Which organizations are developing the specifications for 4g

2022.01.11 16:00

These standards development organizations will work with their partner telecommunications companies and other groups over the next several years to determine which technologies to include in their ITU proposals at the end of the decade. The international technical standard is not the only regulatory task associated with 5G.

National regulators around the globe must also set aside radio airwaves, called spectrum, to accommodate 5G. The ITU is expected to identify 5G frequencies at the next conference in after reaching agreement among its members. In October , the FCC adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking to license specific radio frequencies for 5G wireless broadband. FCC Chairman Wheeler believes that the United States should not wait for a common technical standard before allocating spectrum.

Instead, he suggests the FCC should make specific radio frequencies available and let private sector companies produce the best technical standard for the allotted frequencies.

Pai argues that the FCC should allocate as many frequencies for 5G as possible until a global standard crystalizes. The upcoming fights over standards and spectrum mean that the next few years could be somewhat of a free-for-all for 5G wireless technology until the ITU adopts a standard. Sprint offers a cautionary tale from the current generation. Sprint picked the wrong standard and is now spending millions of dollars trying to catch up.

All 2G and 2. All 3G Features plus:. The industry moves towards expansion of the number of 4G compatible devices. It is set to find its way to tens of different mobile devices not restricted to 4G phones or laptops. There are published specifications for the development of following gadgets aimed to add 4G connectivity.

The trend is to provide wireless internet access to every portable device that could supply and incorporate the 4G embedded modules. The 4G technology could not only provide internet broadband connectivity but also a high level of security that is beneficial to devices that incorporate financial transactions such as vending machines and billing devices. The following are the companies, 4G cellular phone carriers and manufacturers, currently deploying or are planning to deploy 4G networks.

The 4G cities or states indicated in the parenthesis are where the carriers are implementing the network to increase 4G availability. While LTE networks have not been commercially deployed yet, it is predicted to have lower cost per bit since it does not need to lay new infrastructure like WiMAX did. Japan does have 4G wireless networks, but most of it is not commercially deployed yet. WiMAX first commercial deployment in Japan had just started in July , following the 5 month trial period.

The Mobile Broadband Standard. The discussions that led to the signing of the 3GPP Project Agreement were recorded in a series of slides called the "Partnership Project Description" PowerPoint that describes the basic principles and ideas on which the project is based. The document has not been maintained since its first creation, but the principles within do still remain valid. Backward Compatibility The major focus for all 3GPP Releases is to make the system backwards and forwards compatible where possible, to ensure that the operation of user equipment is uninterrupted.

Full Meeting Calendar. Face to face meetings have been suspended for the time being.