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Why we go to war

2022.01.10 15:53

Just conduct in a war means that it must be specific and proportional. That is, noncombatants and civilians must not be deliberately targeted. Further, only such force as is necessary must be used, and harms must be proportionate to the goal sought. Law of War Some of the just war theories have been adopted as parts of international agreements and incorporated into the law of war i. The Geneva Conventions, for example, are a series of international treaties that are designed to protect noncombatants, civilians, and prisoners of war.

The treaties were negotiated in Geneva, Switzerland, between and The First and Second Geneva Conventions apply to sick and wounded soldiers and sailors. They contain provisions related to protecting the wounded and sick, as well as medical personnel and transports. The Third Geneva Convention applies to prisoners of war, and the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to people in occupied territories.

The Third Convention requires humane treatment of prisoners, including adequate food and water. The Fourth Convention includes provisions that forbid torture and the taking of hostages, as well as provisions related to medical care and hospitals. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.

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They will best know the preferred format. When you reach out to them, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Hu Xijin is the editor-in-chief of the Global Times.

Previously he worked as a reporter in the People's Daily and By Hu Xijin. Because that day is a horrible day for the planet, and a horrible day for our countries. Recently, there have been more voices in the US emphasizing that the US should not have military conflicts with China. This is obviously because the tensions in the relations between the two countries have been escalating. The frontline troops are getting closer and closer, and the US has had real worries of accidental and serious confrontation between the two militaries and even accidental discharge of fires.

The risk of a China-US military confrontation has increased. The reason is that the two countries' strategic hostility has continued to increase, and their mutual trust has dropped to almost zero.

Metaphorically, if the wind blows the door shut now, both countries would believe that the other side is slamming the door. If an incident like the in-flight collision in the South China Sea happens again today, it is difficult for the two sides to cool the incident down and resolve it peacefully. Who is to blame for such an awkward situation? Also, why do people choose to go to war instead of taking other peaceful measures to resolve conflict? While Buddhism is less associated with religious warfare than both polytheistic and monotheistic religions, some exceptions exist such as in southern Thailand where the killing of a Buddhist monk is considered such a sacrilege as to prompt a furious call for immediate killing of the murderer.

However, in an area such as that, the Buddhists have been the minority and fear for their lives from militant Muslims. As co-editor of the book, "Buddhist Warfare" he said that, "Buddhism differs in that the act of killing is less the focus than the 'intention' behind the killing" and "The first thing to remember is that people have a penchant for violence, it just so happens that every religion has people in it.

It appears to me that to classify a war as one type or another, one must evaluate objectives of both warring parties. For example the American Indians fought for food and water which required land.

The English fought for resources, land, and economic gain. So the Indians fought for survival while the aggressor fought for economic gain, along with egocentric ideas regarding religion and culture.

The Indians did not fight for land. Most had no idea of the concept of owning land until the English introduced it. Wow this is very nice. U have expanded my research capacity. I have a lot to gain here. Thank you very much. Example B.? War on Terror - Began in Afghanistan A commom mistake. Seems to me that all the 8 reasons are associated one way or another with ownership of one thing or another, which can be said to be due to ignorance?

Philosophically, how can one own what one did not create? No human created the universe. How can human own parts of the universe? One of the most prevalent aggressors of war against others for over 1, years is missing.

That would be Islamic wars against everyone else. Islamic warring is now in the form of terrorism worldwide and can be categorized under several of the eight reasons for war that are mentioned; Economic Gain is a primary reason for Islamic warring along with Territorial Gain, both of which are claimed to be for the purpose of Religion as well as a form of Nationalism as Muslims strive for everyone to be under the same Islamic rule.

Civil War has been a factor of Islamic warring as different factions of Muslims war over which faction should be in control. Revolutionary War is how Islam describes turning a nation that has been taken over by Muslims also take over the nation. Defensive War on Islam is mostly due to others defending themselves from Islamic aggression or defense of one Islamic faction against another. Missed one in the list. There is a common term for it: when a country has a pact with a country that it will go to war against a given third country if it is attacked.

I will be referring to this again thank you for your hard work. Thx I had to wright speech, I chose to Wright about war and this is probably the most helpful website by far. Thank you for the information. This will help me get back into harvard which I lost my scholarship to when I called a ginger a cheezit and she got me expelled from my high school. I am currently working on an essay about the effects of war and needed some background information about the main causes for armed conflict.

This article has been a great help, thanks! This is sooo great because i'm doing an essay right now and it's been such a great help. This article really helped me a lot it was just something I was looking for and I think this could help a lot of other students to that need help with the subject.

War is started because it exists. It exists because humanity exists. No other beings that we know of kill their own kind like we do, and its because of having intelligence, souls, and opinions. As long as opinions exist, there will always be conflict. The only reason we go to war is to pay back and give money to the backers of all the people that are in Washington DC so they can put money in their pockets and who cares about how many young people you kill that's it there's no philosophy here.

Nice and easy. Psychology can answer this question a bit. Human beings have ego,some a bit higher and they want to dominate others and that's their way of showing they are more powerful. A sort of animalistic trait though. When this combines with materialistic needs greed wars happen. I see a common thread of one wanting to have some kind of power over another running through the multiple reasons for war.

I like the examples you use for the different types of war. Afrer I finished High School and recalled what I learned in historyclass, thia is quite good set up and explained. Marine Biology. Electrical Engineering.

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