hanciopubque1970's Ownd

Should i quarantine snails

2022.01.10 15:53

I've been careless in the past with plants, and ended up with fish I never had before. Better to be safe than sorry. I got my snails in last Thursday I have them in a QT tank.

There are now some small round white balls on the ground of the tank. Are those eggs? Do snails lay eggs? I have had snails forever, but never seen how the babies are born.

What kind of snails are they. The trapdoor snails do not lay eggs their young are born live. Some do lay eggs that are white or pinkish above the water on plants and some lay eggs underwater. I have thousands of Ramshorn and don't really know how they get there.

Maybe the stork brings them. But they multiply like crazee even though I've never seen any eggs. I have them from the size of a period at the end of this sentance to almost the size of a quarter. They are trapdoors. That is strange.. By breaking down fish waste and scrubbing off algae, they help put all those excess nutrients to use and get them into a more readily available form for probiotic bacteria to consume. Snails can also carry diseases that can pass to your fish, as they can be an intermediate host.

Parasites have a life cycle that requires a host. Unless they have a host within a certain amount of time, they will die. By keeping your plants and snails separate from your fish for a minimum of 28 days in an empty tank or jar of water , you outrun their life cycle. The plants will help to purify and oxygenate the water. This method can be used for the inhabitants you introduce to your tank, be they snails, shrimp or plants.

Quarantining your plants and snails might seem like a daunting task, but there are easy and natural ways to make sure you keep your tank healthy and safe while still benefiting from what they have to offer.

Now you can get plants from anywhere you want and not have to worry about anything bad happening. Sign up to receive our latest articles, tips, tricks, and guides, plus discounts on top products, to hit your inbox every week! I've become interested in these little guys Do they carry disease? I read that most snails don't carry diseases and if they did they don't transfer to fish.

I have a gold inca snail and I put it in the tank right away. It loves to eat cucumber and zucchini. Unless you want a tank full, make sure you get the kind that need a partner to breed.

Maybe someone will come along with more snail experience than I have. Good Luck with it. Hmmm, I didn't Q mine. But maybe I was lucky. I later read that certain snails can carry diseases to fish and even humans. I think its a type of ramshorn that does that, though. I'll look for that article.

It's creepy. Oooo it could be a golden mystery snail. I have one of those. I love him! Many "wild" snails carry things Most snails in the aquarium trade are clean and are just passed on thru the business or keepers to keepers. I wouldn't pull any out of the swamps near me for my tanks!! Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if most snails carry diseases, wouldn't a lot more people have problems with them? Because I accidentally got some ramshorn snails into my tank off of some live plants.

They are safe to us. Getting snails from aquarium plants are safe Click to expand Betta Whisperer. I have mystery snails in my pond that get very big out there. I do bring them in to my tanks in the winter. They lay dry clutches any place that is dry. I even had one lay her eggs on the under side of the light hood of my tank because there wasn't enough room on the side glass. If they are full of eggs they will lay them anyplace that they can find dry.

In the pond in a summer I will find 15 - 20 clutches of eggs layed on the bog plants that have leaves that stick above the water. As they hatch they will drop down into the water. Mine get eaten by the koi and goldfish but sometimes I will bring some in the house to hatch them out.

They are my favorite snails and the only ones I have. Hello Tony. I have my new Mystery in quarantine just to be on the safe side. Did you see my thread where I just found snail eggs and I just bought them past Wednesday! I'm posting a link you may find helpful if you haven't seen it already. I hope you get some snails if you want them. I'm really enjoying mine.

Take care! Rainman, that is the exact snail Yes 30 gallon is fine, you can probably put 5 of them in there if you want to breed them. I have one in my 10g. They do produce more bio load than other snails. My tank has a glass hood.

It has a hole that is about 2" on both sides. That's a possibility, just make sure your water line isn't close to the top.