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Why a guy approaches you

2022.01.11 16:02

This is because guys generally understand body language and actions more than words. Actions such as touching his arm or making eye contact or laughing at something funny he says, are strong indicators of interest. This can be especially true if they really like you and are worried about being rejected. But the only way to know if a guy is attracted to you is if they reciprocate your affection or are wanting to see you or spend time with you.

There are so many tips for women trying to find out if a man is secretly attracted to them. If a guy is secretly attracted to you, then he might not show it outwardly. But, eventually, if you want to be with him, his attraction has to come out of the shadows.

An unspoken attraction is when there is physical or body language, indicating that two people like one another. You may realize that somebody has sexual attraction to you if they flirt with you, or directly compliment you, or say sexual things to you.

It could be from the way that they look at you. These are signs that perhaps he is really attracted to you. Maybe you talk directly about sex, and it does not necessarily have to be about you having a sexual relationship with that person, but just sex in general.

You might be asking yourself, is he attracted to me, but not be sure? But, it could be that he is. Time will tell. You want to know whether a man is attracted to you or not so that you can figure out if you wish to keep seeing him or not. One way to know if a guy is attracted to you is that he holds his breath when he sees you. It depends on the guy, but many guys try to play it cool. But if a man is attracted to you, he will come out and show you in some way, shape, or form.

When a man likes you, the amount of time he spends with you will strengthen his crush. You may notice he sits with his legs close to yours. When there is chemistry, there is often a sexual attraction that both of you can sense or feel. When you look them in the eye, touch, embrace, kiss, or take things to the next level, there needs to be a feeling of excitement. It may not amount to a love story. A man is attracted to a potential partner who intrigues him.

One of the most compelling aspects of other human beings is the air of mystery. A man is attracted to what he feels is a challenge. Some men like a partner who tells it like it is. In this case, a man is attracted to brutal honesty. One of the most important things about chemistry is how the two people think.

In some cases, a man is attracted to someone who thinks the same way he does about matters. Having that Sympatico kind of connection is comforting. In other instances, a man is attracted to someone who thinks the opposite way. Both types of people are appealing for different reasons.

It could end up being something else. But you have to try to know if there is chemistry. A man is attracted to someone who he feels an unspoken bond with and a person who draws him in with their personality. Sometimes you may get mixed single and wonder if a man is attracted to you. The only way to know if the attraction is mutual is to have a candid conversation about how you feel about you.

If a man is attracted to you, he will let you know, and you can let him know. Unspoken is something that both people can feel because it is an innate human experience. You can be attracted to someone and not tell them and vice versa. Women may be seeking out a handsome man. This is a general question that cannot be answered because it is specific to each man.

Sexual attraction varies from person to person. There is no way of knowing what may appeal to one person or another. The most important thing is to find somebody who shows that they care about you as much as you care about them, and develop your own love story from there.

In a case where you are wondering whether or not a guy actually likes you or if he is just being friendly, most of the time, being the person in question, you most likely want the whole situation to favor you, especially if you already have some attraction towards him. Maybe for some time, you think you have been getting some signals from a colleague at work, or a friend you just started hanging out with recently, and you start to think, does he like me or is he just being nice?

If it is someone you really like, your endgame and desire remain that you want him to be interested in you. To get the right answers to the question does he like me or is he just being nice, it is important to separate emotions from reality as you do not want to be left hanging and rue your chances of finding love.

Although, it is believed that men do not show or express their feelings as much as women do, they, however, give subtle signs and clues which you can decode if you carefully pay attention. To help you answer the question does he like me or is he just being nice and friendly, you may need to think back on the sequence of discussions you both have had in the past. A guy who likes you will always be nice and polite in his approach towards you and he will always look for avenues to spend more time alone with you and get to know more about you- either by going on a date, through constant phone calls or chats- the subtle signs are always there if you pay close attention.

Also, he cannot stop staring at you. If you catch him stealing glances at you and quickly looking away when your eyes meet, he most likely likes you.

Anyone can stare but there are stares that pass a message of affection. Due to the nature of the work environment, a coworker who is interested in you is likely going to be very cautious especially if there are workplace policies against relationships and dating. As noted in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , research has shown that men are definitively more attracted to and drawn to women who are wearing the color red.

And even more telling, men rated women as being more physically appealing and sexually enticing when these women were wearing red as opposed to when these same women were wearing a different color. So why is wearing the color red so powerful when it comes to giving guys the green light to approach you? While red is often considered the color of romance, love, and even lust, some of the other reasons behind the color red's allure and appeal to the opposite sex may simply have to do with instinct.

In fact, your entire body can appear redder and more flushed when you're sexually aroused , and it's been thought that a woman's face has a redder hue during ovulation.

So if you want to attract more men to head your way, it's time to swap out your little black dress for a little red dress. Speaking of the color red, wearing red lipstick has also been specifically shown to lead men to approach a woman in social situations, and that's not just lip service. In fact, a study in the International Journal of Psychological Studies found that women in bars who were wearing red lipstick not only received more advances from men , but these women also waited a shorter amount of time between when they first entered the bar and when the men decided to approach them.

Along these lines, a study from Manchester University revealed that women who were wearing red lipstick were also able to hold a man's gaze on her face for a longer period of time as opposed to women who were wearing a lighter shade of lipstick. With this in mind, it's easy for you to pull off a red lip and turn on the guys around you. When looking more closely at the power of your mouth, another trick is for you to take the time to smile if you want a guy to approach you.

Specifically, the bigger your smile is, the more attractive that you'll appear to others, as discussed in Cognition and Emotion. So right off the bat, smiling can help you to appear more physically alluring and appealing to the opposite sex. To that end, a study in Psychological Science revealed that people have a higher preference for and gravitate more towards smiling faces over non-smiling faces.

And while it's not too surprising that having white teeth rather than yellowing teeth is also viewed as highly appealing, what may surprise you is that the quality of a person's teeth is actually considered to be representative of his or her ability to be a good mate , as noted in PLOS One. In a word, your teeth clue others in regarding your overall health and well-being, so having pearly whites sends a signal to men that you have true dating and mating potential.

If you're looking to persuade a man to approach you, making eye contact with him is also one of the all-time top tricks. In fact, a study from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland revealed that making direct eye contact with someone while smiling makes you appear more attractive and alluring than simply smiling without making eye contact. And even more telling, research from Bucknell University has shown that men aren't likely to approach a woman who hasn't made eye contact with him first, which is why making eye contact is an imperative step if you want a guy to walk over to you.

However, simply making eye contact with him once or twice may not be enough, as it's been shown that women typically have to make approximately 13 glances at the new object of their affection before he's totally ready and willing to approach. So if you want to catch a man's eye in every sense, continually making direct eye contact with him sends the direct signal that you want him to head in your direction.

If you're looking to draw men toward you, it's also important for you to make yourself totally approachable and welcoming. And that means putting away your phone and putting an end to distractions in general. After all, a guy isn't interested in approaching a woman who's staring down at her phone, as she appears totally disinterested in what's happening around her — and he believes she'll likely be disinterested in him as well. Along these lines, research in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships has shown that the simple act of having a cell phone around you can negatively impact the quality of your conversations with others, as its mere presence can be enough to draw some of your focus and attention away from the person with whom you're speaking.

When Relationships End In the beginning, it's exciting. The happiness and excitement of a new relationship can overpower everything else Nothing stays new forever, though. Break-up Do's and Don'ts Every situation is different. DO: Think over what you want and why you want it. Take time to consider your feelings and the reasons for your decision. Be true to yourself. Even if the other person might be hurt by your decision, it's OK to do what's right for you. You just need to do it in a sensitive way.

Think about what you'll say and how the other person might react. Will your BF or GF be surprised? Or even relieved? Thinking about the other person's point of view and feelings can help you be sensitive. It also helps you prepare. Do you think the person you're breaking up with might cry? Lose his or her temper? How will you deal with that kind of reaction? Have good intentions.

Let the other person know he or she matters to you. Think about the qualities you want to show toward the other person — like honesty, kindness, sensitivity, respect, and caring. Be honest — but not brutal. Tell the other person the things that attracted you in the first place, and what you like about him or her. Then say why you want to move on. Think of ways to be kind and gentle while still being honest.

Say it in person. You've shared a lot with each other. Respect that and show your good qualities by breaking up in person. If you live far away, try to video chat or at least make a phone call. Breaking up through texting or Facebook may seem easy. But think about how you'd feel if your BF or GF did that to you — and what your friends would say about that person's character!

If it helps, confide in someone you trust. It can help to talk through your feelings with a trusted friend. But be sure the person you confide in can keep it private until you have your actual break-up conversation with your BF or GF. That's one reason why parents, older sisters or brothers, and other adults can be great to talk to. They're not going to blab or let it slip out accidentally.

DON'T: Don't avoid the other person or the conversation you need to have. Dragging things out makes it harder in the long run — for you and your BF or GF. Plus, when people put things off, information can leak out anyway. You never want the person you're breaking up with to hear it from someone else before hearing it from you.