Blythe dolls where to buy

2022.01.07 19:43

The United Nations of Blythe is a facebook group that lists all the Blythe events going on around the world. Now you must wait, this is the worst part of buying a Blythe doll. You need to be patient. If you have a tracking number you can obsessively check the tracking online! I like to wait a couple of weeks and THEN check the tracking. Usually my dolls take from weeks to arrive in Australia from overseas.

Within Australia they should be here within 10 days or overnight if sent Express. I need help finding some doll paste so I can customise my Blythe Doll!! Hi Anthea, tbh I am not sure what paste you mean? I have purchased about 5 Blythe Dolls already customised. I appreciate the work that these customisers put into the dolls, some taking over 20 hours to complete. Hi, Katie I have been looking at one of your beautiful dolls for about a month that I am in love with.

Hi where can I purchase a bog standard doll from for my daughter to play with and how much can I expect to pay? I have purchased online through Magma Heritage, while they seem to be a little odd with who they will allow to order some people get banned for apparently no reason they have been wonderful for me.

I have a Blythe doll that I received from my Great Aunt — she was a collector of all dolls. Thanks for your time and information. I am not a Blythe doll enthusiast. Although I have come quite fond of mine. I bought this little girl at a thrift store thinking she was a monster high doll with a broken voice box because I didnt hear anything when I pulled her string. I have just paid 50 cents for an original Blythe in her original dress and panties.

Besides her tattered hair and missing 6 eyelashes she is perfect. Her pullstring is smooth and works great, all her joints bend with ease and she has no cracks. Im not trying to get rich off of her but id to sell so someone else can fully appreciate and enjoy her. Well damn you are living the dream! I have literally dreamt about this happening lol. You could try the Kenner Blythe group on facebook.

Make sure you read their rules, there are many as we often have scammers in this community. How do I figure out what my first doll should be. Me too! Ive no idea what im doing so many sizes options eyes hair hands….. Curious to know who you chose and whether you own more than one doll now?

I find that once you get one, you get another, and another. For me my first choice was based on the colour of the hair and the price. She is instantly recognisable by her big, lollipop head and huge, vaguely manga-style eyes which sometimes change colour; her expression is slightly forlorn. She mostly sports geek-chic hair — a heavy fringe, sometimes dyed different colours — and wears vintage-styled outfits.

We all love Blythe Dolls! Thanks for the info, Katie. I have a redhead, side part Blyth doll I want to sell. She is nude, has the 7 lines on her back. I was terrified of her as she was given to me as a gift as a child. Please contact me if interested. Her body has no marks except for being dirty. Her face is perfect. Eyes work cord is original. I can send pics. Hi Yvonne, sorry this site is a little ignored at the moment while I run my business.

Did you find a place to sell her? I have a link in the menu to the Kenner Blythe Guide which is the best guide to the vintage ones.

HI Katie. I did find someone to buy her. Her name is Jade and she is from BC. I sent her out the beginning of January.

Thank you for taking the time to let your group know that I had one for sale. Take care, Yvonne. Hi, I am a Barbie collector but several years ago I bought a Blythe doll on ebay.

I am looking into selling all my dolls and would like to accurately list them. How would I tell the difference? I tried looking at the box but it appears to be all Japanese. It can be hard to tell. I have my childhood Blythe doll or 73 still in her box. Hair and outfit original and eyes are perfect. The twist tie around her waist is original. I am not familiar with ebay and wonder now the best way to offer for sale if I decide to sell her. Suggestions welcome. Thank you. I would suggest the Facebook group Kenner Blythe.

Ebay is over inflated most of the time. Hello I have a few dolls lying around in my house and I would like to sell them but I dont know where to find the price for these dolls can you help me identify? I want to be able to ask that the doll has a certain hair color and length. What is very important to me is to have the doll artist to customize her eyes for me. Do you happen to know anywhere or anyone who can make a special custom doll for me? Thank you! Hi Haley, your best bet would be to look for custom Blythe doll groups and find dolls with a style you like and see who the customiser was.

You can also find a lot of customisers on etsy. I will let you know if I think of more. Great informative article. I am also in Aus and just getting started and this article was very helpful to a newbie.

That is great to hear! You should join the Blythe sales Australia facebook group. It is pretty fast from Japan though, sometimes 2 days from the official store Junie Moon!

Very informative. I have a 72 Blythe doll where the head has come off. Another 72 doll has the legs off.. Otherwise they are in excellent condition.. Can they be fixed? I live in Ontario Canada. Hi Joan, wow what a dream to have some Kenner Blythe dolls. Sadly necks breaking and the pelvis cracking is super common for these vintage beauties. Some of us have come up with ways to put a bolt in the neck but it requires a lot of work opening the head.

Another thing people do to hold the pelvis together to keep the legs it is using plumbers tape to hold it. If you are looking to sell them these are things that people will still be OK with though it will affect the price. There are some restorers in the US I believe. Would love to see photos of your dolls! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. This post is regularly updated and was last updated in June Price and availability Dolls vary in price and availability.

Customs and excise fees You should also consider that you may be charged customs fees for importing the doll into your country. Finding a doll for sale Once you have decided which doll you want to buy, you may find that you cannot actually find that particular doll anywhere for sale. Factory dolls are rare these days with actual fakes making up most of the listings on eBay.

Other online retailers CC Toys — Hong Kong ships international Mandarake — Japan ships international — mix of stock and custom dolls, 2nd hand Magma Heritage — Singapore ships international Hobby Link — Japan ships international eBay eBay is another source for buying Blythe dolls but beware, there have been a number of scammers on eBay.

Facebook There are several groups for buying and selling dolls on Facebook. Attend a meet up or BlytheCon There are numerous Blythe related events organised each year all over the world. Like this: Like Loading Previous Post Call for images of Blythe — we need your help!

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