Who is conducting sslc exam
All Comments Your Activity. We have sent you a verification email. To verify, just follow the link in the message. Exim Bank Recruitment. CAT Exam Result. Courses after 12th Arts. Career in Data Science. Courses After 12th Commerce. Karnataka is among the few states which have decided to conduct the board examinations amidst the COVID pandemic while a majority of the states have decided on promoting the students without exams.
Your Result will be shown in 10 seconds. Are you worried or stressed? Click here for Expert Advice. Results Class 10th Class 12th Entrance Exams. Register for Education News. Kerla SSLC Malayalam medium exam is a subjective type of paper, and in any subjective type of paper it depends upon your presentation skills that how you attempt the question, yes you surely can write the answers in point wise manner but if it is mentioned in the question that you will have to write in a paragraph then you cannot, Best of luck.
Sanjay Khandelwal 1st Feb, It will be difficult to change your son from cbse to state board when he is in 10th standard. But you can try if any state board college is ready to give admission to him then you can try. There will be a long process because changing a candidate from central board to state board during 10th use to be tough. Registration for 10th always happens in 9th. So try to finish your 10th and change thats a normal practice.
Procedure will be explained by the board, but you must get admission in any state board and even cbse should allow you to take admission then only you can change. View All Questions. Lenzs Law 7 hours ago. Laws of Reflection 8 hours ago. Law of Inertia 8 hours ago. Law of Conservation of Mass 8 hours ago. Lens Formula 8 hours ago. Other Trending Articles. Upcoming School Exams. Thank You! Contact Number. Relevant Links. Conducting Body.
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