Which drugs cause gynaecomastia

2022.01.10 15:47

Tests may include liver, renal and thyroid function Medicines may cause gynaecomastia through a number of mechanisms including: 4,5.

Many commonly prescribed medicines have been reported to cause gynaecomastia 5. Table 1 provides examples of medicines that have been associated with gynaecomastia 2,3. Table 1: Medicines reported to be associated with gynaecomastia [this is not an exhaustive list] Good: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials, randomised placebo controlled trial, or prospective cohort studies with or without concurrent controls plus good pathophysiological explanation.

Fair: Retrospective studies, case-control studies or case series with good pathophysiological explanation. Other reported non-medicine causes of gynaecomastia include alcohol, amphetamines, heroin, marijuana cannabis and phytoestrogens in some herbal medicines 2,3,4,7. Up to 30 June , reports of gynaecomastia suspected to be caused by medicines have been reported to CARM 4. Risk of gynaecomastia associated with cimetidine, omeprazole, and other antiulcer drugs.

BMJ ; Wolfe CJ. Case report. Gynecomastia following digitalis administration. J Fla Med Assoc ; Efavirenz directly modulates the oesterogen receptor and induces cancer cell growth. HIV Med ; Green GR.

Mechanism of hypogonadism in cirrhotic males. GUT ; Eli C. Ketoconazole binds to the human androgen receptor. Horm Metab Res ; Overview Enlarged breasts in men gynecomastia Open pop-up dialog box Close. Enlarged breasts in men gynecomastia With gynecomastia, tissue inside the breast glands grows. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic.

Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Fentiman IS. Managing male mammary maladies. European Journal of Breast Health. Braunstein GD, et al. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and causes of gynecomastia.

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