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What happens if i eat weed

2022.01.11 15:59

Shortly after eating a food containing THC, you begin to absorb it in your bloodstream, he says. But there's a catch: Absorption can be delayed, depending on how much of that edible you consumed and how much other food is in your stomach. That can be a big problem, says Stolbach, because people may not realize how much they've consumed until they begin to feel sick. Just like food or medications, THC consumed via edibles is absorbed through the walls of your intestines.

The more food that's in your system—say, you ate a weed brownie as dessert following a big dinner out—the longer it will take for the THC to get absorbed. This is where edibles are majorly different from a joint: When you smoke THC, it immediately goes into your bloodstream, whereas you might not feel the full effect of THC you've consumed until hours later, says Stolbach.

Related: Miracle Cure-All? While a desirable effect of THC is to feel more relaxed, says Stolbach, things can quickly take a turn for the worse if you accidentally overindulge. Say that brownie tasted fantastic and you went back for seconds or thirds—at this point, excess calories and sugar are the least of your concerns. If that brownie was laced with a high dose of THC, you could be feeling these scary overdose effects for as long as 12 hours, says Stolbach.

The type of edible you consume can impact how your body reacts to it. The process through your gut is slow. Lavorato recommends that beginners start off with five milligram doses of THC at the most. The edible's packaging should indicate how much THC is supposed to be in it.

But, there's no regulation of edibles at this point, so you're relying on the manufacturer to tell you accurate information. Be careful. If you do go overboard, Lavorato has some sage advice, "You're in for the ride. You just gotta buckle up, put on a funny movie and just try to tell yourself that everything's going to be OK. Read more in this series and call or text us your questions at or tweet reporter Jacob Margolis.

Lively and in-depth discussions of city news, politics, science, entertainment, the arts, and more. Reviews of the week's new movies, interviews with filmmakers, and discussion. The chocolates come in singles and boxes of four and nine. Soon, Lavorato will offer chocolates in lower doses like five milligrams.

The cannabis sweets company offers chocolates in 10 and milligram doses. The chocolates are known for the sea salt sprinkle on top. Jacob Margolis Take Two December 23, Listen to story Another concern is that edible cannabis products often resemble regular candies, cookies, and other baked goods, posing a risk for children, pets, and other adults. In fact, between and , cannabis-related calls to U. Many of these calls were related to accidental ingestion of edible cannabis products Edible cannabis products can be difficult to dose and take a long time to kick in.

They also resemble regular food products, which may lead to accidental ingestion. Though smoking cannabis is not often considered harmful, research has shown that inhaling cannabis smoke can negatively affect health, similar to cigarette smoke. Both cigarette and cannabis smoke contain toxins, such as ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, that may damage your lungs and increase the risk of illness Currently, some research shows a weak link between smoking cannabis and certain types of cancer, although it does not appear to be significantly associated with lung cancer Smoking cannabis has also been associated with lung inflammation, bronchitis, and even impaired brain function In contrast, edible cannabis products have not been shown to negatively affect lung health or cancer risk.

However, because most cannabis research focuses on smoking cannabis, the long-term health implications of consuming edibles are still unknown. Nevertheless, ingesting cannabis is potentially safer than smoking it. More research needs to be done to confirm this theory. Cannabis smoke contains toxins that may negatively affect health. Though edibles are likely safer, the long-term health implications of these products are still unknown due to a lack of research.

Many people enjoy using cannabis products to relax and ease stress , while some take edibles to treat or improve symptoms of a medical condition. It has also been legalized in countries around the world, including Canada and many European countries 20 , In contrast, recreational use of cannabis is illegal in many parts of the world, including many parts of the United States.

As of , 16 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia currently allow for the use of recreational cannabis products However, even though cannabis is legal to use in many U. According to the U. Yet, many disagree with this classification, especially those who have seen firsthand that cannabis products offer medicinal and therapeutic benefits for many people. In fact, scientists have repeatedly questioned this classification which prevents research on real world cannabis and only allows U.

Though both social and political views on cannabis are changing rapidly, for now, citizens must abide by the laws set forth by state and federal governments for the use of both medical and recreational cannabis.

Sticking to prescribed dosage and usage recommendations can help reduce your risk for potential negative effects related to overconsumption. If purchasing edible cannabis products in a state where recreational use is legal, only purchase products from a licensed dispensary that you trust.

Licensed dispensaries are often required to have their products tested for safety and potency in state-accredited laboratories to be approved for sale. Dispensaries typically carry a variety of cannabis products with different concentrations of THC and CBD, which can be confusing for first-time buyers. The legality of cannabis varies, so the use of both medical and recreational cannabis products depends on where you live. Only purchase cannabis products from trusted sources and follow dosing recommendations carefully.

Edible cannabis products may offer various benefits, including reducing symptoms of chronic illnesses and anxiety. Still, these products may cause side effects, react with common medications, and take a long time to kick in. A marijuana high is associated with feelings of relaxation and contentment, though negative reactions are also possible.