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What happens if i leave walter behind in fable 3

2022.01.11 15:59

Unfortunately Lady Grey is the only true character that you can marry. After you marry either the good or bad wife, their voice and attitude will reverse. Dog rose Rosa canina and sweet briar rose Rosa rubiginosa are spiny perennial shrubs that form dense impenetrable thickets.

Both are highly unpalatable to stock and out-compete native vegetation. Skip to content Common questions. We had just emerged from the cave and he said "Don't leave me" and since I am trying to be an evil character and that's harder this time around as soon as he said that I left him then ran until I found the wall to vault off of. You might get evil points, I'm honestly not sure. But if you hadn't left him at the first opportunity, but then did when the game forced it, you wouldn't have gotten evil points, I know that.

If that makes sense. User Info: Pezdis. The amount of "evil points" you get doesn't truly affect you at that point in the game, regardless. No matter what you choose, your Hero always says "soz 4 leavin u behind" when Walter wakes up. You then go and At which point you become The Big Cheese, and you start making the decisions that truly impact your playthrough.

There's really no time between sailing to Aurora and these decisions that allow your morality to make a difference. More topics from this board How do i have an orgy? Plot 5 Answers How to co-op on same xbox?

Tech Support 2 Answers How do I do the flit switch puzzle in driftwood? Side Quest 2 Answers How do you increase your moral standing? General 5 Answers. Joined Oct 7, Messages Reaction score 12 Points TheLine said:. Click to expand I kept all promises and had over 9 million gold.

You still fight Walter, and he still dies. One of the saddest moments in my gaming history by the way, I almost had manly tears. Well that is disappointing , now all that's left is to finish the couple side quest, which are less than in fable 2.

I hope DLC's come out as quickly as possible. MaleficRaven New Member. Joined Oct 30, Messages Reaction score 0 Points 0. The game was too short for me to develop any sort of relationship with Walter.

It was a little sad but not enough to make me care. MaleficRaven said:. I kinda was silent for a second and was like Yeah, that's how it was with me. I wanted to cry but I mean