How long is the liffey descent

2022.01.10 15:44

It starts within the grounds of the world famous K Club in Straffan, Co. A video guide of all the weirs is available on the weir guide. Please use the map above to see the locations of the weirs and spectator advantage points along the race course. In the event of the minimum number of entrants not being met to populate a competitive class, amalgamations will generally occur as follows:.

Classes will amalgamate up a level until minimum number of entrants are met. If minimum entry threshold is still not met they shall be amalgamated with Class A. Categories will amalgamate down an age group within their class until minimum number of entrants is met. Should O49 fall below the minimum entry threshold it shall amalgamate with O If the minimum entry threshold is still not met the age groups shall amalgamate with the senior category within their class.

Men and Women shall always remain separate. McVicker McInerney. McInerney C3 Men Ogilvie. Whittle Feehan. Mernagh K1W Jun Finn,Naoise K2 Men Foley. Watkins Egan. Simmons Brennan. Forristal Van Lonkhuyzen Mescal. Irwin McCormack. Barry Butler Ashford. Howell Collins. Morrissey K2 Men Jun Griffin.

Crossley K2 Mixed Harris. Harris Christie. Christie Sadler. Bilson T2 Cooper. Hearns Cooper. Cooper McDonnell. Once again, thank you to all involved. Keep up to date with the latest information by joining our online community.

Share your experiences, memories and Liffey Descent adventures with us on all our social platforms liffeydescent. Liffey Descent Information. Liffey Descent Entries Open. Started back in as an inter-club event, the illustrious Liffey Descent kayaking race now attracts paddlers from many parts of the world and is a major event on the international calendar.

The race course consists of 10 Weirs and 1 portage.