Mgs2 can you save emma

2022.01.11 15:58

Danziger, from the novel Time and Again. Upon returning to the Shell 2 Core B1 Filtration Chamber 2, with Emma in tow, if the player saves the game, Rosemary Raiden's girlfriend becomes jealous of the attention Raiden gives Emma, accusing Raiden of being attracted to her, with Raiden admitting finding Emma cute. If the player presses the R1 button during a Codec conversation with Emma while she is speaking , Raiden's thoughts will say "How cute!

When Emma is crossing the Strut L Oil Fence, the player can use to directional microphone to hear several different conversations:. At one point, if Raiden interacted with her pet parrot, it will say "Venus in Cancer.

However, the reference was lost in translation. If the player tranquilizes Emma with the M9, she can be heard to say "Venus in Cancer" in her sleep, if contacted by Codec. Like Otacon, Emma also had a poster of Policenauts in her office. In an optional Codec conversation, Raiden tells Rosemary "What kind of dork brings all this stuff to work?

Must be a super freak! In Hideo Kojima 's "Grand Game Plan" for Metal Gear Solid 2 , Emma would have been captured by the enemy, and Snake and Raiden would have also been tortured by Fortune and Vamp the former seemingly dying from the injuries and the latter via sodium pentothal after their attempt to rescue her backfired, and she would have ended up dying from the torture.

In addition, she would not have been fooled by the Cyborg Ninja and deduced that it was one of Arsenal Gear's illusions. Emma Emmerich's character shares several similarities with that of Naomi Hunter :. Metal Gear Wiki Explore. Metal Gear Solid V. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Emma Emmerich.

Log In to Edit. History Talk Emma Emmerich: I remember my brother giving me a piggyback ride I was sleeping with my ear against his back It seems like he had the perfect shot but decided to let luck dictate the next course of events. What people, including myself, missed is the fact that the game actually explains why Snake could not have done anything with his rifle at that moment.

It was easily missed since it is composed of a few seconds in a cutscene. Indeed, Snake does not actually have a good shot!

Well that's what i've heard, i may aswell try it throughout this play through that i am doing now :D. From: berttyboi Emma's death can be save if you do not ask "Pliskin" for help with the sniping.

You've heard wrong. I've only ever asked for Pliskin's help once and he was pretty useless. Either way he doesn't help during the actual incident anyway as far as know. User Info: Groadergreen. Pliskin shoots Emma to help toughen Otacon up. He knew it was the only way. User Info: bretnsid. No, there's no alternate ending or anything like that in MGS 2. Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots! Sneak Out 6. User Info: Kouja. User Info: Goldsickle. Originally, they wanted to do something like that.

When it comes to the part where you need to rescue the president and Emma, there's supposed to be a split path. If you choose to rescue the president, then Snake will rescue Emma and vice-versa. Even though he showed flashes of swordsmanship akin to the beloved Cyborg Ninja, fans rejected him with a passion.

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