohawks and their allies had succeeded in completely driving many groups of Algonquins and Montagnais from the upper St.

To shorten the travel distance for Huron and Algonquin traders, the French in established a new post at Montreal Ville Marie. However, this only seemed to make matters worse. The Iroquois soon sent war parties north into the Ottawa Valley to attack the Huron and Algonquin canoe fleets transporting fur to Montreal and Quebec.

Algonquian noun. Save Word. Definition of Algonquian. First Known Use of Algonquian , in the meaning defined at sense 1a. Learn More About Algonquian. Time Traveler for Algonquian The first known use of Algonquian was in See more words from the same year. From the Editors at Merriam-Webster. Style: MLA. Kids Definition of Algonquian. Get Word of the Day daily email!