Who is lilo sister

2022.01.11 16:00

When Lilo is kidnapped by Gantu , Nani accompanies Stitch, who has revealed his alien origins, in Lilo's rescue. In the end, Nani and Lilo are appointed as Stitch's wardens by the Grand Councilwoman while Cobra Bubbles, who is revealed to be a former CIA agent, is enlisted to supervise the new family. After the first film's events, Nani has adjusted to life with an extended family, now living with both Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley.

Her regular occurrences include keeping the house in order, despite the color cast of characters that inhabit it, raising both Lilo and Stitch, working her job at the beach, and spending time with David, who she is said to have been dating for three weeks by the beginning of the film. Nani is preparing "Family Night" at the Pelekai household on an ordinary day, asking Jumba and Pleakley for assistance, though she faces denial on rather nonsensical accounts.

Later that day, Nani is visited by Moses, Lilo's hula instructor, who reports a recent altercation between the latter and Mertle Edmonds.

Nani invites Moses inside to talk over Lilo's behavior, but she is interrupted by a meddling Jumba and Pleakley, who disguises themselves as the Pelekai sisters' uncle and aunt, respectively, and try to convince Moses that Lilo's behavior was merely a misunderstanding.

Nani is then approached by David, who attempts to strike a date with the former, only to face rejection due to Nani's hectic schedule. Having enough of Jumba and Pleakley's attempts to help, Nani takes Moses and Lilo outside, where Lilo is given a warning: should her attitude remain low, she will be banned from an upcoming hula competition.

Over the following days, preparation for the competition and odd behavior with Stitch's programming said to be a malfunction by Jumba that, if not rectified, will result in Stitch losing his life begins to cause a rift in the relationship between Lilo and Stitch.

When Nani comforts Lilo one night, asking why the competition is so important to her, the older sister learns Lilo's stress and desire to win the competition result from the sisters' deceased mother, who won the same competition when she was Lilo's age.

With an understanding of Lilo's pain, Nani assures her younger sister that their mother would be proud of the former, just for being her.

In turn, Lilo assures Nani that their mother would be proud of her efforts at parenting, moving the older sibling. Also occurring throughout the days is a side story with David who, because of Pleakley's poor advice, believes his relationship with Nani is dwindling and struggles to save it.

When Dr. Bubbles for assistance while Lilo and Stitch set out to capture Experiment In this series, Nani doesn't have much of a role as she did in the first two films. She is usually seen working in a variety of jobs to support herself and Lilo. As always, she is concerned about Lilo's well-being, though she does allow Lilo to capture the rogue experiments. The episode " Retro " features Nani's middle school friends, who mistakenly believe that she is the Vice President of the company she works for.

She sometimes helps with the experiment-hunting, such as in the episode " Phantasmo " where she saves Lilo and Stitch from a ghost-like experiment. In " Link ", she and Stitch are stuck together by the titular experiment, forcing her to go about her duties at work with Stitch by her side. Though they initially butt heads, they find themselves enjoying the time they spent together by the end. They also come to discover the secret to dissolving the bind created by Link, which they use to help Lilo and Mertle.

In Babyfier , Lilo told she wanted to see Sludge Mummies, episode two: Attack of the Bones, but Nani overprotectively refused to let her see it. Later, while Nani was asleep, Stitch had the titular experiment transform her into a baby so Lilo could be in charge for once.

After Nani was transformed back to normal, she finally decided to take Lilo to see the scary movie she wanted to see to reward her for being babysitter for a day. In " Frenchfry ", she saved both the morbidly-fattened Lilo and Stitch from getting eaten by the cannibalistic Frenchfry , hence marking the only time she ever caught and rehabilitated an experiment.

Also in the series, Nani Pelekai doesn't even encounter Disney characters from other shows in the crossover episodes. Nani is seen after Lilo, Stitch, Jumba , and Pleakley return from the Galactic Federation with awards for the successful extraction of the experiments. Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley turn down their awards at first to stay on Earth, so as not to break Lilo's heart.

However, Lilo notices that they really do want their dream rewards and Nani convinces her that she's doing the right thing and showing "aloha spirit" by letting them go. She is present when Lilo sees the aliens off, and comforts her younger sister as they fly off into space. Following these events, Nani continues to comfort Lilo on her loss after realizing she is still visibly distraught by the recent events. When Lilo expresses worry over Stitch and notes that she's been trying to contact him, Nani notes that she'll need intergalactic technology in order to do so, which gives Lilo the idea to form an alliance with Stitch's cousin, Reuben to use his ship's contact computer.

He is designed to clone individuals into multiples of themselves, although their strength are divided between the clones. He can reverse the cloning to bring the clones back to just the original. Experiment is one of Dr. Stitch's evil immediate successor, he is designed to be a much improved version of Stitch with better and more powers without any of Stitch's weaknesses.

He also has an extra sense of humor his only weakness and is designed to never be able to turn good. One of Stitch's many "cousins" created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba, he designed to be an effective cleaner. He is designed to find anything people may ask for, and can even fly by spinning his ears like helicopter blades similar to Sonic character Tails and his two tails.

He was then ordered by an evil scientist called Dr. She is designed to annoy others with her constant barking. She is alternately called "Yapper" by Lilo, which was the name of the experiment's debut episode in The Series. Also, despite her experiment number, she is not a secret agent. He is designed to transform into a black hole.

He is designed to cause people to fall in love with the first person they see after he pecks them. Leroy, also known as Experiment as of June , is a genetic experiment by Dr.

Jumba Jookiba under the demands of Dr. Made from the Experiment template, he is Stitch's evil twin. However, Jumba implanted a fail-safe in him during his creation; if he listens to the song "Aloha 'Oe", he will shut down. This Hawaiian likes to hula, watch horror movies, photograph tourists especially fat tourists , listen to Elvis Presley, and take care of the genetic experiments, especially her best friend Stitch, all of whom she considers to be family. He is designed to charm enemies with his adorable looks to trick them into taking him in, then releasing an incredibly foul odor that will render a large area inhospitable minus for Agent Wendy Pleakleyand and other members of his specie, since they adore the smell.

Her devotions to Lilo also interfere with her relationship with David. However, he remains a constant friend to her and, later, becomes her love interest. Nani is noted to be a terrible cook, but excels greatly in mathematics and chemistry. Following the deaths of her parents, Nani carries the burden of supporting herself and Lilo both financially and emotionally.

She performs well under a great deal of stress, but is capable of losing her temper. A big sister first, a parent second, Nani contends with Lilo's oddities and behavioral quirks with varying, and contradicting, degrees of frustration and understanding.

While she may react with impulsive irritation, Nani will usually come back with kind words and assurance. She knows that Lilo is different from other children and goes out of her way to ensure that Lilo doesn't feel isolated. A good example would be her decision to get Lilo a dog to keep her company, and then quietly advising against the shelter manager's distaste for the name Stitch.

Her worst fear is having Lilo taken away from her. The stress from this fear is exacerbated by the stoic attitude of her latest social worker, Cobra Bubbles. Despite her dislike for him in the first film, she comes to trust and respect him.