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Who is mordecai from the bible

2022.01.07 19:47

The latter in revenge procures from the king a decree ordering the destruction of all the Jews in the Persian kingdom ib. As soon as Mordecai hears of Haman's proceedings he rends his clothes, puts on sackcloth with ashes, and cries "with a loud and a bitter cry. On a subsequent night the king, being unable to sleep, commands that the royal records be brought to him. On their being read he is reminded that he was rescued from death by Mordecai and has never rewarded the latter for his service.

The king consequently orders that Mordecai be dressed in royal garments and that with great pomp Haman conduct him, seated on the royal horse, through the city ib. Haman is executed, and Mordecai is raised by the king to the high rank of chief minister. He is also made by Esther superintendent over Haman's house, which the king gives her.

Through the intervention of Esther, Mordecai obtains from the king the revocation of the royal decree ordering the extermination of the Jews; and a new edict is issued permitting the Jews to exterminate the population of those places in which they might be attacked.

Mordecai is shown special favor by the king, e. After the energetic self-defense of the Jews Mordecai's fame becomes wide-spread, and the king makes him his viceroy. Mordecai then establishes the festival of Purim, to be celebrated on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar as a memorial of the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies ib. Mordecai is identified with thebearer of that name who, according to Ezra ii.

According to another opinion deriving from. Mordecai is identical with the prophet Malachi, the latter name having been given to him after he became viceroy. But all the Rabbis agree that Mordecai was a prophet and that he prophesied in the second year of Darius Meg. Targum Sheni to Esth. II Sam. Still the discrepancy in Esth. Megillah, in Jellinek, "B. Another theory makes Mordecai and Haman cupbearers at the feast Meg. According to Targum Sheni to Esth. Mordecai was a man strong in faith and unwavering in his convictions for God.

He was also compassionate and tenderly cared for Esther in her need. Mordecai mentored Esther and eventually requested that she boldly stand in defense of the Jewish nation explaining that God may have placed her as queen for the specific purpose of saving the Jews. Take a minute and think of your positions of influence. Are you a father or mother, child, teacher, pastor, CEO or accountant? Where can you make a difference for those around you or for the less fortunate?

Is God calling you to step out in faith to relieve suffering or to help someone in their journey heavenward? Languages Study in More Languages. Who was Mordecai? He was courageous Mordecai fearlessly exposed the evil plot to assassinate King Ahasuerus by Bigthan and Teresh in spite of any danger to himself Esther He was strong in faith Mordecai had faith that God would save His people no matter how bad things looked.

Esther tells us that Mordecai served "within the king's gate. Esther Although his act that saved the king's life was recorded, Mordecai was not rewarded for it. He did not receive any honor for foiling a plot against the ruling king. Instead of complaining about it, however, he remained content to do his job within the king's gate. There was a man that King Ahasuerus promoted to a high degree, to the extent that all men in the citadel of Susa should bow and pay homage to him.

While all the people bowed down to him every time he passed by, Mordecai wouldn't. His reason? He was a Jew. A God-fearing man who called his niece to stand up and fulfill her role in God's plan. Mordecai mourned upon hearing Haman's plot to exterminate the Jews. Instead of getting depressed and hopeless, however, he did what he needed to do:. Mordecai knew that his cousin didn't become queen for nothing. He knew that God allowed it, so that they and their people -- God's people -- would be delivered from their enemies, just as He promised.

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Mordecai stood up to take care of his cousin after she became orphaned.