How can population growth affect the environment

2022.01.07 19:43

This is potentially abundant labor resources, but also the burden of job creation and improved living standards and infrastructure investment. The uncontrollable population growth issue greatly impacts on the environment. The population of our country now ranks 3rd in Southeast Asia and 14th in the world.

It is one of the countries with the highest population density in the world. The population increase will be the risk of affecting the sustainable development of the country.

Southeast Region with a high population density is enormous pressure for jobs, providing basic services, economic and social development and environmental protection. SE Region is the economic area with the highest growth rate of the country but there is a range of resource — environmental issues becoming more serious. One of the direct causes is the pressure of population growth.

The population distribution is an important factor of development. Because the migrations from plain to mountainous areas, from rural to urban, from North to South are still happening massively and uncontrollably, it leads to a direct impact on resources and environment. The availability of water is already a constraint in some countries.

These are warnings that the earth is finite, and that natural systems are being pushed ever closer to their limits. We believe that this goal can be achieved, provided we are willing to undertake the requisite social change. Given time, political will, and intelligent use of science and technology, human ingenuity can remove many constraints on improving human welfare worldwide, finding substitutes for wasteful practices, and protecting the natural environment.

But time is short and appropriate policy decisions are urgently needed. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one.

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Get This Book. Visit NAP. Below are some of the key sustainability challenges associated with overpopulation. For the sake of simplicity they are listed separately, but understand the connections between them are complicated, which makes them more challenging to manage. A growing agricultural base to feed an expanding world population comes with its own complications. As the global population increases, more food is needed. Such measures may be met through more intensive farming, or through deforestation to create new farm lands, which in turn can have negative outcomes.

Agriculture is responsible for about 80 percent of deforestation, worldwide. The yield of existing farmland can be increased through intensive farming to feed our rapidly growing population. This approach is characterized by reliance on mechanization, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Such practices can be associated with soil erosion or depletion. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the land used and abandoned in the last 50 years globally may be equal to the amount of land used today.

Deforestation in turn leads to a reduced ability to capture CO2, thus exasperating the greenhouse gas problem. Deforestation is also strongly associated with loss of habitat and extinctions. Another 14 percent is attributed to logging, 5 percent to firewood collection, and the balance resulting from other causes. Human population increase is related to all of these deforestation pressures.

More people means we need more food, more wood products, and more firewood. Agricultural runoff is one of the main causes of eutrophication, the presence of excessive nutrients in bodies of waster, such as large pockets like the Dead Zone of the Gulf of Mexico.

Eutrophication causes the dense growth of plant life that consumes oxygen, resulting in the death of aquatic animals. Other major sources of eutrophication are industry and sewage disposal--both related to population growth. The cost of mediating eutrophication in the U.

Cotton or linen production, for example, can involve direct agricultural impacts. While there is plenty of water on the planet, it is very much a scarce resource. Only 2. One of the byproducts of population growth has been stress on freshwater supplies.

According to one report, around 40 percent of the world's population endure water scarcity, and that amount has been projected to skyrocket by as global demand for water increases by 50 percent. Also consider that population growth is most rapid in part of the world where water is in high demand already, such as Africa and Asia. Human population growth and climate change have grown hand in hand as the use of fossil fuels has exploded to support industrialized societies.

Most fossil fuel consumption comes from developed countries. Deforestation is another important component of greenhouse gas emissions.