Who is gons father in hunter x hunter
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Through out the entire story what little bits we get of Ging, at least in terms of a father, come almost exclusively from Mito-san. Aunt Mito has some misunderstandings about Ging and holds a huge grudge against him, blaming him for the death of her sister. She also does not trust Hunters or their association. So yeah, Mito has issues. From other characters who knew Ging, we get a sense that Ging is a famous well connected and affluential man. Highly successful in his career as a Hunter, with money, fame, and Nen power that are practically legendary.
The man owns a magical island! Sure, but HxH is not as easy to judge as our world. Her father abandoned her. Left her on the side of the road and never looked back. Her father turned her over to the state because he was unable to care for her.
Both are sad situations for the child. One is criminal of the parent. The other shows the parent acting responsibly. With this in mind, let us look at the facts of the HxH story as it pertains to Ging and son:. The day Ging returns it is the funeral for his wife. It makes sense that he would have attended the funeral along with his son. Its also possible that Mito and Grandma and the other islanders were not aware Ging was in attendance. Ging is not giving Gon to Mito-san in this scene.
He is there to ask Grandma Abe to look after Gon for a while. They only know she was on an expedition with Ging when it happened. When asked, Ging is unable to tell Grandma Abe what happened. This prompts Mito to get angry and chase Ging away. Got that? Ging is a young man who just lost his wife, the mother of his son. Whatever tragedy happened on the expedition they were on was classified by the Hunter Association. He is forbidden to tell Mito and Grandma what really happened.
There is a good chance he may have nearly lost Gon as well, that he and Gon were the only survivors. Ging probably has a ton of pressure on him with the HA investigating the incident and who knows what else they are making him do.
It is entirely sensable for Ging to have his family take care of Gon for awhile during this difficult time. It makes sense that Ging at that point fully intended to return for Gon. But only one of these boys is emotionally scarred from the experience, and it's not Gon.
In Hunter x Hunter , Gon decides to pursue a career as a Hunter just like his dad Ging who left his family. Gon is driven in this endeavor both by his desire to find Ging and out of curiosity, for if being a Hunter is compelling enough to tear a man away from his family, then it has to be incredible and must be experienced. Upon finding him, Gon learns that Ging was originally motivated to get what he didn't have, which later evolved into a need to explore everything beyond the known world.
Desert 9 's Mao shares the same obsession as Gon, and his father left for a similar reason as Ging. Mao wants to find his dad who abandoned his family to find the ninth forgotten desert. Besides taking place in a desert wasteland where hunters harvest ice from the corpses of water beasts, the manga Desert 9 introduces more complications to Mao's relationship with his estranged father.
Ging complains about them having a bad temper, to which Pariston mocked him for having a bad temper himself. Ging explains that the image of him is the result of a sum of single incidents over the years and intimates the other to shut up, adding it was Pariston the first to provoke them. Pariston says he was just going in with the flow and wonders if they have to get rid of their assailants since they do not seem to have any intention to give up. Ging agrees, but wants to do it "gently".
As he analyzes their abilities, Pariston asks if it is okay for him to watch Ging fight, and he receives an affirmative answer as Ging prepares a technique. Pariston watches in amazement as Ging reproduces Leorio's remote punch to knock out three enemies.
He asks for a confirmation, and Ging explains how he can copy someone's ability. After Ging defeats the remaining henchmen, he tells Pariston he was aware it had all been staged by him to discover Ging's abilities and suggests that Pariston fights him himself if he wants to figure out what Ging's real abilities are.
The two then head upstairs, with Pariston glaring at Ging. After that, Muherr confronts Ging and reveals to him that he didn't have anything against him becoming the number two in the team, but the fact that he tried to buy their trust with money was unforgivable.
Ging then apologizes and offers to donate their money to the Norwell Fund. After that Muherr and his men acknowledge him as the number two, but not before making it clear that despite this, it will be Muherr that will give the orders to everyone on the battlefield and that his orders are absolute. Ging then agrees and hails while comically answering "Sir! Yes, Sir! Pariston then walks in, announcing he can now donate his money to all of Beyond's followers and claiming Ging is now officially number two.
Pariston turns out his offer to keep leading the party, and Ging says he won't hold back in that case. During his time as a Zodiac, Ging's authority in the Hunter Association was inferior only to those of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman. Even after quitting the group, he still has access to all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter; as a matter of fact, due to no information on Ging being available on the net, Kurapika assumed that he must have the power and wealth of a president.
Former Chairman Netero supported this theory by calling him one of the five best Nen users in the world, [11] and Hisoka is extremely interested in him. He also seems to know how to use the mysterious runes that are affected by Nen, leaving Gon a box that could be opened only with his aura. Immense Speed: Ging grabbed by the waist, lifted up, and faked a punch at Usamen , who was approaching him with hostile intentions before the other could react.
The speed of his movement and the power behind it were such that Usamen actually believed, for a moment, that he had been struck several times. Enhanced Adaptability: He talked and laughed on top of the World Tree for many hours without looking troubled by the low oxygen level and temperature.
Genius-Level Intellect: Ging is arguably one of the most intelligent characters of the series. He has foreseen most of Gon 's choices and actions since leaving home, including his participation in the Hunter Exam, his journey to Greed Island and his meeting with Kite.
He also guessed correctly what the process to decide the rules of the election would be and ensured his own would win, outmaneuvering the rest of the Zodiacs. Ging is a polymath since he has extensive knowledge in various fields of academic studies. However, he claims that he studies subjects that interest him only. Polyglot: Ging is hinted to be able to speak several languages, surpassing Curly , a professor at Varvard University, in his own field every time they have had a contest.
Among the languages he knows is Ancient Kappe and Nankul. Ging's standing within the Hunter Association and Netero's praise speak for his mastery over Nen. The first example of this is given when he is seen playing Pip-Play , a game in which one moves around their aura to do tricks; a self-proclaimed master of Pip-Play was left flabbergasted by Ging's capacities, as he created multiple bubbles of aura, altering their shapes, sizes, direction, and individual speed.
As Ging himself admitted, however, this game has nothing to do with one's actual abilities, being no different than spinning a pen on one's fingers. Although it is still unknown which Nen category he falls into, he showed extreme prowess in Emission and Manipulation when he put his aura in a tape with the order that it self-deletes after playing. The command activated perfectly ten years afterward, and the aura was strong enough to block Killua 's punch, [13] indicating he has considerable skills in Enhancement as well.
A true testament to Ging's skills in Nen was given when he was attacked by Muherr 's henchmen. On that occasion, he copied Leorio's remote punch perfectly and at the first attempt. He later explained that he generally can mimic other people's striking abilities as long as he has been hit with it, but further elaborated it as merely a natural talent and not a Nen ability. Deducing how Leorio must have created his ability, Ging devised, basing on his own speculations, a method to detect people which consists of spreading one's aura like ultrasounds, and again he succeeded in using it at the first attempt.
Since he deemed this technique to be stealthier than En , it is very likely he can also use En. He also showcased above-average proficiency in the Emission category by hurling two large projectiles of Nen at the same seemingly without needing to charge them. Pariston did not argue against both statements. Ging is also able to correctly guess someone's natural Nen type the instant after they had used an ability, as he did with Muherr's henchmen, which implies he may have learned or developed his own system to identify different Nen users; though he was unable to identify the guns as not being conjured by the henchmen themselves.
Ging's knowledge in Nen also allows him to identify Golem as a symbiotic Nen user upon the first impression. Hunterpedia Explore. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Ging Freecss. View source. History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. Hunter Exam arc: Ging vs. Leorio Paradinight [18] Ging vs.
Usamen [26] Ging and Pariston Hill vs.