Makemkv which audio track

2022.01.11 15:58

Mkvmerge is also a GUI. The files play successfully after using makemkv , and have the issues afterwards. The only thing I am altering the the audio and sub defaults that were set my make mkv. Sorry for the confusion here. Autostart is selected in VLC and works fine with every other file.

Literally I'm making two changes and mixing the file. Are you setting the default flag for the original audio to 'no'? Are you sure it's just the 'Default track' flag that you're modifying and not 'Default Duration'? The original audio I have as no and re-ordered to position 2 because it didn't sound good.

That one was PLMC. The one I moved to first position, the dolby digital one, I set the default flag to yes. Think that could be whats messing up playback? I appreciate all your help ndjamena. HOW did you re-order them? You didn't touch the track number did you? So I tried three things, each making it worse. That didn't work. I take it from your question that I made it far worse. This may just solve my problems. And I'll have to re-rip the movies.

What I want is to rip the full file size of the movie, with the most playable audio track on blu-ray players and my computer that also has the options to have subs. I know how to change subs always on to only on when I select them by setting default flag from yes to default in mkvmerge GUI. Maybe I'm confused about how to set the audio track to default. Post by peanuts » Tue Oct 30, pm. Skip to content. Quick links. Which Audio Track? Do you use another program besides MakeMKV?

If so, let us know in the comments below. Hi Tim Read the mkv how to article, question is streaming a movie using one of the various streaming devices illegal? I have been asked this several times. The legality of it depends on where you are. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What is MKV? Would they like you to buy it? Of course. Do you need to? You can always download the latest version from makemkv.

HD-DVD support is limited — some discs may fail to open and not all audio and subtitle tracks will be preserved. Blu-ray and DVD discs are fully supported. Computer administrator privileges are required on Windows to run the beta version. Eventually MakeMKV will not require administrator privileges to run. Note: your version number may differ slightly Your first choice is to choose a setup language.

Comments Hi Tim Read the mkv how to article, question is streaming a movie using one of the various streaming devices illegal? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. About Us Contact Us. Find out what over 10, fellow streamers already know Awesome! The video file would not include the audio tracks you try to remove. The above solution would be a little bit complicated since you have to complete 2 procedures to get audio tracks removed from Blu-ray movies.

Is there an easer solution to do this? VLC media player is recommended. You could also to choose which audio tracks to retain and which audio tracks to remove in output video files.

Check the below steps to learn how to remove unwanted audio tracks from Blu-ray movies by using VLC media player. In this way, actually you choose which audio tracks to retain in output file, therefore removing the unwanted audio tracks. VLC media enables you to easily remove unwanted or all audio tracks from source Blu-ray movies. The inconvenience is that VLC supports very limited output video formats and you may not be able to select specific audio tracks for removing. Leawo Blu-ray Ripper helps you fix this.