When is imac update
For Pro users, there is also an iMac Pro model as well. Apple first introduced the aluminum iMac in August with inch and inch options. The mid model, however, was only a stepping stone.
Despite featuring an aluminum front-face, it still featured a back casing made of black plastic, which was a stark difference from the sleek aluminum front. In , Apple released a new lineup with aluminum unibody design in This design has ended up shaping the future of the iMac, with Apple focusing on revising it rather than completely redesigning. In October , Apple redesigned the iMac with an ultra-slim side profile and removed the SuperDrive.
In , the iMac was upgraded with a Retina display upgrade option. The The base model includes a 3. The iMacs continue to feature spinning hard drives as the default with upgrade options for Fusion Drives and Flash storage. If you are considering any upgrades, the GB flash storage upgrade will go a long way at improving long term durability and speed. Need extra cash to upgrade? Chance Miller. The iMac saw a big redesign in , with Apple unveiling the colorful new inch iMac back in April.
Looking ahead to , however, there is still a lot of focus on the iMac, particularly as the inch iMac awaits its turn to transition away from Intel chips to Apple Silicon. Head below as we recap everything we know so far about what Apple has planned for the iMac in ….
Ben Lovejoy. With September and October Apple events out of the way, there are still some unannounced but eagerly anticipated Apple products to come by some point next year.
Culprits include Mail and Final Cut Pro. The exact behavior varies. In the worst of cases, a user cannot change focus from the alert window, requiring a forced restart ….
This week, Apple has quietly discontinued the Michael Potuck. The following Macs can run Monterey:. This change primarily affects security protection and network monitoring software, as well as drivers software that enables your Mac to work with certain third-party hardware. If you care about your security and privacy, you probably use software such as an antivirus or firewall including Intego software , or VPN software.
Be sure to run NetUpdate to verify that you have the latest versions. You may also want to verify that there are Monterey compatible drivers for your printer or any other hardware that may rely on custom software for special features.
Although some printers, scanners, and other common hardware may work fine without any custom software, you may not know for sure about your own peripherals until you try them with Monterey.
In some cases, third-party app developers might not yet have finished developing a Monterey compatible version, and in rare cases it may not be possible to make their apps compatible. You might be forced to rely on your system backup more on that below and try to revert back to Big Sur. Each app developer should say on their websites, or in Mac App Store information, whether they are compatible.
But in some cases, especially for older or infrequently updated apps, you may not know unless you contact the developer. Apple processors are based on the ARM architecture or contact the developer to ask whether their software will work on Apple Silicon Macs.
However, there may be some exceptions where developers will need to update their apps for compatibility with new Mac hardware. Updating is especially important for software like the Microsoft Office suite, the Adobe Creative Cloud apps, or other apps you may depend on for your work.
Another thing you can do is clean out some of the gunk that has been on your Mac for a while. You can also use Intego Washing Machine available as part of Mac Premium Bundle X9 , Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 , or standalone to clean up and delete files you no longer need, such as cache files, downloads, duplicates, and more. Launch Disk Utility, select your startup volume, then click First Aid in the toolbar.
This will take a few minutes, and during the process your disk will be locked so Disk Utility can make repairs, if necessary. When this is completed, it will tell you if all is well, and if it has made repairs. You can use Time Machine if you have an external hard drive, but the safest way to do this is to clone your drive. You can do this with Intego Personal Backup. There are two menus here that you can use to check for updates. No matter which one you pick, in the menu that opens, click Software Update.
Wait a few moments for your Mac to connect to the internet and check for updates. If an update is available, you'll be shown what it's called — just click Update Now or Upgrade Now to install it. You can also choose to enable automatic updates from this screen by checking the Automatically keep my Mac up to date box.
This will ensure that whenever a new update is available, you'll be told without having to open this screen. High Sierra was released in late If you haven't updated since then, you should be sure to update as soon as you can to keep your computer safe.
From the above screen, you'll be given the option to update your Mac. Any Mac computer released in or later should be able to update to at least macOS Catalina.
If your Mac is so old that it can't even do that, it might be time to buy a new model. And, for future reference, don't worry about accepting an update and then having your computer unexpectedly restart — you'll be notified beforehand if a restart is required. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more.