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Why is 38 weeks full term for twins

2022.01.07 19:44

Some conditions also mean you will need a caesarean section; for example if you have placenta praevia a low-lying placenta or if your twins share a placenta. If you have previously had a very difficult delivery with a single baby, you may be advised to have a caesarean section with twins.

Even if you plan a vaginal birth, you may end up having an emergency caesarean section. In very rare cases, you may deliver one twin vaginally and then require a caesarean section to deliver the second twin if it becomes distressed.

After the birth, your midwife will examine the placenta to determine what type of twins you have. Twins can either be fraternal or identical. Depending on where you plan to give birth, you may need to go to another hospital with appropriate facilities if complications in your pregnancy indicate you're likely to have an early delivery. This may not be near to home, so make sure to check there are enough beds for both your babies in the neonatal unit. Ask if your chosen hospital has a transitional care unit or a special care nursery.

These are places that allow mothers to care for their babies if they need special care but not intensive care. These hospitals are more likely to be able to keep you and your babies in the same place. You might also want to ask if your hospital has cots that allow co-bedding where your babies sleep in a single cot , if this is appropriate and if you want your babies to sleep together.

If you have one baby in the hospital and one at home, you will need to think about splitting your time between the two. When you visit your baby in hospital, ask if you can bring their twin and if co-bedding is allowed during visits. If you want to breastfeed and only one twin can feed effectively, you may need to express milk to feed the twin who is having trouble feeding. You may then need to put the twin who can feed on the breast to encourage milk production in order to get enough milk to feed both babies.

Check if your hospital offers support from a community neonatal nurse, which would allow for you and your babies to leave hospital earlier, for example if your baby is still tube-fed. When you go to clinics for follow-up appointments, it's a good idea to ask not to be booked into early morning appointments.

Getting out of the house with two babies, particularly if one is unwell, can be difficult. For more information and support, visit Twins Research Australia. Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Birth rates for MZ twins are consistent among all races about 4 per ; but the incidence of DZ twinning varies among races 8 per , among Caucasians, 16 per among people of African descent, and 4 per among Asians. A genetic predisposition or inherited characteristic for DZ twinning exists in some families, but the consistency of MZ twinning among all populations suggests that identical twinning is a random occurrence that is not influenced by genes.

Read more on Twins Research Australia website. Read more on Better Health Channel website. There has been an overall increasing trend in multiple births in the last two decades in Australia. Attributed largely to the increased use of fertility drugs and assisted reproduction technology and the growing number of older mothers. Get the facts you need about different types of twins. Read more on raisingchildren. Learn more.

Fetal macrosomia is a condition wherein a baby is born at a heavier birth weight than usual. Learn more about fetal macrosomia here. A study links air pollution to almost 6 million premature births each year. Indoor air pollution is responsible for two-thirds of these perinatal…. Amniotic fluid embolism is a dangerous pregnancy complication that develops due to a severe allergic reaction. Learn more about it, including symptoms,.

Pregnancy dreams can be more realistic, detailed, or frightening than usual. However, they are not usually a cause for concern. Learn more here. Optimal delivery for twins is 37 weeks' gestation, new study finds. Written by Catharine Paddock, Ph. Share on Pinterest The study gives women expecting twins and the health professionals assisting them crucial information to help them plan for delivery.

But twins are often delivered sooner because these babies have a higher risk of stillbirth — up to 13 times higher than singletons for twins that share a placenta and five times higher when the twins have separate placentas, researchers note in The BMJ. Twins should be delivered at 37 weeks to minimize stillbirths and newborn deaths, the researchers conclude. Current recommendations for the timing of twin deliveries vary, Thangaratinam and colleagues write in their report.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG , for example, recommends delivery between 34 and 37 weeks for twins with a shared placenta and at 38 weeks for twins with separate placentas. Some other physician groups recommend delivery closer to 39 weeks with separate placentas.