What do syrian hamsters eat
A hamster can be picky with loose seed mixes, eating only their favorite items, resulting in an unbalanced diet. Pelleted diets prevent this from happening, but they are a bit monotonous and some hamsters will refuse them. A pelleted mix can be supplemented with a variety of other items as long as the pelleted food makes up the bulk of the diet.
It is important to pick a loose seed mix diet that contains a variety of foods such as grains and dried vegetables along with some seeds. Some loose seed mixed foods also contain a balanced pellet food as part of the mix which is ideal. When feeding a loose seed mix, make sure your hamster empties the food bowl before adding more, not allowing your hamster to eat only its favorite things. You can feed your hamster a variety of human foods as long as you limit the treats to no more than 10 percent of your hamster's diet.
Skip the junk food and stick to healthy things like whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruit in moderation, otherwise diarrhea may result. Since dwarf hamsters are somewhat prone to diabetes it is also especially prudent to avoid sugar in their diet, so avoid fruits altogether as treats for them. Some safe foods you can offer to your hamster are:. Hamsters also usually love peanut butter but it must be fed carefully as with any other sticky food because it can get stuck in their cheek pouches and cause severe problems.
A very thin layer on a piece of wood is okay as an occasional treat, but peanut butter must be given with caution. The ideal diet for a hamster is a pelleted diet that is supplemented with a variety of other safe and human foods. If your hamster won't eat the pelleted diet then sprinkle some seed mixture onto the pellets or find a seed diet that already has pellets in it.
Hamster Care. And, you should only offer a small cube or curd of cheese. Do not offer them Blue cheese as this is toxic to hamsters and to other small animals. And, be sure that you offer them real cheese and not processed cheese foods like American cheese or cheese spreads or loaves. Because Syrian hamsters are omnivores, their diet would normally include meat in the wild. Wild hamsters would eat insects.
The closest thing that we can offer our hamsters would be mealworms or crickets. You can purchase freeze-dried crickets that your hamster will enjoy snacking on. These are very popular options for Syrian and dwarf hamsters. If you would rather not offer them insects, you can give them other types of meat like beef or chicken. The meat must be well cooked and it must be unseasoned. Another meat option for Syrian hamsters is canned dog food.
Again, make sure that it is not seasoned. And, be sure that it does not have any ingredients listed under the foods that hamsters cannot eat section. Milk is not toxic to hamsters so technically, they can drink milk. However, it is not good for them. Too much milk can cause diarrhea. And, it can be difficult to feed a hamster milk. If you leave it in a bowl, there is a risk that the bowl may tip over and make a mess. And, milk and other dairy products go bad quickly. So, you never want to leave this out for your hamster to enjoy at a later time.
The best diet for Syrian or other types of hamsters will be a pelleted diet that is specially made for hamsters. Treats such as meat, fruits, vegetables, and cheese should only be given occasionally — not more than once a week.
Syrian or teddy bear hamsters should eat a diet that is primarily an approved hamster diet pellet mix. For an occasional treat, you can offer them very small pieces of brown bread, a small cube of many types of fruits or vegetables, a little piece of cheese, or freeze-dried crickets. Treats should only be offered at the most once a week so that they get adequate nutrition from their pellets.
When you are taking care of a pet, their comfort and wellbeing mean the world to you, so it is vital to learn how animals like hamsters communicate, especially if they are in pain or distress.
Learning to understand their noises and movements can help prevent any serious conditions and generally improve their wellbeing.
Is […]. Commercial hamster food, which usually comes as a mix of grains, seeds and pellets, offers the right balance of nutrition for your pet. Talk to your vet about how much to give you hamster each day, and keep in mind your hamster is likely to squirrel some away in his nesting area to save for a late-night snack. Avoid mixes that contain dried fruit, which has too much concentrated sugar to make it healthy for hamsters. Give him a couple of leafy greens, such as spinach or lettuce, along with some fresh grains.
Cut slices of fruits such as apple or pear, and throw in a nut or two. Go light with the nuts, which are high in fat and can cause your hamster to become overweight. One almond a day is plenty for your hamster.
He will also enjoy a bite or two of vegetables such as celery or broccoli. Hamsters must gnaw continuously to keep their front teeth filed down -- the teeth continue to grow throughout his life.