Who is senator durbin
To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy. Accept More Information. Official co-sponsored this bill. Equality Act- S. View detail on Equality Act- S. Official has not yet co-sponsored this bill. Nomination of Dr. View detail on Nomination of Dr.
Rachel Levine to be Assistant Secretary of Health. Nomination of William Barr to be U. US - SRES A resolution reaffirming the support of the United States for the people of the Republic of South Sudan and calling on all parties to uphold their commitments to peace and dialogue as outlined in the revitalized peace agreement.
US - S A bill to establish the policy of the United States regarding the no-first-use of nuclear weapons. US - S A bill to ensure a fair process for negotiations of collective bargaining agreements under chapter 71 of title 5, United States Code. Trump to violate the law of armed conflict with respect to Iran.
US - SRES A resolution recognizing January 27, , as the anniversary of the first refugee and Muslim ban, calling on Congress to defund the Migrant Protection Protocols, and urging the President to restore refugee resettlement to historic norms.
Christopher Stevens, and Sean Smith, in recognition of their contributions to the Nation. US - S A bill to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to update and make publicly available EJScreen or an equivalent tool, and for other purposes. US - SRES A resolution calling on the Government of Cameroon and separatist armed groups from the English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions to end all violence, respect the human rights of all Cameroonians, and pursue a genuinely inclusive dialogue toward resolving the ongoing civil conflict in Anglophone Cameroon.
US - S VoteSafe Act of US - SRES A resolution condemning the practice of politically motivated imprisonment, calling for the immediate release of political prisoners in the Russian Federation, and urging action by the United States Government to impose sanctions with respect to persons responsible for that form of human rights abuse.
US - S Renewable Fuel Feedstock Reimbursement Act of US - S Congressional Power of the Purse Act US - SCONRES39 A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the constitutional rights of Americans to peaceably assemble, exercise freedom of speech, and petition the Government for redress of grievances must be respected; that violence and looting are unlawful, unacceptable, and contrary to the purpose of peaceful protests; and that Congress condemns the President of the United States for ordering Federal officers to use gas and rubber bullets against the Americans who were peaceably protesting in Lafayette Square in Washington, DC on the night of June 1, , thereby violating the constitutional rights of those peaceful protestors.
US - SRES A resolution condemning the crackdown on peaceful protestors in Belarus and calling for the imposition of sanctions on responsible officials. US - S Heroes Small Business Lifeline Act US - SRES A resolution denouncing the Maduro regime's efforts to hold fraudulent legislative elections, the absence of acceptable conditions to ensure free, fair, and transparent electoral processes in Venezuela, and the further erosion of Venezuelan democracy.
US - SRES A resolution urging the Government of Thailand to protect and uphold democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, and for other purposes. US - S A bill to amend title 11, United States Code, to add a bankruptcy chapter relating to the debt of individuals, and for other purposes.
US - S A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of to provide matching payments for retirement savings contributions by certain individuals. US - SRES A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the activities of Russian national Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his affiliated entities pose a threat to the national interest and national security of the United States.
Senator from the State of Illinois and the first Illinois senator to serve on the U. Senate Appropriations Committee in more than a quarter of a century. Elected to the U. Senate on November 5, and re- elected in and , Durbin fills the seat left vacant by the retirement of his long-time friend and mentor, U. Senator Paul Simon. In , Durbin helped establish the subcommittee to deal with better enforcement and implementation of human rights laws.
This marked the first time in history that the Senate created a subcommittee to deal exclusively with human rights issues. Senator Durbin makes approximately 50 round trips a year between Washington and Illinois.