When is brutus arrogant
Shakespeare then proceeds to use Caesar to show that someone high and mighty can sometimes get so caught up in everything, and themselves, that they do not see the consequences of their actions and choose to believe and not believe what they want. The Romans are then the epitome of being easily manipulated. Manipulation is everywhere; it is a part of everyone 's lives and always will.
This is very important because this shows Brutus that Caesar is not as incredible as he sounds. Macbeth is about to do a horrible deed. He is going to kill his friend and his king. The trust and the loyalty have been broken. People today would lynch themselves for dollars. We would sell out those who mean the most to us just get money or just to say I'm on top.
As is common in all tragedies, Antigone by Sophocles contains a very obvious tragic hero. Of the many characters, two stand out with similar flaws, Antigone and Creon. They are both flawed in their excessive pride, or hubris. Throughout the story, Brutus was one of the few characters that understood the way power could change a man.
He feared that Caesar would become a tyrant with all his new power and that Rome would suffer from his rule. He states this multiple times in the story. It is clear to see here that Brutus was justified in killing Caesar because his intentions are good. The character Macbeth is a tragic hero in the play Macbeth. Even after Brutus has committed the assassination with the other members of the conspiracy, questions remain as to whether, in light of his friendship with Caesar, the murder was a noble, decidedly selfless act or proof of a truly evil callousness, a gross indifference to the ties of friendship and a failure to be moved by the power of a truly great man.
As a result, Brutus forfeits the authority of having the last word on the murder and thus allows Antony to incite the plebeians to riot against him and the other conspirators. In all of these episodes, Brutus acts out of a desire to limit the self-serving aspects of his actions; ironically, however, in each incident he dooms the very cause that he seeks to promote, thus serving no one at all.
Ace your assignments with our guide to Julius Caesar! SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. He's the most outwardly arrogant—and considering some of the other characters we're introduced to, that's saying a lot.
Caesar's total lack of humility seems to be his tragic flaw. His prideful arrogance is a blinding force that prevents him from seeing the harm he's doing and the harm being planned against him. When Brutus is humble about what others call his greatness, he sets himself up in sympathetic contrast to Caesar. We like Brutus because he isn't all fatheaded. He also seems wiser than Caesar for being more aware of the world around him and genuinely more concerned for it.
Arrogance has a protective quality in the play: it's only by his intense arrogance that Caesar stays ignorant of the plot against him. Shakespeare points to arrogance as one of man's most dangerous failings. I believe Brutus was misunderstood in much of the work. Throughout the play, he was portrayed as a murderer and a backstabber rather than a noble man who faced much inner turmoil over the situations he was put into. I sympathize with Brutus considering that he is blamed for the death of a tremendous leader.
He is able to bring himself into being someone who is loved and trusted by the other around him because of the act that he was able to commit. He is able to bring himself into a better light when honoring the people with the death of his friend Julius. While he is able to bring himself into the act of killing Caesar, he was never able to take the blame for it which can be seen as a way of being weak, but he also decided to end his own life, which can be seen as a highly regarded act throughout Rome.
Throughout Julius Caesar, Brutus has shown himself as being someone who can take the problems of the people around him and making them his own. Brutus holds all of his fellow Romans in high honor. Antony, along with other Romans, uses this weakness to deceive him.
A man such as Caesar would have been good for Rome, but his premature death stunted the growth of what Rome could have been. Brutus killed Caesar for personal reasons rather than for the emolument of Rome. Caesar was a good man that cared about Rome and did what he could for the people.
The senators and Brutus were jealous that Caesar was so well liked. Brutus was a great and close friend of Julius Caesar, but Cassius took advantage of Brutus because he was jealous of Julius.