Which world of warcraft class are you

2022.01.10 15:47

People love you. You are the balance everyone needs a piece of. You are either a mage or a warlock. Unfortunately there are too many classes for this quiz. You are an aggressor. You have a controlling and dominant personality. You like things your way or no way at all..

Warlocks are devious and manipulative. Whereas mages are tricky and escape artists. You are probably a bit of both. You have a desire to succeed no matter the cost. You are skilled and ambitious. You use the forces of magic to secure the outcome you want. You are highly competitive and refuse to lose.. Your weakness is when your caught off guard. This often leads you to an irrational reaction. People are often envious of your capabilities. Only to be surprised that you have many insecurities.

No one ever knows because of the many mirrors you put up to divert attention. You my friend are the opportunist. You're a rogue. You are a planner, strategic, and a master of precision. Details are important to you. You often go unnoticed and can be very shy.

However, underneath the reclusive guise, you are a very powerful determined individual. Your weakness is your inability to open up, You are full of wit but cautious to use it.

Rogues are mysterious game changers. You prefer to mitigate damage by being elusive. To you, it's best to be heard when you are unseen. You are no stranger to anonymity. Which World of Warcraft Class are you? Created by Sine Nomine. First to enlist. I'm ready to fight. I hate war. Why can't we just have peace?

Strategy first, i'll fight when it's the right time. I'll do what I can to save my country. I like to plan and strike at the right moment. By doing the most damage of course. I'm resilient. I like to wear my opponent out. I'm quick and resourceful.

I fight to protect or to serve justice. Why fight? My Brain! The elements. Lightning, lava, etc. Questions: 11 Attempts: Last updated: Oct 28, You pick up the closest thing toward you and use it to hack the tree to peices as it falls to the ground and the cat scampers away in terror. You feel that all is what it should be and it is the way it is meant to be and you walk away. You attempt to get the cat out of the tree without harming the tree or cat.

You just climb up and take it out of the tree and think nothing of it. You climb into the tree and chill with the cat for a while. You notice the cat is in distress and discomfort so you torment it by teasing it and throwing stuff at it.

Featured Quizzes. Hunters receive the Tame Beast ability at level five, allowing them to capture and keep any tameable creatures they come across as pets. All three specifications offer a lot of utility, with numerous traps and interruptions. Rogues are sly and best renowned for their stealth ability.

They wear leather armor, rely on Energy as their primary resource, and spend Combo Points to do massive damage to their opponents. They have a lot of utility, such as a multitude of interrupts and stuns, as well as a self-heal with a second cooldown. Their Shroud of Concealment ability allows an entire group to move undiscovered for a brief period.

The priest is the classic healer class in World of Warcraft. It is cloth-clad and wields a staff or a one-handed weapon with its off-hand. We'll see how this goes. Comment by RaineStorm That's wild! And really neat! I would say this is pretty accurate Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Unsure how to post? Check out our handy guide! Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen.

Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looter , which collects data as you play the game!

It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! Quick Facts. The paladin's tools of war lay bare their motivations. Clenched in one hand is the weapon, a deadly device for exacting righteous judgment. Locked in the other hand is the shield, a symbolic and literal barrier protecting good from evil.

Stalwart and steadfast, these protectors are ardent defenders of the Light and all that it touches, and are rejuvenated by its radiance in return. So dedicated they are to their cause that they consecrate the very ground upon which they battle corruption. Race options are: Alliance. While any worthy mage is an unparalleled expert in the use of magic and heavily dedicated to their craft, those who master the forces of fire tend to be a little more audacious than their peers.

If a threat stands before them, the answer is always to neutralize it in a glorious blaze. A lifetime dedicated to the study of fiery forces only fuels their pyromania. Mistake their affinity for watching things burn as a lack of self-control at your own peril. Frost mages stand apart from their colleagues, in that their chosen school of magic focuses on maintaining supreme control over the capabilities of their enemies as they bombard them with ice.

Often, the blade never reaches the caster before the bitter cold takes hold. The frost mage exudes frigid power as icicles form around them, foreshadowing the wintry demise of those who stand opposed on the field of battle.

Unparalleled skill is required to manipulate the volatile forces of the universe.