What do you mean by saponification
We use soap on daily basis and now a days soap making is very common at home. People love to make soaps at home of their own choice.
Being a science student, have you ever thought of which reaction is involved in soap making? Saponification definition, saponification reaction, saponification value are some of the important topics for your CBSE Class 10 Board Exam perspective also.
You will perform soap making practical as well in chemistry lab of your school in class In general words we can say the process of making soap is called saponification. Soaps are long chains of sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids. In terms of chemistry saponification can be define as the reaction of ester with water and base such as NaOH or KOH to give alcohol and sodium or potassium salt of the acid.
The oils which go through the saponification reaction are known as saponified oils. Saponified oils are mixed with sodium hydroxide and water. In words saponification reaction can be written as —. In a saponification reaction, ester group reacts with water and base mostly NaOH and forms carboxylate ion and alcohol. Carboxylate ion changes into carboxylic acid.
Glycerin obtained by calcareous saponification , also may contain oleate of lime. Exposed for a certain time to the atmosphere, they become rancid, and generate the same fat acids as they do by saponification.
Top Definitions Quiz Examples saponification. List of Partners vendors. Share Flipboard Email. Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph. Chemistry Expert. Helmenstine holds a Ph. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter. Updated January 08, Key Takeaways: Saponification Saponification is the name of the chemical reaction that produces soap.
In the process, animal or vegetable fat is converted into soap a fatty acid and alcohol. The reaction requires a solution of an alkali e. The reaction is used commercially to make soap, lubricants, and fire extinguishers. Featured Video. Cite this Article Format. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? How 'literally' can mean "figuratively".
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