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Is it possible to count to a billion in a lifetime

2022.01.11 15:57

Dividing the minutes by 60, we find it would take , hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds. Dividing the hours by 24, we get a new total of 11, days, 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds.

Finally, dividing by In short, if you want to count to a billion , you'd better start now. The process works even into the hundreds, thousands, and so on.

At a certain point, though, these numbers are more abstractions than reality. Maybe you've heard news reports discussing government budgets in the millions, billions, or even trillions of dollars. Similarly, when reading about astronomy, you read about stars or quasars or such that are billions, trillions, or quadrillions of miles away.

Granted, when speed speaking, one can easily hit the 2 second mark, or even less. This is a marathon, not a sprint. So just how long would it actually take someone to count to a million? Thanks to the efforts of one Jeremy Harper, we know the real world answer is somewhere in the vicinity of 89 days. How did Mr. Harper figure this out?

Well, he did it from June 18 to September 14, and live-streamed the entire thing online for everyone to watch. Harper, a software engineer whose boss gave him time off to do this, neither left his apartment nor shaved during the event; he recited numbers aloud read off a computer monitor for about an average of 16 hours every 24 hour period for 89 straight days.

This is about 3. As for why Harper did it, he was looking to raise money for Push America now The Ability Experience , a charity that helps disabled people. As you might imagine, the reality of spending nearly every waking moment for just shy of three months doing nothing but counting aloud was extremely mentally taxing according to Harper. If I would have been locked in my apartment and counted to a million and nobody was watching, I would certainly have lost my mind. I would be like, you know, just out of it.

Naturally, after hitting 1,,, he did what anyone would do after such a momentous achievement- the chicken dance.

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