Is it possible to lose 60 pounds in 3 months
Cook more meals at home, rather than eating at restaurants, which often feature inflated portions and calories you don't expect in added oils and sugar. Use cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, baking and stir frying.
Ideas for home-created meals that don't take a lot of time or cooking skills include an egg and egg whites scrambled with spinach, mushrooms and a tablespoon or two of low-fat cheese with a whole-grain English muffin; stir-fried chicken breast with mushrooms and snow peas; baked fish with brown rice and steamed asparagus; and a lean roast beef sandwich on whole-wheat bread with mustard, lettuce and tomato with an apple.
Snacks consist of mostly unprocessed foods, such as fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, woven wheat crackers with moderate servings of hummus and low-fat cottage cheese with grapes or blueberries. Without exercise, weight loss is harder and results in a notable loss of muscle mass that slows your metabolism and diminishes your health.
Moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity in excess of minutes per week is required to lose notable weight, says the American College of Sports Medicine. This amounts to a minimum of 50 minutes, five times per week, of activities such as brisk walking, calisthenics, pushing a lawn mower, playing doubles tennis or flowing yoga. More intense cardio in the form of jogging, circuit training or cycling may be required to adequately raise the heart rate and break a sweat for some people.
Strength training at least twice per week helps you retain lean muscle despite your calorie deficit. You'll also build muscle, not body-builder style, but functionally, so that your metabolism stays revved and weight loss is easier. Aim to work all the major muscle groups, including the back, chest, arms, legs, hips, abs and shoulders. Do at least one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise using a weight that brings you to fatigue in the last two or three reps.
Over time, add more exercises, greater weight and additional sets to continue to see change. As you lose weight, you may need to adjust your calorie intake and exercise routine to continue to see results because your smaller body requires fewer calories to fuel. I am so excited for my results. I am currently running almost every day to get to my goal of being able to run 2 miles without a break.
So far I am able to run 1 mile with 2 short breaks. I drink only water, and some juice occasionally. Try and eat as healthy as I can. It is not easy at all, and am already proud of myself for as far as I have gotten.
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Did you mean:. I lost 50 pounds in a little less than 3 months! Recovery Runner. Report this post. Here is the basic gist of what I did: 1.
Only ate carbs in the morning. A bowl of grape nuts 2. Stopped drinking diet coke and now I drink a TON of water everyday. Jack straight 5. Walking evolved into jogging. I still jogged that week however Again, I wish that I could lift heavier. I could have cut alcohol out completley I have SO much more energy. If I can do it, you can too. Best Answer. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic.
Fitbit Community Council members are a select group of volunteers who share support knowledge on the forums and advocate for the betterment of Fitbit products and services. Learn more. Community Legend. You look awesome! Congrats on your Loss! Tempo Runner. Sincerely, Never going back! Burdie FitHR Charge Weight Watchers Weight loss is all about when you consume less and burn more. If you want to lose 60 pounds in 3 months then you must know that you will eat less and burn more in order to achieve the goal.
The target is to lose 20 pounds each month. And 5 pounds a week. As you can see the goal is high so it requires double effort to achieve it. First of all, motivate yourself to do it continuously.
Second, make a chart of how you eat normally and the calories you take normally. And how you will eat during the diet plan and how many calories you will take in this time period. Each of your meals including lunch, breakfast, and dinner should consist of calories. And you will be left with calories for your snacks. It is not necessary that you need to take calories in each meal.
You can change it, for example, if you want a light breakfast then take or calories, and for a heavy dinner then take or more calories. Calories according to meals are not fixed although calories per day should be fixed.
You should not exceed calories a day. It is totally up to you how you take the plan and how you divide it accordingly. Along with the diet, exercise is also very important and a must to do each day and every day.
Be picky about your food. Try to eat protein-rich, carbs-rich food like eggs, fish, meat, whole grain food, vegetables, fruits, and food like that which are healthy for your body. The carbs you are taking should be healthy. Avoid simple carbs and fast food. Things that you should avoid are cereals, cakes, cookies, white bread, soft drinks, alcohol, and fast food or canned food. Focus on nutrition because losing weight while being healthy is a goal.
If you like sugar and crave it then you can add fruits to your meal with a cookie. Cottage cheese with avocado and tomato. You can have egg whites, hummus, cream cheese, or tofu instead of cottage cheese. Tuna and ranch garden sandwich. You can eat tofu, chicken, cottage cheese, or almonds instead of tuna. Tomato mozzarella tuna melt. Broccoli and feta omelet with toast.
You can have cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese instead of feta. You have to keep a track of your calorie. As your goal is to take calories a day so you should not exceed that goal. Divide into 3 different meals with a snack as mentioned above in a diet plan. Or you can divide into small meals but the target is calories a day and you should not exceed the limit. As it is important not to exceed the limit. This is also important not to decrease the limit.
But not always. Sometimes, I felt really exhausted, I couldn't work more than hrs per day. I couldn't allow myself to skip a lunch, otherwise I became aggravated and felt bad and angry. One way or another, 1 year after, my weight is lbs and I feel myself best ever. Lots of effort have been put by me during first 3 months, and I still keep myself in a diet and visit gym at least 3 times per week.
I also have to say, that my body has some specifics: I usually gain weight pretty easy, but can lose it fast as well. So, here is my regime for first 3 months. First 2 weeks I was randomly visiting gym, trying to get into the minimal shape when body does not fall apart and full of pain after minimal work out.
First week, I visited a gym only once - on Saturday. Next week I made it twice. Week after than, I switched to 3 times per week: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. That's how I keep. Not always I can do Saturday, so sometimes move it to Sunday. If I have to skip, this usually would be Thursday hate doing legs. On my first week I went to amazon. I got it same week and started using to know my weight. I grep the internet and found that the best time to weight is on the morning, after visiting restroom, before shower, and being absolutely nude.
That's how I do every day. On my second week, I met Ben in the gym, and great guy who gave me lots of good advices. On of the few first advices was to get a journal. Next day, I went to the show and bought a simple excecise book. I was filling it with list of exercises I want to do that day, and with initial weight. In this case, I used the rule - do as much as you can! Another section in the journal I used for logging my weight.
I log my weight every morning since then, except a few one when I was on vacation or had a travel.