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When do we use microsoft excel

2022.01.10 15:48

Availability of Online Access Excel is part of the Office Productivity Suite, Which means that business employers and their employees can easily access their files over the cloud network, free from the bondages of file transfer.

MS Excel makes it easy to do so! After filtering and correctly inputting data, you can turn it into a Pie Chart or Clustered Columns with a single click. Even better, it allows you to customise the colours and boundaries of the charts and pie diagrams! Bring all the data in one place Containing over 1,, rows and 16, columns each in the spreadsheet, with hundreds of them, or even more if your PC is capable, in a single file, Excel allows you to create spreadsheets bigger than 20 A1 papers!

You can import data from other spreadsheets and add pictures and other objects through the insert tab, making it easy to put all the data you collected in various files in one place. Human Resource Planning Although there are other systems such as Oracle, or QuickBooks for planning this, Excel allows you to manage it all in one file!

Human Resource Professionals use this to take the whole employee journal in bulk and use it to plan future credit and decide whether to invest more or not, making it important for the control of the future.

Putting forward all these uses, MS Excel has been proved to be an important resource for business and financial analysis. If you want to, you can learn more about this programme and take courses here:. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tweets by globaledulinkuk. If you need career support Global Edulink is here for you. Because it's so widely used, many businesses appreciate that it's possible to send documents created in Word to clients, employees and other business associates without worrying about whether or not they'll be able to open them.

The program allows for the use of a wide variety of fonts and styles in order to create a number of different types of documents, from informal lists of notes after a meeting to reports ready to ship out to a valued client or top executive. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's used to create grids of text, numbers and formulas specifying calculations. That's extremely valuable for many businesses, which use it to record expenditures and income, plan budgets, chart data and succinctly present fiscal results.

It can be programmed to pull in data from external sources such as stock market feeds, automatically running the data through formula such as financial models to update such information in real time. Click the arrow in the table header of a column. To filter the data, clear the Select All check box, and then select the data you want to show in your table. For more information, see Create or delete an Excel table. The Quick Analysis tool available in Excel and Excel only let you total your numbers quickly.

Click Totals , move your cursor across the buttons to see the calculation results for your data, and then click the button to apply the totals. Conditional formatting or sparklines can highlight your most important data or show data trends.

Explore the options on the Formatting and Sparklines tabs to see how they affect your data. For example, pick a color scale in the Formatting gallery to differentiate high, medium, and low temperatures. Learn more about how to analyze trends in data using sparklines. The Quick Analysis tool available in Excel and Excel only recommends the right chart for your data and gives you a visual presentation in just a few clicks.

Click the Charts tab, move across the recommended charts to see which one looks best for your data, and then click the one that you want. Learn about other ways to create a chart. Select a range of data, such as A1:L5 multiple rows and columns or C1:C80 a single column. The range can include titles that you created to identify columns or rows.

Click to perform an ascending sort A to Z or smallest number to largest. Click to perform a descending sort Z to A or largest number to smallest.

In the Order list, select the order that you want to apply to the sort operation — alphabetically or numerically ascending or descending that is, A to Z or Z to A for text or lower to higher or higher to lower for numbers.

For more information about how to sort data, see Sort data in a range or table. Click the arrow in the column header to display a list in which you can make filter choices.

To select by values, in the list, clear the Select All check box. This removes the check marks from all the check boxes. Then, select only the values you want to see, and click OK to see the results. For more information about how to filter data, see Filter data in a range or table.

Under Save As , pick where to save your workbook, and then browse to a folder. Preview the pages by clicking the Next Page and Previous Page arrows. The preview window displays the pages in black and white or in color, depending on your printer settings. On the File tab, choose Options , and then choose the Add-Ins category. Near the bottom of the Excel Options dialog box, make sure that Excel Add-ins is selected in the Manage box, and then click Go.

In the Add-Ins dialog box, select the check boxes the add-ins that you want to use, and then click OK. If Excel displays a message that states it can't run this add-in and prompts you to install it, click Yes to install the add-ins. For more information about how to use add-ins, see Add or remove add-ins. Excel allows you to apply built-in templates, to apply your own custom templates, and to search from a variety of templates on Office.

For more information about how to find and apply templates, see Download free, pre-built templates. Get started. Click File , and then click New. Under New , click the Blank workbook. Click an empty cell. Type text or a number in the cell. Press Enter or Tab to move to the next cell.