2022.01.12 06:50
ナンユアン島は、サムイ島の隣のタオ島のさらに離島。タオ島の船着場からタクシーボートで15分くらいだったか。 岩山と岩山の間が砂浜で、その前後にビーチがあるのがユニーク。 水の透明度も高く、泳いでいると熱帯魚にしてはデカい魚がわりといてビビる。
Nanyuan Island is a remote island of Koh Tao next to Koh Samui.
Was it about 15 minutes by taxi boat from the dock on Koh Tao?
There is a sandy beach between rocks. And it is unique that sealine before and after sandy beach.
The transparency of the water is also high, and when swimming, the big tropical fish comming are rather scary.
Nangyuan Island Koh Tao ,Thailand
in 2002
Size A4 297x210mm