What type of products are tested on animals
For drugs, agency approval to conduct human testing in clinical trials typically requires a company to submit the results from animal testing data and toxicity data. Most animal testing for toxicity is conducted using mice, rats and rabbits. Multiple toxicity tests are required to evaluate potential hazards for each product or chemical. Each test is based on a human health endpoint that is to be evaluated in the animal model.
For example, human health endpoints evaluated in different types of toxicity tests include eye irritation, skin irritation, skin sensitization, carcinogenicity, genetic toxicity, neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity and acute oral systemic toxicity. Perhaps the most commonly known method of animal testing for toxicity is the Draize rabbit eye test, intended to predict whether a product or chemical would cause injury to the human eye.
A reversible effect to the eye from a chemical is called eye irritation or ocular irritation , and an irreversible effect that would result in permanent eye injury is called eye corrosion or ocular corrosion. The Draize test involves placing a small volume of the substance into one eye of each rabbit in a small group of animals typically three to six , and then recording specific effects observed in that eye over time typically up to 21 days.
The gross nature of this test and the likelihood of pain to the animals have evoked widespread public outcry against it. Scientifically, the test has been poorly reproducible, and not always predictive of the human response. The results are subjective and variable due to human scoring of the rabbit eye injuries, variations in the test method and other factors.
Progress toward replacing this animal test with alternative non-animal test methods has been slow, disorganized and subject to political influences. However, a number of in vitro ocular test methods are now available, each with specific limitations, but the strategic testing lab can usually find a combination to address most testing needs.
The Draize test for skin irritancy, which was first introduced in , has been used to measure the inflammatory response produced when a test substance is applied to the shaved and abraded skin of a group of rabbits, and can cause intense pain, burning and itching.
The good news is that the use of this animal testing method has been largely replaced with validated alternative methods. Additionally, in , several new in vitro methods were approved by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development for in vitro skin sensitization testing.
Do you have any good hair products shampoo and conditioner that are cruelty free in Canada? Anyone has info about the brand? Thanks x. L oreal does not test on animals? They do own some brands that do not sell in China and are cruelty-free.
Unfortunately, this is a misleading claim. While they may not conduct animal testing themselves, their products are sold in mainland China, where animal testing is required for foreign cosmetics. Therefore they are not a cruelty-free brand. What about Youinque makeup brand? Hi there! Great list!!! Do you perhaps know if Riemann P20 sunscreen products are cruelty free?
I would really like to find out what Davines Italy s status is as far as cruelty free is concerned as I was told they went through an 18 mnth process to get into China which meant they didnt have to test. Thoughts please. Just wanted to say that as of March 28th , H2O plus updated their site saying that they do not test on animals or sell to countries that do.
I had no idea. I always liked it. In an article 2 yrs ago, it was said that organix is no longer cruelty free. Is this still tru?
Wow how do you guys manage to be truly cruelty free? I tend to be pretty good with my actual makeup, even though I was sad to let go of some of my Bobbi Brown glosses. Maybe someday…. Quick question, how do you test on animals pertaining to feminine hygiene products?? And do you have an animal-friendly alternatives??
Hi Jennifer! I would recommend checking out our post on cruelty-free feminine hygiene! I hope that helps! Yes, NARS is no longer cruelty-free and they have been removed from our cruelty-free list. Thank you, this is great information?. We have removed them from our cruelty-free list. Yes, we are so sad that NARS has chosen profits over ethics. Burts Bees is not cruelty free. They still use carmine as a colorant, you can go to any Burts Bees display and look at their products and you will see carmine in there carmine is made of crushed up beetles.
Could you explain what you know about the Garnier testing stance? Help would be appreciated! I laughed in her face. Jeunesse Global claims they do not test on animals. Even defending my arguments about China. They referred to Ethical Elephant. Can you please verify? I love their Instantly Ageless.
Do you mean Fantastik the glue or the cleaning brand? Get humans to test the pet food and see how they like it…. Actually, while it may sound strange, laboratory animals are subjected to horrible invasive tests.
For more information, check out our post on animal testing in the pet food industry. Who wold ever think brillo pads and dozens of other products, like tooth paste would be tested on animals? I sure did not. I will try harder now to find alternatives to these products.
We need more cruelty free products. Hi Hanna! Thanks for the kind words! Of course you may use the site — just be sure to credit it as a resource. Good luck on your senior project! Just wondering about Jurlique? Is this true or not? Have they worded it to exclude other areas of testing? Just curious. They do say that it is law for products that are imported into China to be tested on animals and that this is done through 3rd party Chinese testers.
Hi Jo! Unfortunately, any company which sells products in China cannot be considered cruelty-free because animal testing is required in China by law for foreign cosmetics. Hi, I am vegan and therefore use cruelty free brands, how come simple is on your list?
I live in UK and the packaging here says that they never test o animals? Is it because their parent company does? Klorane sells their products in mainland China where animal testing is mandatory for foreign cosmetics and is therefore NOT a cruelty-free company. Eucerin does not use animals to test cosmetic products. This has been our policy since long before the directives regulating animal testing in cosmetics went into effect in the European Union in Convinced that using animals to test cosmetic products in order to prove that they are safe and effective is not necessary, we have worked successfully for more than 20 years with in-vitro alternatives to animal testing.
Being a subsidiary of Beiersdorf, one of the well-known leading and accepted research companies around the world, we are actively advocating for the worldwide acceptance of existing animal test-free alternative methods by respective authorities.
Furthermore, we strive to fill the gaps where alternative methods are not yet available, supporting those scientific efforts both in terms of personnel and financially. Regional research centres are located in Wuhan China and Silao Mexico so the scientists are able to respond more effectively to the needs of the local markets.
Not some innocent animal. I swear humans are the worst species on this Earth destroying it. Hello, do people regard Sanex as cruelty free? I have not found them on any website including them. However, this is on their website. You said Dr. Jart Tests on animals but on the U. These are not sold in China. Excellent work. This is a truly exhaustive list. Thank you for your hard work and Dedication to this extremely important cause.
Are you talking about Demeter Fragrance Library? Please research this. This is not a black and white issue. They have also introduced alternatives to animal testing in countries that still still require it and in many cases, the countries have listened and are using alternatives to animal testing.
Check your facts before spreading stuff like this as a blanket statement. Not cool. Soul destroying to see how much stuff is tested on animals. We have not right to do that. Thank you for your post. If the company is required by law to test on animals in China, does this mean that it is only products sold in China that have been tested on animals?
Pam had been a model for MAC because they did not test on animals.. I was wondering if Batiste dry shampoo and Marc anthony Hair products were cruelty free? Thanks xx. This is not surprising considering they eat dogs and cats over there! So if it says made in China, it is definitely tested on animals and should be avoided. And btw, thanks so much for this great list!! They can be made in China and still cruelty-free.
Thanks for this wonderful site and for all the research you do. Naughty people! The same applies to any brand who chooses to sell in China like Clinique, Bobbi Brown, Benefit, and more. Now the list has confused me… Maybe that means that they only test some products but not all of them? Do they sell to places who do animal testing? Also Dr. Jart claims they do not test on animals. Do they sell to places that do animal testing as well?
Can you please do some research to find out if Iconic London is cruelty free? I think the only ones that surprise me though many sadden me—Demeter fragrances for instance, because they make my favourite perfumes , are Murphy Oil Soap and Woolite. Those products have been around for ages! Why on earth would they need to keep testing them, let alone on animals? It just makes no sense at all. Would they be listed under another brand name?
I used to be an Avon rep too. I wish now I could undo that, and not just because of all the money I lost when they signed up too many reps for my tiny rural area and everyone had to compete to make a single sale. Thank you for the list. And now how wonder I figure out. Such as the lier. Getting their animal testing policy is like pulling teeth. Daaamn, I thought Oriflame was completely cruelty free.
It seems that after a bit of research they sell to countries where it might be required. The fragrances are also tested. So idk if you would like to add them on to your list. It is so unnecessary and medieval to test products designed for humans on animals. The pet food I do understand though, it is for the animals…. Now if only they would clean up their ingredients… I am an affiliate for Jurlique and I had no idea they test on animals.
I have sent a query to them and if this is true I will no longer be a rep for them. What about Elizabeth Arden and Clarins? If you buy something that tests in China, the money that you spend goes to the company. The company then has to pay the animal testing agency in China to get approval for sale, so yes, if you buy something in the US, Canada, or where ever, your purchases contribute to the funding of that animal testing.
And yes, there is something they can choose to do, not sell in China, like all of the real cruelty-free companies choose to do. China represents a difficult and highly competitive market and we are excited to lead the skin care world in Sephora China.
They have to test for eye, skin and respiratory irritants. If a brand sells their beauty, perfume or home care products in China, they are consenting to animal testing and cannot be considered cruelty free. There is nothing the company can do once the products enter China.
Your analogy is faulty. These companies all know the ethical cost of doing business in China, and choose to do it anyway, as per the above example. How can you defend that? Actually, you can blame the brand, because it is the brand who is paying an animal testing agency in China so their products can be approved for sale. An exception could only be made if regulatory authorities demanded it for safety or regulatory purposes. While they seem to be working toward being truly cruelty-free, they still sell in China.
And mainland China still requires, at this time, animal testing. Sorry, Cinnamon Bun. Which is why it comes down to our thorough understanding of current laws, in the US and globally, and our choices regarding what we will tolerate when it comes to animal torture. It would be awesome if you labeled those which are sold in China with an asterisk or something as to why they are not cruelty-free.
Yes I understand the company should still back out of China if they truly care, but it would just also be nice to know in general their stance. They can be considered no less cruelty-free than any other testing company — just less honest. Moroccan oil was listed as cruelty free but crossed out and is not currently listed as animal testing. Can anyone clarify?
So… just slather coconut oil onto everything? I think every brand I use is in this list. Thank you Marta for your kind words! This is a very misleading post. I can not stand up for all of these companies… but I can stand up for the one I work for.
Mary Kay — USA does not test on animals. Most of our plants in other countries do not test on animals either. In fact I am most certain that quite a few of these companies listed here are for that very same reason. And the humane choice is to not to try and change the rules and regulations for product testing in China? How does testing in one single country change their moral stance?
So cruel they must be to want to make an actual effort in the world. Profits before ethics. Some of their products are. It is so frustrating to see some of the actually almost ALL of the top notch and my favorite brands such as YSL and Dior to be not cruelty-free. Avon has never tested on animals, i use to sell it!
They pride themselves on not using animals products or testing on them. You should be careful not to spread gossip. In fact thanks to true campaigners to ban cruelty to animals has pretty much already succeeded as there are very few who can use animals in the creation and testing as it is a world wide ban now! Avon and Dior sell in China. It says so in their FAQs on their website. Avon does test on animals. Even when they said they were not.
They lied and were caught. They were outsourcing testing for decades and were in multiple lawsuits over misleading consumers. Then you are putting dollars in the pockets of the murderers. China is the biggest emerging market in the world, and in the end producers will go where there are masses of new consumers. I guess I have a bit to think about now. Hi Hope. I understand your dilemma. A few years ago I started using essential oils and it opened up a whole new world for me in terms of skin care.
Its not just about the essential oils but using completely natural and cheap products you probably have at home anyway to care for your skin.
The toxins in these branded products are what are damaging your skin. I recently started a blog about the changes I make if you want to have a look let me know x. It might take some time to find what works for you, but there are a LOT of truly cruelty free options, including ones that are great for very sensitive skin.
I truly cannot recommend them highly enough. Does anyone know if dr fresh and the companies they are are cruelty free or vegan? Thank you so much for all the tips about the make up and from head to toe!!! And very nice blog website Kitty! And I am new to go vegan btw. So go on with your cruelty free blog! And it is VERY handy to make copies and to put it in my map. So nothing is actually cruelty free. They claim they do not test, but… a lot of these places claim that….
The Dr Brandt website says that they do not test on animals. We do not engage in animal testing, nor do we use animal-derived ingredients in any of our products. As leaders in the skincare science industry, we consider it our charge to continually innovate new and effective ways to test products without the use of animals, relying instead on advanced testing methodologies that are strictly cruelty-free. We thoroughly investigate each of the ingredients used in our products, selecting only the finest materials from facilities that measure their results with high-tech machinery instead of animals.
Hi Jordan, I wrote about this recently. Garneer is claiming to not test on animals anymore. Can anyone verify this? Be careful with products that claim to not test on animals, they often use loopholes by getting other companies to test the products for them. Or you can use apps that check the product for you. For almost two years I believed in that lie and I was teaching our customers how animal friendly Bobbi Brown is!
When I realized what the bs it was, I left my job. Hi Suzi… What is your take on brands like Nivea and Eucerin? Beiersdorf is supposed to cruelty-free, given the EU ruling. Hi Anu. Makes sense. Thanks for your prompt reply, Suzi.
Also, thanks for posting about Moroccanoil today. Is it fair to assume that companies that have stopped testing are still on your list? Benefit does not test on animals. We are deeply committed to the elimination of animal testing.
They are dermatologist tested, and majority of the line is Vegan. I work for the company. DIY or small Indie brands are they way to go! Animal testing is awful but I also believe animal derived ingriendents are, although the animal would rather be dead then in those cages. Who wants a cruelty-free anti aging moisturizer with snake venom? So your natural cruelty-free brand is full of animal by-products and dead insects. Vegan is the most ethical choice!
The Body Shop has good products and they are supposed to be cruelty free. I had a rash on my scalp that would not go away and the only thing that helped me was a their Ginger Shampoo. Giorgio Armani are owned by Loreal?? Is this true? It just had it on the GA website. GA sells in China. And even then there can be post-market testing. See below cut and pasted txt from the website and I will also attach the link below as well from the source.
Facts need to be straightened on this post about animal cruelty brands or I just want to know has this information been sourced properly before being posted. This decision was undertaken within the framework of our fundamental objectives: to offer innovative products of high quality while ensuring their safety in use by our customers.
Eucerin do not test on animals! Your list is incorrect! Is there any chance you could organize your cruelty-free list like this? I have a question: Lancome is mentioned as a brand that tests on animals on the make up section. However, in the fragrances section, Lancome is not mentioned. Does this mean that the perfumes sold by Lancome are cruelty free?
Eucalyptus oil is a holy grail cleaning product! Just a few capfuls in a spray bottle with water. I use it for all benchtops, bathroom and toilet, glass and mirrors! Animal testing has been completely banned for all cosmetic products in the EU since , and for all the ingredients of these products since They sell in China, where animal testing for cosmetics is mandatory.
Before accusing CFS of presenting false information, you should probably learn the definition of cruelty free. I was in touch with Aussie and they claim not to test on animals. Would anyone mind sending me cleaning product brands that are available to Michigan, that are cruelty free? Thank you so much! Irritant free and cruelty free. Murad acne products are incredibly effective and work quickly. They are also tested on people, not animals. To knowingly continue to use a product that you have found out to be tested on animals, is sheer evil.
It would make sense, however a lot of the testing done is very abusive.. I think it boils down to where you are in the World and what your laws are. I try to stay is much cruelty free or leaping bunny free. Diapers are usually tried first on the skin of animals before humans buy them.
They do this to find a likely allergic response. They also test by having an animal absorb ingredients used in the materials to make the diapers. The best and most brutality-free choice for diapers are cloth diapers. These types of cloth diapers look more like throw away diapers. They are also more user-friendly than the ones from a long time ago. Some companies also make a throwaway cruelty-free and healthier-for-the-environment type of material used in diapers.
Via HarvardBusinessReview. How about those sticky notes? Yes, even they are a danger to animals. However, their parts are still tested on animals. The company 3M who handles making these notes also make Scotch tape which is used for animal testing as well. A lot of times, they are required by law to perform these tests. However, to those that are animal activists, this is not okay. These tests are done on innocent, scared animals. In some cases, these animals do not make it or are killed. Are you a Colgate user?
Next time you grab one at Walmart or your local pharmacy, you might want to do some research into their involvement with animals. They are totally crystal clear with PETA about which animal examinations they direct and why, and that are dynamically functioning to encourage development, support, and recognition of non-animal approaches.
This is another shocking product that made the list of products that are tested on animals. This includes things like polishing liquid, bleach and air freshener.
Tests include offering animals highly toxic numbers of substances or wiping irritants into their skin or eyes. At least now you are being made aware of the atrocities that go on behind your furniture polish. Via CFO. This is unquestionably shocking. A number of reports in for Sucralose at Huntington Life Sciences were printed by Permagon media on the particulars of animals being tested. Splenda is supported by McNeil Research Laboratory, a company of Johnson and Johnson, who often exploit animal testing in their goods.
McNeil Research Laboratory used animals together with beagles in extensive testing on its brand. More than 32 beagles were given Splenda to eat and tested for weeks. The beagles were kept in cages, and their urine and blood was tested and drawn throughout that time. Once the tests were over, the beagles were murdered. They used a knife to cut their throats. Rats are forced to eat or inhale a cosmetics ingredient or have it rubbed into their shaved skin every day for 28 or 90 days, and are then killed.
In some tests, pregnant rats are force-fed the ingredient over about 21 days and then killed along with their unborn babies. Mice have a cosmetics ingredient painted onto their ears and are observed to see if they have an allergic reaction. They are killed six days later. In some — fortunately rare — cases, dogs are forced to eat or inhale an ingredient used in cosmetics or have it rubbed into their shaved skin every day for 28 or 90 days, and are then killed.
Some cruelty free companies carry out humane testing on humans.