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How does fezziwig die

2022.01.07 19:44

Fezziwig was Scrooge's employer when he was young. Mr Fezziwig is the first of Scrooges employers. Fezziwig is the master that Scrooge is apprenticed to. Fezziwig is his wife. Mr Fezziwig.

He was a Cotton Trader. With Mr Fezziwig. That was Mr Fezziwig. It is Fezziwig's party for his employees to celebrate Christmas. Scrooge was apprenticed to Old Fezziwig. Fred, his sister Fan and Fezziwig. He's Scrooge's first employer. Dick is one of Mr Fezziwig's apprentices.

Mr Fezziwig, Scrooge's employer. Scrooge was Fezziwigs apprentice. Fezziwig is the proprieter of a warehouse business for whom Ebenezer Scrooge worked as an apprentice; and in Stave 2 of The Christmas Carol, has a Christmas ball, where Scrooge meets his love of his life, Belle.

The character is a happy man with a large Welsh Wig. Old Fezziwig liked to dance to "Sir Roger de Coverley", a lively tune of the 's. A huge safe full of lead An ox cart piled with gold Heavy chains forged from ledgers and lockboxes A cross made of gold.

Why does Scrooge like darkness? It helps him sleep. It helps him to forget his past. It hides the ghosts from his eyes. It is cheap. Where does Martha work? At a seamstress' At a laundress' At a blacksmith's At a milliner's. Who is in the grave in Stave Four? In what year was A Christmas Carol written? Why does the woman leave Scrooge? Invisible to those he watches, Scrooge revisits his childhood school days, his apprenticeship with a jolly merchant named Fezziwig, and his engagement to Belle, a woman who leaves Scrooge because his lust for money eclipses his ability to love another.

Alianza Eyckmann Supporter. How old is Martha Cratchit? Eldest Cratchit daughter, already out working to help support the family. Warm, serene, a second mother to the little ones, with a touch of gravity that comes from understanding the thin economic edge the family balances on.

Ara Descan Supporter. How has Scrooge changed after the visit by the ghost of Christmas past? Almost immediately, when the spirit removes Scrooge from the present and takes him into the past , Scrooge becomes aware of smells that bring back all kinds of memories.

The Ghost sees that the old man's "'lip is trembling'" and he asks about a tear on Scrooge's cheek. Lide Henkele Supporter. Who was Scrooge's employer when he was younger?

Iset Flinois Beginner. How does Scrooge feel after revisiting the Fezziwig's Christmas party? How does Scrooge feel after revisiting the Fezziwigs ' Christmas party? He resents Past for making hi relive a painful memory. He puzzles over past's reason for showing him the party. He is sorry that he has been ungenerous toward Bob Cratchit. Livio Gralha Beginner. What upset Scrooge about the vision of Belle? The spirit wanted Scrooge to realize how much the party meant to the employees. He thinks that he should be her husband and those should have been his children.

Aissata Greebe Beginner. His salary, we are told, is fifteen shillings a week. The British pound was divided into twenty shillings, and each shilling was divided into twelve pennies or pence.

How does Fezziwig die? He falls ill with pneumonia. Fezziwig does die in the novel, but the manner of his death is unspecified. He tells him the boy is called Ignorance and the girl Want.

Scrooge observed that its light was burning high and bright; and dimly connecting that with its influence over him, he seized the extinguisher-cap, and by a sudden action pressed it down upon its head.

Scrooge learns that Tiny Tim will not survive unless the future changes. This knowledge upsets Scrooge. As a result of witnessing the poor people, Scrooge learns that people can be happy even if they are without money.

Scrooge views reality in purely materialist terms. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows him how the poor still find happiness when it comes to the spirit of the Holidays.

Marley comes to warn Scrooge of the future that is waiting for him if he does not change his ways. He says that it is the job of men to live among and help their fellow man when they are alive. If they do not do so, they are condemned to do so in death. Marley says that he wears the chain that he created in his life. He was dark and scary. But as soon as he sees the future, the realizes he is hated and it bothers him.

Explain why the visions of the future would convince Scrooge to alter his life.