How do stormtroopers poop

2022.01.07 19:43

While most armor was fitted for humans, other forms were manufactured to fit other body types. The Galactic Empire mothballed vast stocks of clone trooper armor, replacing it with stormtrooper gear.

Its reinforced combat helmet featured an integrated comlink , [6] audio pick-up, two artificial air -supply hoses, and a broadband communications antenna powered by a single power cell. A built-in heads-up display also provided targeting diagnostics, power levels and environmental readings at the corner of the wearer's eyesight, and one could access data on various military subjects and civilian organizations on the helmets display.

In addition, motion sensors alerted the wearer to any enemy the soldier might have missed. Seeking to discourage nonessential chatter, which was strictly off-limits while on-duty, stormtrooper helmets recorded everything that was said by the user, sending it to monitors to review after downloading the data off of the armor's memory. Stormtrooper armor was capable of protecting its wearer in extreme environments, including deserts , forest, icy wastelands, and limited exposure to the vacuum of space.

The armor's torso plating featured environmental controls on its midsection, its black body glove was vacuum-sealed [1] and made of a smart material that could adjust to the wearers body heat and external temperature. Stormtroopers were also expected to remain in uniform at all times, with the rule considered essential for maintaining the public trust and representing the Empire in a positive, professional manner.

By wearing one's armor, one represented the Empire, not the individual. Many former stormtroopers kept their battleworn armor after the fall of the Empire.

Utility belts were equipped with a variety of features including a compact toolkit, power packs, energy rations, and a holster for an E blaster rifle.

One BlasTech N Baradium-core thermal detonator was given to each trooper, and was placed on the back of their utility belt. The controls to the detonator were not labeled, to prevent enemy troops from using them. While detonators were not usually used within ships or bases, troopers carried a full complement of such field gear to be prepared for any situation. Higher ranks were signified with a color coded pauldron worn over the right shoulder. The rank of commander was represented with an orange pauldron, [1] though one soldier who served under the Grand Inquisitor had his colored red.

In spite of the faith and pride the Empire and its wearers had in the armor, it was not always successful in protecting the wearer. On about the fourth take, as I shuffled along, I felt my stomach rumbling, and 'bang,' I hit my head!

As I wasn't moving too fast, it was more of a scuffed bash, so it didn't hurt, but as no one shouted 'cut,' I thought the shot wasn't wide enough for me to be in frame. Presumably he was too busy planning out just how he was going to get out of that body armor in time.

It has since become an integral part of the movie, and the DVD re-release featured enhanced sound effects to make the subtle blooper more obvious. However, the identity of the Clumsy Stormtrooper is actually a bit controversial. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. Longshanks Longshanks 2, 1 1 gold badge 21 21 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. Add a comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name.

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