Multiple sclerosis what is it symptoms

2022.01.11 15:58

Pain syndromes are common in MS. Can be a reaction to the stresses of living with MS as well as the result of neurologic and immune changes. Anxiety, mood swings, irritability, and episodes of uncontrollable laughing and crying pose significant challenges for people with MS and their families.

Studies have suggested that clinical depression — the severest form of depression — is among the most common symptoms of MS. It is more common among people with MS than it is in the general population or in persons with many other chronic, disabling conditions.

Stuttering is occasionally reported as well. Swallowing problems — referred to as dysphagia — result from damage to the nerves controlling the many small muscles in the mouth and throat.

Tremor, or uncontrollable shaking, can occur in various parts of the body because of damaged areas along the complex nerve pathways that are responsible for coordination of movements.

Respiration problems occur in people whose chest muscles have been severely weakened by damage to the nerves that control those muscles. In very rare cases, hearing loss has been reported as the first symptom of the disease.

While the primary symptoms described on this page more and less common are the direct result of damage to the myelin and nerve fibers in the central nervous system CNS , the secondary symptoms are the complications that can arise as a result of these primary symptoms. For example:. While secondary symptoms can be treated, the optimal goal is to avoid them by treating the primary symptoms. Three of the most common early symptoms of MS are:.

You may go weeks, months, or even years between flare-ups. These symptoms can have many different causes. Most experts believe that MS in men tends to be more aggressive and recovery from relapses is often incomplete. Discover more early signs of MS.

Your doctor may prescribe other medications to treat specific symptoms. Regular exercise is important for physical and mental health, even if you have disabilities. If physical movement is difficult, swimming or exercising in a swimming pool can help.

Some yoga classes are designed just for people with MS. A well-balanced diet , low in empty calories and high in nutrients and fiber, will help you manage your overall health.

The healthier your diet, the better your overall health. You should try to limit or avoid :. If you have other medical conditions, ask your doctor if you should follow a special diet or take any dietary supplements. Check out these additional tips for eating an MS-friendly diet. The exact cause of MS is still unknown. However, there are several risk factors for developing MS.

If you have mobility issues, falling may put you at an increased risk for bone fractures. Having other conditions, such as arthritis and osteoporosis , can complicate matters.

Mobility issues can lead to a lack of physical activity, which can cause other health problems. Fatigue and mobility issues may also have an effect on sexual function. Discover more effects of MS. In a study, however, the Society estimated that around 1 million Americans have MS. Check out more MS facts and statistics here. You should focus on communicating your concerns with your doctor, learning all you can about MS, and discovering what makes you feel your best.

Many people with MS even choose to share their challenges and coping strategies through in-person or online support groups. Download it for iPhone or Android. Read this article in Spanish. Neurologist Barbara S. People who are considering getting pregnant with an MS diagnosis should talk with their doctors about all options for treatment and symptom management.

MS is diagnosed less often in men than women by a ratio of 3-to This has been especially noticeable in the last 30 years as the gap has widened. This could be due to a number of issues like access to healthcare, childbirth, and lifestyle factors. Vitamin D deficiency is being researched as a likely factor as well.

A doctor — most likely a neurologist — will perform several tests to diagnose MS , including:. Doctors use these tests to look for demyelination to the central nervous system affecting at least two separate areas. They must also determine that at least 1 month has passed between the episodes. These tests are also used to rule out other conditions.

MS often astounds doctors because of how much it can vary in both its severity and the ways that it affects people. Attacks can last a few weeks and then disappear. But relapses can get progressively worse and more unpredictable, and come with different symptoms. Early detection may help prevent MS from progressing quickly. Misdiagnosis is also possible. MS is a challenging disorder, but researchers have discovered many treatments that can slow its progression and manage symptoms.

The best defense against MS is seeing your doctor immediately after you experience the first warning signs. Read this article in Spanish. Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis RRMS is the most common type of MS, characterized by periods of increased activity, or flares, and periods of…. Your diet, exercise routines, and medications all have an impact on relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis RRMS.

These expert tips can help reduce…. Although there's no cure for multiple sclerosis MS , you shouldn't let treatment take a back seat.

Learn why you should take control of your MS and…. Learning how your MS symptoms might impact your daily life and how to approach treatment can help you adjust to your diagnosis and your new normal. Here's what is currently known about the COVID vaccines and whether they are considered safe for those with multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis can suck some of the fun out of life, but dogs are pure joy. This is her story of making adjustments and developing….

From no-cost updates to bigger investments, check out these tips for changes that can make your living spaces safer and more useful when you're living…. Learn more about these new medications as well as…. These have been shown to help reduce the number of attacks and…. The treatment you need will depend on the specific symptoms and difficulties you have.

Disease-modifying therapies may also help to slow or reduce the overall worsening of disability in people with a type of MS called relapsing remitting MS, and in those with a type called secondary progressive MS who have relapses. Unfortunately, there's currently no treatment that can slow the progress of a type of MS called primary progressive MS, or secondary progressive MS in the absence of relapses.

Many therapies aiming to treat progressive MS are currently being researched. If you have been diagnosed with MS, it's important to take care of your general health. Read more advice about living with MS.

MS can be a challenging condition to live with, but new treatments over the past 20 years have considerably improved the quality of life of people with the condition. MS itself is rarely fatal, but complications may arise from severe MS, such as chest or bladder infections, or swallowing difficulties.

The average life expectancy for people with MS is around 5 to 10 years lower than average, and this gap appears to be getting smaller all the time. These organisations offer useful advice, publications, news items about ongoing research, blogs and chatrooms.

They can be very useful if you, or someone you know, has just been diagnosed with MS. There's also the shift.