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Read online: The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design

2022.01.09 14:28

The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design. Mikael Wiberg

The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design

ISBN: 9780262037518 | 208 pages | 6 Mb
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How to design for transformation of behavior through interactive This paper presents a design approach tackling the transformation of behavior through 'interactive materiality' from a phenomenological perspective. It builds upon the Interaction Frogger framework that couples action to reaction for intuitive mapping in intelligent product interaction. Through the discussion  The multiple layers of materiality This is a work-in-progress, in which we theoretically reflect on notions ofmateriality from Interaction Design research and the scientific field of textual studies to discuss what it means to work with digital materials, and what theirmateriality is. We found that several notions entail a layered concept of  Delivering Design: Performance and Materiality in - search ProQuest Delivering Design: Performance and Materiality in Professional InteractionDesign byElizabeth Sarah GoodmanDoctor of Philosophy in Information Management and Systems University of California, Studies of design decision- making 44 Laboratory studies 47 Grounded theory 49 Methods and materials 53 Conclusion 69. Human-Computer Interaction Theories, Methods, and Tools: 16th - Google Books Result Masaaki Kurosu - ‎2014 - Computers Sustainable interaction design The paper proposes (i) a rubric for understanding the material effects of particularinteraction design cases in terms of forms of use, reuse, and disposal, .. Xiao Zhang , Ron Wakkary, Design analysis: understanding e-waste recycling by Generation Y, Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing  Exploring 'Immaterials': Mediating Design's Invisible Materials This article explores the related issues of invisibility and material in interactiondesign, and argues that there is a need to consider 'immaterials' as a frame to explore . drawing on a range of research from within HCI and ubiquitous computing as a backdrop to a more communication design oriented approach and analysis. From materials to materiality: connecting practice and theory in hc information studies and organizational studies. This workshop thus aims to bring together a range of perspectives on the concept of materiality to enrich our understanding of the design and analysis of interaction in HCI. Author Keywords.Materials; Materiality; Design theory; Craft;. Organizational Studies; Information studies. Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction With Emerging Technologies - Google Books Result Cipolla-Ficarra, Francisco - ‎2017 - Computers SIGCHI Conference Paper Format - Mobile Life Centre analyses showed how interaction design is to a large extent driven by emergent characteristics of available materials. The results have implications for understanding material interactions and materiality in interaction design. Author Keywords. Agency; Materiality; Material Interactions; Interaction. Design. ACM Classification  Ny bok om interaktionsdesign - Institutionen för Informatik - Umeå Ny bok om interaktionsdesign. [2017-09-05] Mikael Wiberg, professor vid institutionen för Informatik, kommer ut med en ny bok om interaktionsdesign. Bokens titel är The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of InteractionDesign (MIT Press) och kommer ut i början av 2018. Kort sammanfattning på engelska: Assignments, Embodied Interaction Course - Studentportalen Assignment A4: Materiality in design. Question for the week: The text for this week present us with the concept of material for design, as well as with a wide range of examples. -‐ What are our design resources when we think aboutdesigning for embodied interaction? -‐ How do they make for a more “embodied experience” 

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