What is the difference between pmid and pmcid
Visit the public access policy website or contact the help desk at publicaccess nih. As noted in section 4. Publications not covered by the public access policy, but are publically available in a free online format, may include URLs or PMID numbers with the full reference. Providing the PMID number for manuscripts should be adequate to satisfy regulations on listing manuscripts in biosketches or linking publications to grants. The need for investigators to do extra work to ensure the assignment of a PMCID number adds a needless burden for no obvious gain.
You are correct. It was added as one more regulatory steps to please the bureaucrats in Washington. I think the negative commenters here are missing the point.
Public availability of full-text publications is a reasonable and appropriate expectation for research conducted with public funds. Public access regulations are clearly stated conditions of award agreements when funds are accepted, and most journals will handle compliance for you, anyway. Compliance is adding the paper to PMC. Keeping it all straight — With so many different identifiers used by different databases and online libraries, things can get confusing.
Fortunately, NCBI has a website that allows you to extract all the identifiers linked to an article by entering a single identifier into the appropriate field on the webpage. To reach this useful online tool, click here. If you like our articles, try our workshops! Our articles are based on the material from our scientific writing workshops, which cover these and many other topics more thoroughly, with more examples and discussion.
We offer on-site workshops for your event or organization, and also host workshops that individual participants can attend. Our on-site scientific writing workshops can range from hours to several days in length.
We can tailor the length to suit your needs, and we can deliver a writing workshop as a stand-alone activity or as part of scheduled meetings. Our scientific writing workshops consistently receive high praise from participants including graduate students, post-docs, and faculty in diverse fields. Neither a list nor summary is required. If awardees provide a list, it does not have to be complete.
Note: no special notation is required when manually citing publications that do not fall under the public access policy. The appropriate locations for literature citations vary depending on the application type. PubMed Central is an index of full-text papers, while PubMed is an index of abstracts. Connective tissue growth factor CTGF expression and outcome in adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Dev Biol. In press.