Does anyone program in pascal

2022.01.07 19:43

I've seen Kernighan's essay before. But didn't his criticism outdate soon? Morawski, TP is from 80s, C is from 70s. It came more than a decade late. Morawski: Moreover, Turbo Pascal was only one implementation of Pascal. The standard described a language that wasn't particularly useful, so implementors had to put in their own little extensions so people could write useful programs. The fragmentation was likely an issue here.

Turbo Pascal showed up ca. That article is from long before the question became relevant, and treats dialects from way before it became relevant.

Not relevant. Show 3 more comments. Delphi and Object Pascal changed that. But at that time, it was already to late. Morawski: Really? Apart from VB? I think that C and Java serve this domain now. Pascal quite soon became a real general-purpose language. Nobody had to wait for Delphi. I don't see how teaching or being able to teach many people a programming language when they're young entails its ultimate demise.

Quite the opposite. If they had picked Pascal instead, we'd be talking about VP. The world would also suck less. Show 13 more comments. Jaap Jaap 2, 16 16 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. Borland's demise was long before the need for web development.

Their mistake was simple: They forgot about what made them a leader in the first place cheap, fast, efficient compilers available to the masses and jumped into expensive, corporate tools where Microsoft and others already had a good head start.

Borland's traditional crowd had to move to something else. MetalMikester, thats some Grade A truth right there. They tossed aside the small, independent developers while chasing the 'big money' in corporate sales.

And unfortunately, there's still some of that left, even with new owners. Java and C have C syntax and are very alike with C, rather than Pascal C totally prevailed and is alive and kicking on small embedded microcontrollers , running on raw iron. Vast majority of serious development for small embedded is done in C. Meanwhile, I don't think I've ever seen Embedded Pascal.

Add a comment. But even the Wiki entry you are linking to admits that many major development efforts in the s, such as for the Apple Lisa and Macintosh, heavily depended on Pascal to the point where the C interface for the Macintosh operating system API had to deal in Pascal data types.

Morawski: Despite the fact that Apple may have undergone tremendous development efforts at the time, and may have created products largely ahead of alternatives, their market share was titchy. But both failed to meet the needs of the industry's reality. Lott Great, so it's a portable PDP assembler. What is the relevance now? Why should I care about PDP in ? C is not a portable x86 assembler by any means. And Lisp is a language for AI research, so what? My point was, that in this case it was relevant.

Show 16 more comments. Tangurena Tangurena Micro Focus? When did that happen? I thought it was owned by Embarcadero whoever they are , for the past few years at least. Steve, The "codegear" division was sold to Embarcadero in , and Micro Focus bought the rest of Borland in OK, but Borland developed compilers, libraries and IDEs Delphi, the Builders and it developed some blah blah blah that no-one ever cared about. Are you telling me that someone cared enough about the blah blah blah to cremate it?

I'm not sure you can say the same for anything related to C. Peter Turner Peter Turner 6, 1 1 gold badge 31 31 silver badges 57 57 bronze badges. It should be dead. The only people who still have a reason to use it are those like me, who are stuck with it because of lots of existing VCL apps.

Help files and documentation are non-existant. The debugger is plain embarrassing. Regarding C, first of all it is the completely dominant language in the whole embedded sector and all new tools there are made for C. The whole of Windows and Linux is C. All smart phone fluff is written in C flavours. So no Lundin, are you kidding, I've been using Delphi 7 for the past 4 years, finally updated to and working in XE2 as well.

Finally I don't need to restart the IDE every 5 or 6 builds to keep my breakpoints. Futhermore, Embarcadero has created a way to use Delphi Code for Android and iOS programs which, is new, but is pretty cool, the advantage is that it's wholly managed by a privately held company so the improvements actually make it into the hands of the developers.

Over the years especially the Borland stream language has matured and gained all capabilities necessary for up-to-date large scale software projects for example the Free Pascal compiler or the Lazarus IDE.

Most developers that touched Pascal did not like the language, because they only learned some very basic commands and how to write a more structured code than their mind was thinking at the time.

That is, why languages such as C and Perl, for example, have tended to win the popularity contests. While Pascal seems very basic and very minimalistic, when you uncover the true language, you find that it is much easier to create a program in Pascal than in C, Java and other popular languages.

Even languages such as Python, while popular and still remains structured, have many elements of a disoriented language. As always: Choosing what programming language to use depends on your program you'd like to program. In the meantime, generics templates, usually for classes became possible, too, though generics can be used for a wide variety of other types as well.

Or even worse x on both sides :. In C you can add a character to a real and interpret it as a boolean or whatsoever. Why the heck should I do this? In Pascal that is not possible only with force.

The compiler will raise an error. A function defined with the name getLimit will be called though you forgot the upper-case-L in the middle calling getlimit.

It does not raise a compile-time-error. Object Pascal is a high-level programming language that is easy to use, whereas Pascal is intended to be an all-purpose, low-level programming language.

Only 3 percent of respondents said they still support and hire for Delphi and Object Pascal skills. Fortran — which stands for Formula Translation — is designed for scientific algorithms and most often used by engineers and mathematicians for aerospace, mechanical and software engineering. The oldest programming language on this list, Fortran was developed in the s by IBM and, for decades, was the dominant programming languages for weather prediction, computational physics and other high-performance computing tasks.

Only 3 percent of respondents said they still support and hire for Fortran skills, but that might change as more experienced IT workers change jobs or retire. You might still want to include this skill on your resume or LinkedIn profile, just in case businesses are searching for candidates with specific legacy skills.

Software engineers, aerospace engineers and mechanical engineers are the mostly likely candidates to have Fortran skills on their resumes. Restructured Extended Executor REXX was developed between and by an IBM employee as a structured, high-level interpreted programming language designed to be easy to learn and read.

The language is intended to be easy to learn so that even non-programmers can learn and use the language, which makes it a popular option for businesses. It's not the most in-demand legacy skill, with only 3 percent of respondents saying they still support and hire for this skill. Developed in the late s, Pascal is an imperative and procedural programming language that was originally designed for teaching programming languages.

Software engineers and software developers are the most likely candidates for Pascal skills.