Which hunter spec is best for pvp

2022.01.10 15:47

This is mostly used as levelling spec for the hunter class, we recommend this as one of the easiest levelling builds. This can be used in PVP Battlegrounds, however, you will rely heavily on your pet and when it is dead you will lose out on abilities.

PVP Beast Mastery Hunter This is mostly used as levelling spec for the hunter class, we recommend this as one of the easiest levelling builds. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors.

We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, provide social media features and analyze our site traffic. Now when you get disarmed you need a weapon to use Deterrence. Note: Rogue will disarm both weapons. Also, the spider has a yard ranged root which is a great utility skill.

While also a pet that uses the Cunning talent tree — Ravagers have a different purpose and might require more skill from the player. Ravager immobilizes and silences a target for 2 seconds.

Unlike Spiders, this ability silences the target, rather than just rooting them to a place. The downside is that this skill requires melee range and Ravagers are rather squishy.

Crab can also be used to lock an opponent. The difference is that Crabs are slow, and their Pin ability requires them to be in melee range. On the other hand, Crabs are way harder to kill due to the Tenacity talent tree. Excellent choice for Battlegrounds!

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