Duke nukem where is the telescope

2022.01.07 19:43

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Never miss a Moment Catch up instantly on the best stories happening as they unfold. Back Next. Two milestones, complete! Should take it back and let SpaceX figure out how to do it.

Would move quicker. I believe it's also supposed to have the fuel tanks enlarged at some cost to payload volume. I'd wager Webb will find its own reason to delay. It's just so darn good at it. Actually, it would not. Launching large, delicate satellites into special orbits is a lot of work.

You can't just at the last minute just give it to another type of rocket even if available which is in and of itself unlikely. There a lot of work done that is very specific to the rocket being used. This especially true of Webb as a one of a kind item. Yeah, difficult, delicate. Rocket science guy here.

I detect Boeing gobbledygook. Actually, was just screwing around. Sorry for the chain yank. Arianespace and the ESA do nice work. We're all impatient, indeed. I'm really invested in this scope, it's could provide the data for us to make major steps towards our understanding of the universe, provided it performs nominally.

Submit a Link ». Try Ads-Free Fark. Forgot password? Turn on javascript or enable it for Fark for a better user experience. If you can read this, either the style sheet didn't load or you have an older browser that doesn't support style sheets. Dawn was launched in , visited Vesta in , left for Ceres in , got there in , then retired in , still in orbit around Ceres. Juno was launched in and arrived at Jupiter in It's still there and functioning, and is expected to last until , which is also the year we expect the James Webb Ground Device to launch.

China launched the Chang'e 2 probe in , which observed the moon until leaving for the Earth-Sun L2 point in Hey, you know what's supposed to be in the Earth-Sun L2 point?

It's since gone off and visited the asteroid Toutatis, and will continue to be used as a test platform until it runs out of fuel.

It's now a bunch of parts lying uselessly on the surface, much like the James Webb Ground Device. It continued the mission until , when power ran low and it was "hard-landed" into the comet. NASA launched the Phoenix spaceprobe towards marse in , landing in May , with the last contact in November of Despite the relatively short runtime, it was considered a success, as the planned duration was only 90 sols martian solar days , and it made it sols.

It's still functioning, observing Mars over the last 15 years, and is hoped to last until at least , a year after the James Webb Ground Device gets launched.

The Spirit rover was launched in , arriving on Mars in It ran until , over twenty times the expected duration of the mission. The companion to Spirit was the Opportunity rover, launched a few weeks later. It functioned until , managing to survive 15 earth years on Mars. It's got a lot of cameras, radar systems, and other instruments, but it's also a communication satellite NASA can use to run future missions, and it's hoped to keep doing that through the s.

They're planning on launching the Mars rover in guess when , which'll be another rover based on the same platform as Curiosity but with different instruments and a different landing site. The Kazachok lander will deploy the Rosalind Franklin rover, while also doing science on its own. How much you want to bet it makes it into space before the JWST?