hanciopubque1970's Ownd

Mag what is the best faction

2022.01.10 15:53

We use cookies to personalise your experience and ads on this website and other websites. For more information, visit our Cookie information opens in a new window page. Skip to content Skip to cookie notice. Like this Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window. MAG zipper. Share this story Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window.

Join the Conversation Add a Comment But don't be a jerk! Gimme more!! Cheers Zipper Log in to Reply. I love you guys!! Murphy2k8 July 22, at pm PDT. Log in to Reply. That bestows advantages in activities such as crafting or receiving more loot drops from enemies. Dominant factions will vary on different servers, so it's worth checking the map to see which ones control certain regions. It's good to support the underdog, but when it comes to PvP, you might find yourself quickly overwhelmed if you've joined the smallest faction.

That said, you can switch factions, but you'll need to wait days before you can change. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap.

She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you. Sarah James. Like this. Keep up the good work with MAG and socom. What happens if everybody chooses the same PMC I know that is an impossibility but it could be one of those un-intended glitches that happens. Not sure how I feel about this, will there be another faction based mode coming in? Double XP in celebration across the board? Or are we still only doing that in Directives, which will have you waiting forever on queues.

Here are a few suggestions to help with that:. People could then see their leaders rating before the beginning of a match and decide what they want to do accordingly. The only difference between the camparable gun of one PMC to another should be the skin.

We need more people in the big games. Please do something about it! I just wish there were more people playing Interdiction. Thanks a lot guys! It got kinda repetitive, but now that anyone can play in them, its gonna mix it up.

Im definitely gonna be jumping in since sabotage is my favorite game mode. This is so awesome. I was just whining yesterday on Twitter about how it takes so blasted long to get in a game. I trust this will decrease that time significantly. Very exciting indeed. This is great. Been enjoying the game since I got it in late May. Only match type I find I wait a bit for is Interdiction.

Really disappointing because I thought it was a good change to create more variety from the other game types. Keep us coming back Zipper! Thanks for this! I might hve to ditch MW2, Bad Co. Thanks for answering my question. Could you add that to future posibilities? Look for news on that in a future update. NOW I would like to know how the population for this game is.

How many do play this today. Also hope you guys have some more dlc in store for MAG, we need more maps. Maybe even make the interdiction free if a second map pack launches to avoid splitting the player base even more. By the way loving the Double EXP directives.