What is the difference between slowpitch and fastpitch softball bats
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All demos Features Buy me! Default welcome msg! Compare Products. Catchers Gear. Tournament Gear. Which leads us to another question- Do these play styles affect which softball bat works best?
All this is done by the fielding team to put the batter out of the game. Each team has nine players. The basic goal is to score a run which is the team used for points. Once the batter hits the ball and the ball is in play, he then runs to the first base. The batter then has to wait until the next player hits the ball and once that is done the first batter runs for the second base.
This keeps happening until there are three outs referred to as stricks. And same as bat ball once the batting team has done their play they go on fielding and the other team bats. The balls are larger than a typical baseball. The balls also have different sizes according to which type of game is in play, for fastpitch the ball weighs 6.
Defensive players have to wear gloves. Defensive players are the fielders which have to catch the ball when is hit or to throw it to another player during the play. The gloves are made of leather. The catchers have extra protection inside the gloves to protect the hand. The first baseman who is behind the batter has a special glove that has a bigger pocket for catching the ball easily because the ball is thrown to them multiple times.
The bats are used by the offense team which could be made out of wood or aluminum depending on the preference of the batter. Some bats are also made of carbon fiber. The length of the bat cannot be longer than 34 inches and should be less than 6. Fastpitch Softball is more commonly played by women although coed fastpitch leagues also exist. The pitching distance in this game can be from 35 to 45 feet. Fast-pitch softball usually has nine innings in a game.
The game is played with nine players. Meanwhile, slow-pitch softball only has seven innings and is played by ten players. The extra player serves as a player in the outfield and a countermeasure in additional hitting and offense. Fast-pitch games allow base stealing, a practice not permissible in slow-pitch.
The player is required to stay on base until the ball is hit. Strikeouts and double plays are also more common in fast-pitch games than in slow-pitch games. In terms of hitting, fast-pitch allows having a designated hitter for players who cannot perform powerful hits. In slow-pitch, there is no substitution for batting; when a player is already on the plate, she or he must hit the ball. Slow-pitch and fast-pitch are two forms of softball. Both forms have identical rules but also many distinguishable features.
The main difference is in the manner of throwing the ball. But the greater weight of the bat compromises your hitting ability. On the other hand, if you use a fast-pitch bat in a slow-pitch game, there's a decent chance you'll crack or break it, since the bat material is often thinner to increase its flex and trampoline effect.
Get the right bat for the right game. Jim Thomas has been a freelance writer since He wrote a book about professional golfers and has written magazine articles about sports, politics, legal issues, travel and business for national and Northwest publications. By Jim Thomas. Pitching and Bats When you play slow-pitch softball, the ball is thrown in an arc 6 to 12 feet high. Weight Slow-pitch bats are generally heavier, roughly 26 to 30 ounces. Fast-Pitch Bats Fast-pitch bats come in one-piece or two-piece construction.