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How does hayley leave corrie

2022.01.07 19:47

Looking for somewhere permanent to live, Hayley was delighted when Roy asked her to move in with him, dutifully offering to sleep on the sofa until they were married. His offer came with a proposal of marriage, but Hayley had to decline, reminding him that they couldn't marry under UK law.

However, she did not want to sleep apart from Roy anyway, and as she moved into Roy's flat, they cemented their relationship, although Hayley lied to Roy by telling him that, like him, she was a virgin. At work, Hayley had to live with Mike's constant ribbing. His bad treatment of her intensified when Roy threw a pint over him in the Rovers Return in retaliation for calling Hayley a freak.

Eventually Hayley decided she'd had enough and told the girls herself. The news quickly spread throughout Coronation Street , stunning the residents. After the initial surprise, most were supportive of Hayley, but some, such as Les Battersby , picked on her, while at work Linda Sykes tried to make her use the gents toilets, resulting in Mike stepping and forcing Linda to back down although his intentions were only to get everyone back to work, rather than anything noble.

Hayley felt the strain of everyone watching her and contemplated leaving Weatherfield, but Roy pleaded with her to stay and together they braved the Rovers. At the end of the year, Hayley bought Gail Platt 's share of the cafe but went on working at the factory. In February , Hayley became suspicious of Roy's movements when he put on his best clothes to go for a walk.

Following him along with Linda and Janice Battersby , she saw him meeting a woman, who turned out to be Beryl Freeman , his dancing tutor. Unbeknown to Hayley, Roy was planning to propose to her at the upcoming 70s Valentine's dance, but when Roy caught Hayley spying on him even after he'd explained why he was seeing Beryl, he felt betrayed by her lack of trust, causing a brief rift between them.

However, with some prompting by Alma, he surprised Hayley by turning up at the disco dressed as John Travolta and showed that his dancing lessons hadn't gone to waste. He then proposed, and Hayley excitedly accepted, agreeing not to be defeated by a law.

Driven by his determination to fulfill his promise to Hayley, Roy found via Emily Bishop a minister who agreed to perform a ceremony at St. Paul's Church. Hayley made her own dress, while the train was made by the other girls and presented to her at her hen party at No.

In revenge, Les tipped off a reporter about the wedding between "two blokes". As the day arrived, the wedding party was just about to arrive when the press turned up at the church. While minister Jessica Lundy and Spider Nugent kept the reporters occupied, Emily intercepted the wedding party and told them to turn around.

Hayley thought the day ruined but to her great surprise, Roy hastily re-organised the day's events, moving the ceremony to the cafe. By law they were still unwed, but with Hayley changing her surname to "Cropper" by deed poll, they considered themselves a married couple. The following year was relatively quiet for the Croppers. As Hayley had yet to update her passport, they took their honeymoon in York.

Although not a loving couple in the romantic sense, they were friends as well as husband and wife and enjoyed doing things together, such as taking Spanish lessons and learning first aid.

In March , Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh , a builder working on the Medical Centre development. Stuart kept popping into the cafe to see Hayley and they developed an innocent flirtation, with the understanding that nothing would happen due to Hayley being married. However, having got wind of the relationship, Les Battersby told Stuart that Hayley used to be a man.

Stuart then confronted Roy and Hayley in the cafe and called them freaks. The following month, Hayley was promoted to supervisor at the factory, with responsibility for quality control.

Hayley was determined to prove herself capable and challenged Gwen Loveday about her shoddy work. In September , having recently become closer to thirteen-year-old Sarah Platt and become godmother of her daughter Bethany , Hayley's thoughts turned to children and she suggested to Roy that they adopt. Roy suggested fostering instead, as they would be able to help more children, and Hayley agreed. They successfully applied and were taken on as foster parents. However, their first experience with a foster child wasn't an official one - on Christmas Day , they caught Wayne Hayes stealing food from the cafe, having run away from home.

He was collected by his stepfather Alex Swinton and eventually returned to the children's home. The Croppers struck up an instant bond with Wayne, but although the quiet lad hadn't said why he ran away from home, as Alex left with Wayne, Roy saw him hit the boy through the cafe window. In January , the Croppers were accepted as foster parents and received their first foster child: Jackie Mosley , who stayed for two weeks while her mother was in hospital.

It being a big step for them, Hayley and Roy were very attentive and enthusiastic, much to Jackie's chagrin, but overall it was a pleasant experience for them. In April , they fostered Fiz Brown , a headstrong and somewhat rebellious young woman. Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill.

After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. The Croppers were relieved when they were informed that Fiz had done similarly before, and there would be no action taken. Fiz subsequently returned to the area after turning sixteen, where she enjoyed a far better relationship with the Croppers.

In the summer, Hayley encountered Wayne Hayes and his mother Sheila in the Kabin and brought them to the cafe for lunch. Wayne later returned and stayed the night, feeling safe with the Croppers. Roy and Hayley felt protective of Wayne and, when he confessed that Alex often lashed out at him and his mum, they decided to act and reported Alex to Peter Hartnell , their contact from Social Services. However, when interviewed the Hayes family and Alex denied any abuse was taking place, and the Croppers were suspended from fostering for good measure.

Refusing to give up on Wayne, Roy and Hayley implored Sheila to put her story straight, but she was too afraid of Alex even to admit the truth to them. They then tried recording Alex confessing to being abusive, but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it. Roy paid the money without Hayley's blessing, but although Sheila returned it, she agreed for Wayne to remain with the Croppers for the time being. While Wayne was staying with them, Roy and Hayley pretended to the neighbours that they were fostering him.

For a few weeks, they lived in fear of Alex, Social Services and the police, finding little comfort in the fact that they were doing it to protect Wayne.

Eager to give Wayne a sense of normality, they agreed to go on a camping trip with Martin Platt , Sally Webster and their children, but they were tracked down by Alex, who had heard about Hayley's sexuality from Les Battersby. With Alex threatening to call the police, the Croppers stole Martin's car and, taking with Wayne with them, sought refuge with Hayley's old friend Ruth Audsley in Warwickshire.

A police search for the couple ensued, with the papers reporting them as kidnappers and painting Alex as a concerned stepfather. In desperation, Hayley and Roy hatched a plan to catch a ferry to Ireland , before coming to their senses and opting to turn themselves in and put their faith in the British justice system.

However, before they could do so, Ruth shopped them and they were taken into police custody, and Wayne was returned to his parents. After explaining the situation fully to the police, the Croppers were granted bail on the condition that they didn't have any contact with Wayne.

Furious that the police weren't investigating Alex, Hayley refused to accept her bail condition and was remanded in custody. Roy admired his wife's courage but advised her to change her mind as Wayne would understand them not visiting him under the circumstances. Hayley had a difficult time in prison, as the women in her block knew she was a transsexual and picked on her, but after a few weeks Sheila reported Alex to the police for beating her and Hayley was released, the charges against her and Roy dropped and Alex arrested.

In the wake of the Wayne incident, Peter Hartnell told the Croppers that their fostering suspension would be lifted, but the couple never fostered again. In July , Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica.

Just before she left, Hayley got into an argument with Tracy Barlow , standing her ground when Tracy made fun of her sexuality, although it revealed an insecurity in her that Roy didn't find her physically attractive. Unbeknown to the Croppers, Tracy made a bet with Bev Unwin that she could bed Roy, in order to prove that she could have any man she wanted.

Hayley then went to visit her family, and when she returned she was stunned when Roy told her he'd had sex with Tracy. According to Roy, he had got drunk at Peter and Shelley Barlow 's wedding reception and woke up the next morning in bed with Tracy. He couldn't remember what had happened in between but Tracy was more than happy to fill in the blanks. While Roy was in a vulnerable state due to his grief over betraying Hayley, Hayley acted out in other ways, initially accusing Tracy of making the whole thing up, and then, after persuading Roy to fight for their marriage and not move out as he proposed, adopting a more feminine image, which was not to either of their liking.

They seemed to be back on the road to normality when Tracy dropped a bombshell — she was pregnant, and Roy was the father. Following Tracy's news, Hayley found it to hard to go on and decided to leave Roy and live in Amsterdam, his betrayal hurting all the more for the fact that it had given him the one thing she couldn't. However, when she caught Roy attempting suicide in the cafe flat, Hayley broke into the cafe and stopped him, forcing him to drink salt water and make himself sick.

Her resolve changed, and Hayley decided to support Roy in stopping Tracy from going through with her plan to have the baby aborted. The Croppers did not hesitate to pay up, although when Tracy went to the Caribbean with the money, they realised that she could afford to pay for an abortion in a private clinic and sought legal advice from Maya Sharma to find out how they stood.

Maya suggested that Roy marry Tracy. A small Registry Office ceremony was arranged with Roy signing his assets over to Hayley beforehand in case Tracy tried to get hold of the cafe in the divorce. A baby girl was born on 9th February , with Tracy stalling the Croppers for a few days before handing the baby over.

All the pain they had gone through was forgotten as Hayley and Roy began a new life with their daughter, whom they named Patience Cropper. A week after the birth, Hayley was serving as a bridesmaid to Karen McDonald at her and Steve 's second wedding. In the middle of the ceremony, Tracy arrived and caused a scene by shouting for Roy, resulting in Steve having her ejected. Tracy then announced to the entire congregation that her baby was in fact Steve's, and she never had sex with Roy at all.

The Croppers fled from the wedding with Patience, but faced immediate pressure from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby. Initially considering fighting for Patience, the Croppers made a joint decision to give Tracy back her baby, while they faced the fact that the pain and anguish they went through in the last eight months was all for nothing. While Tracy felt no guilt over her treatment of the Croppers, Ken and Deirdre forced her to pay back the money and make the Croppers godparents to Patience, whose name was changed to Amy Barlow.

The Croppers even let Tracy off with paying some of the money in exchange for letting them baby-sit Amy, and when Roy's divorce came through in June , the Croppers celebrated their freedom from Tracy with a candlelit dinner. Chesney thought the Croppers would be a soft touch and laid it on with stories about how neglected he was at home. They saw through his scheme but even their regular attentive method of parenting were beyond what Chesney was used to at home.

A year later, they let homeless Craig Harris move into the flat after finding him living in squalor in the empty bakery next door. Enjoying making a difference to people's lives, Hayley decided to do voluntary work at the church, although restrictions were placed on her due to her being a transsexual and she was only allowed to work with ex-offenders.

While teaching a literacy class, Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger , with whom she had previously worked at Underworld. Becky had fled the area earlier that year, after framing Kelly Crabtree for robbing her friends at the factory. Hayley was wary of Becky's attempts to befriend her but, sensing something in her, decided to cut her a break and gave her a job at the cafe. With her troubled past, Becky's aggressive and thieving behaviour was a hard habit to break, but she was spurred on by her loyalty to the Croppers.

In September , Hayley was saddened to learn of her Aunt Monica's death. After the funeral, Hayley's Uncle Bert passed on to Hayley some letters addressed to her which Monica had held onto.

The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. Hayley felt compelled to track down her son and hired a private detective, who identified her son as Christian Gatley, manager of a record shop. Steeling herself, Hayley introduced herself to Christian, but for the moment she was too afraid to tell him who she really was. At the same time, she came clean to Roy about her secretive behaviour of late, and her lie to him about being a virgin when they met.

Roy found the situation difficult to accept, but agreed to stand by Hayley provided she was honest from now on. Daunted by the prospect of telling Christian the truth, Hayley immediately broke her promise to Roy by telling Christian that she was his aunt and that his dad Harold was dead. Hayley enjoyed talking to Christian about Harold, but while she plucked up the courage to tell him the truth, her lies became more elaborate, much to Roy's disapproval, whose one piece of advice on the matter was that she couldn't build a meaningful relationship on a lie.

Meeting with Christian on the pretence of showing him where Harold's ashes were scattered, Hayley finally told Christian that she was Harold. Christian was weirded out by her revelation and punched Hayley when she ran after him, leaving her bleeding on the ground. Feeling Christian would have responded better if she had told him the truth in her own time, Hayley blamed Roy everything and went to stay with Becky, although once she'd calmed down she returned to Roy.

In October , Hayley was offered a place on a six-month volunteer project building a school in Mozambique. She left Weatherfield immediately, with Liam Connor agreeing to keep her job open at the factory. Hayley's volunteer work lasted longer than expected; she didn't return to the UK until November In that time, she'd fallen in love with Mozambique and its people, and in fact no sooner had she returned to Roy's side that she announced her intention to return and continue her work.

The actress played Hayley Cropper on the ITV soap for 16 years before the character took her own life in following a terminal cancer diagnosis. Speaking recently, Julie explained that she left C oronation Street to "do other things" and said she has had a "rich and successful career" ever since — so has no regrets about leaving.

She also revealed she's still a big fan of the soap and watches it "religiously" but knew "Hayley would have to die" because she'd never split from Roy Cropper. Related: Julie Hesmondhalgh explains her choice to play unconventional characters with gritty storylines. She added: "I love that programme. I still watch it. My husband [Ian Kershaw] is a writer on it. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later?

Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Already subscribed? I watch it religiously, I absolutely love it, but my time on it has definitely ended. Hayley has been married to scriptwriter Ian Kershaw for 16 years and the couple share two grown-up daughters.

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