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How old is feferi

2022.01.11 15:56

Yani Kerstings Pundit. Why does eridan hate land dwellers? He hates them for no other real reason. Najim Orce Pundit. What color is eridan's blood? They are prone to violence as well because of their location on the hemospectrum.

As with cerulean blood , this blood type is commonly called "blue," but the color has been alternately referred to as "indigo" when used as ink or in a potion. Ian Ouadah Pundit. What is Feferi? Feferi is one of the few trolls whose ancestor, the Condesce, is not dead by the start of Hivebent.

She shares this trait with Aradia Megido and Sollux Captor. The planet of Beforus is entirely themed around Feferi's style of ruling. Charmain Nortes Teacher. How many words is homestuck? Combining this with my figures and existing word count, the adjusted count for Homestuck is currently words. Shuangfeng Bermeo Teacher. Is Gamzee evil? Gamzee as a concept was sort of always meant to be evil , since his future self helps spur him to commit murder.

Gamzee exists in a state of inescapable hell that doomed him from the moment he was born. Carrasca Busch Teacher.

Does Egbert die? John Egbert was then dead for the second time, but he will probably come back again in like Feferi is very diplomatic though, and tries not to leave a bad impression on the girl. It is then that Eridan gives Feferi an ultimatum: Join him in teaming up with Jack, or die with everyone else.

Naturally Feferi and Sollux try to stop him. This ends up with Sollux being knocked out. When Feferi retaliates, Eridan kills her.

We see Feferi one more time, as an doomed timeline version of herself uses her godpowers to heal WV. Her handle is cuttlefishCuller [CC], her weapon is a two-sided trident, and she is the Witch of Life. The empress-to-be. How old is karkat? How old is eridan ampora? How old is Feferi? What are Homestuck trolls? Who is Vriska Serket?

Why did Gamzee go crazy? How did Equius die? How old is John Egbert? How many words is homestuck? What is the plot of homestuck? What did Gamzee do? Is Gamzee still in the fridge? Does everyone die in homestuck? How many deaths are in homestuck? She later appears in a dream of Jade's upon the latter reaching the Land of Frost and Frogs , claiming to be dead.

However, since she still has not fulfilled Gl'bgolyb's prophecy, it seems we haven't seen the last of her. Upon Sollux waking up, he said he was aware of her death and that she was 'happy and 0k,' implying he and Feferi had talked while he was knocked out. Feferi has a similar postmortem dream conversation with Jade, but ends up scaring her out of it when she suddenly reveals to Jade that she's dead.

Feferi's body was preserved by Gamzee, and she was later revived as half of Fefetasprite , along with Nepeta. Fefetasprite was one of the happiest sprites, and ended up "fefetasploding" due to rapidly being addressed as her separate components by Erisolsprite and Arquiusprite.

After the sprite's fefetasplosion , she returned to the afterlife with Nepeta, appearing on Vriska Serket 's pirate ship and donned the appropriate pirate apparel. As the Trolls' session had many Doomed timelines , Feferi had many alternate selves. However, only one of these alternate selves has been seen thus far. This alternate self had ascended to god tier before dying. She was seen in a dream bubble with an alternate Eridan, using her Life powers to heal the Wayward Vagabond.

Of all the trolls, Feferi is the highest on the Hemospectrum , and is a radical reformist in that she wishes to make Alternia a nicer place by redefining the word "culling" to mean "caring for the unfit". However, she seems to be very misguided, and her introduction page hints that her ideas are very naive and likely would not work out the way she'd want them to. She is eager, does not put on airs of superiority like the blue bloods , and is never shown to be purposely cruel to anyone because of their blood color.

According to the whispers of her Lusus , Feferi will eventually unite the two races. In retrospect, the two races could refer to the trolls and humans, since she was the first to contact the kids through the Furthest Ring. Feferi is almost entirely optimistic and fearless. Even when confronted by the horrorterrors that terrified both Karkat and Jade, Feferi remains gleeful and insists that they are not so bad once one gets to know them.

Her tolerance towards them comes from the interactions with her monstrous lusus. She also teases Vriska by playing a prank on her for fun, although this might be because she knew Vriska would appreciate it more than kindness. Feferi refers to Eridan Ampora as her moirail and worries about his getting out of line.

After entering The Medium , she abdicates this responsibility because of how their one-sided relationship exhausted her emotionally, leaving Eridan distraught. After being saved by Sollux Captor , and later saving him herself, the two seem to develop some sort of relationship, leaving Eridan angry at Sollux. When Eridan wins his second nonfatal duel with Sollux, Feferi angrily runs at Eridan, apparently to impale him with her culling fork.

Enraged, he defends himself using his wand, killing her in a single blast through the chest. Much later on , Sollux and Feferi's matespritship is confirmed through dialogue between Fefetasprite and Erisolsprite. She seems to consider Kanaya a close friend, evidenced by her admitting to Kanaya that she did bear a lot of burdens, her lusus being one of them.

She interacts with Jade multiple times, and despite their teasing seems to genuinely think of her as a friend. She even drops her quirk willingly for Jade in Jade: Answer. Feferi seems to get along well with Vriska , which is shown in Past Karkat: Wake Up , where she pranks Vriska, who is openly amused by her joke and even admits to Feferi that she is impressed by her antics.

This could possibly be foreshadowing Vriska's close relationship with Meenah much later on. She gets along well with Nepeta when they are fused together as Fefetasprite , and sticks with her even after they separate. Meenah is Feferi's Dancestor , serving as her alternate on Beforus where Feferi was the empress and Meenah was the heiress.

Not many interactions are shown between these two because of Meenah's urge to kill Feferi due to her fuchsia blood. Meenah, wishing she never noticed her dancestor, suppresses her urge to kill. Even later , Meenah has seemed to dramatically change her attitude toward Feferi, by saying that she found it a shame that they were to have the same color blood.

Even alluding to wishing for a closer "sisterly" relationship with her. Feferi seemed to never have had any urge to kill Meenah even though they share the same color blood.

The reason for this is unclear, but may possibly be due to her lack of occupancy of the throne. She seems to look up to Meenah and is very impressed with her. Feferi's lusus is a gargantuan squid-like mass of writhing tentacles named "Gl'bgolyb" probably pronounced "glub glub". It is the largest lusus of all the trolls by far - its size can be measured in miles assuming the whale killed by Eridan is roughly m ft in length, then, from beak to beak, Gl'bgolyb measures roughly — km, or — miles.

Gl'bgolyb is an "emissary to the Horrorterrors " and whispers prophecies to Feferi.