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How old is toronto mayor rob ford

2022.01.10 15:49

He promised to run again for mayor in , if his health permitted. Ford declared himself cancer free in September and campaigned alongside Stephen Harper during the federal election campaign , but the former mayor was hospitalised again in October.

His brother later said two tumours had been found on his bladder. On Tuesday, tributes poured in for the late politician. John Tory, the mayor of Toronto, said the city was reeling from the news.

The youngest of four children, Rob Ford grew up in the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke, the youngest child of millionaire business owner and former conservative provincial politician Doug Ford Sr. He dropped out of university after a year and worked at the family business. Ford met his wife, Renata, in high school, and they were married in That same month, a judge ordered that the mayor be removed from office after ruling that by sending letters to lobbyists requesting donations to his football foundation, Ford had violated the Municipal Elections Act.

Ford appealed and won. The story not only made Ford an international celebrity and the object of mockery on late-night talk shows, but it also triggered a criminal investigation, which eventually led police to acquire a copy of the video. After months of denying he was in the video, Ford confessed in November to having smoked crack, adding that it had likely occurred during one of his "drunken stupors. Despite the acknowledgment, Ford refused to step down as mayor.

Ford also called on then Toronto police chief Bill Blair to release the video so Torontonians could judge the severity of the footage for themselves. Concerns about Ford's health and personal relationships led council to vote in favour of cutting his mayoral budget and hand many of his duties to Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly. In the months that followed, the controversy intensified with the release of other unflattering videos, including one in which Ford is seen shouting obscenities and using threatening language and another in which he appears inebriated and speaks in a Jamaican patois.

Meanwhile, Toronto police investigated Ford's connections with Sandro Lisi, who was charged with extortion for what police say were efforts to recover a video that purportedly shows Ford smoking crack.

In February , Robyn Doolittle, one of three reporters to have seen the original crack video, published Crazy Town, her book-length account of the Ford scandal. In April, after the emergence of a second video allegedly showing Ford smoking crack, the mayor announced he was taking a two-month leave of absence to seek rehabilitation for drug and alcohol abuse. Ford returned to work in June. Despite his admitted problems, he continued to enjoy significant support in the mayoral election campaign.

But in mid-September, Ford was diagnosed with a rare but aggressive type of malignant tumour in his abdomen.

As a result, he pulled out of the running for mayor, and instead ran as a councillor in Ward 2 while his brother, Doug, the existing councillor for Ward 2, joined the mayoral race in his stead. The current mayor of Toronto, John Tory, said in a statement that "the city is reeling with this news". While serving as Toronto mayor, Mr Ford was videotaped and photographed intoxicated in public areas.

Am I addict? Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago. Despite the crack-smoking scandal, his popularity remained high with fans lining up to take photo with him.

He appealed to conservative, working-class people with his populist message. Comments Close comments menu. Video link. Close X. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. By Adam Miller Global News. Posted March 22, am. Updated March 22, pm. Rob Ford passes away at the age of Mourners share condolences for Rob Ford in heart of Ford Nation. Ford supporters still need a champion says former chief of staff.

Remembering Rob Ford. Rob Ford dies from rare form of cancer known as liposarcoma. Family, colleagues, fans react to death of Rob Ford. Justin Trudeau extends his condolences to the Ford family. Rob Ford defied everything normal within conventional politics.